"Forget it, I forgive you, who makes me a broad-minded woman."

"The senior is the best. She is beautiful and kind-hearted. I like the senior the most."

"Haha, I'm not one of those little girls who will be obsessed with your sweet words." Anna covered her mouth and smiled: "So I'd better avoid these words."

"What sweet words? I'm telling the truth." Mu En said seriously.

"Just think you mean it."

Anna combed her long hair, which was a little messy due to the battle just now, tied the ends of her hair casually with a hair rope, and then smoothed it down to her chest, and then said:

"In that case, I'll leave first."

"Hey, senior sister is leaving now?"

"Otherwise? The purpose of delivering the antidote to my juniors has been achieved. Those disgusting bald and naked men who have appeared all the time have also been dealt with. Why should I stay here?"


The senior sister suddenly came closer, and the faint fragrance emanating from her body stimulated Mu En's nerves. Those eyes as clear as spring water stared at Mu En's eyes, slightly curved like crescent moons, revealing a touching charm.

"Junior, don't you want me to leave?"

"I..." Mu En's cheeks turned slightly red for a moment.

"Pfft, okay, I won't tease my junior anymore."

Before Mu En could react, Anna suddenly withdrew and backed away, walking into the darkness behind her with her hands behind her back.

"Then, goodbye, Junior Mu En."

"Okay then, goodbye, senior sister."

"Ah, right."

The senior sister suddenly turned around:

"As for that antidote, there are some precautions when drinking it."


"That's right."

Anna's expression was more serious than ever before, like a doctor telling a patient how much medicine he should take: "You must take off all your clothes when drinking, otherwise something terrible will happen."

"You want to drink it naked?" Mu En was shocked: "Is there really such a weird potion? Senior sister, are you lying to me? And what is this terrible thing?"

"This...you have to experience it yourself."

Anna smiled evilly, turned around and jumped into the darkness.


Mu En chased him to the window he had broken through before and looked out, but there was no one in the darkness behind the dormitory building.

"I always feel like senior sister left in such a hurry. Did she forget to turn off the gas at home?"

Mu En scratched his head.

Then he looked at the potion in his hand that was as clear as white water and seemed harmless to humans and animals.

I suddenly had a headache.

"So...should we listen to my senior sister?"

Mu En shook the potion in the bottle and thought seriously.

"With my senior sister's temperament, she must be lying to me. How can there be such a weird potion."

Mu En decided not to listen to Senior Sister Anna and directly unscrewed the cap of the potion bottle, preparing to drink it all in one gulp.

But as soon as the bottle was put to his mouth, he hesitated again.

If anyone else said that, he would definitely feel like they were deceiving him.

But if the senior sister said so...

Maybe she made Mu En feel that way on purpose.

The real pitfall is after drinking the potion without taking off your clothes.

A suit within a suit?

Mu En couldn't help but think.

But what if the senior sister had even anticipated this level?

She just wanted to make a fool of herself, maybe she was still hiding somewhere and watching secretly.

Set within a set within a set?

"As expected of you, senior sister."

To think that just one sentence can make me, Moon Campbell, so upset. Only you, senior sister, can do it.

"never mind."

Mu En gritted her teeth.

"So what if the senior sister sees it? A grown man like me is still afraid of this?"

Mu En felt that it was better to keep a steady hand.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

So Mu En took a deep breath and stripped herself naked.

“See no evil, see no evil.”

Mu En closed her eyes, raised her head and drank the potion in one gulp.


A fierce burning sensation came.

Mu En's skin turned as red as fire.

It seemed that high temperature really broke out inside the body, and wisps of white smoke came out of Mu En's head.

"So hot!"

Mu En finally understood why the senior asked him to take off his clothes.

She was telling the truth, this potion cannot be drunk with clothes on.

Because in such a scalding high temperature, if you are still wearing clothes, it might be able to catch fire directly!

Fortunately, this painful feeling only lasted for a moment. Soon, Mu En felt that something was missing from her body, and her whole body felt much lighter.

Mu En opened her eyes, and in the floor-length mirror in front of her, the handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes also smiled.

"Ah, my strong biceps."

"Ah, my strong pecs."

"Ah, my beautiful abs."

"It's back, it's all back."

Looking at herself in the mirror who was still a macho man, Mu En couldn't help but feel happy.

This is better, this is better.

Beauty or something, you still have to hold it in your arms (or be held in your arms?) to feel it, so forget about becoming a beauty yourself, you can't bear it.

"Speaking of which, this medicine shouldn't be the antidote to the transformation potion."

Mu En touched her chin and thought.

If there was an antidote, the process shouldn't be so intense.

And judging from the feeling just now, it's not like dispelling a magic potion, but more like forcing a fire to burn away the disguise on Mu En's body.

"In other words, after discovering the effect of the transformation potion, the senior sister directly prepared a potion to counteract this effect?"

Mu En praised:

"As expected of me, senior sister. The president of the Ancient Potion Club is not in vain."

"If I have a chance in the future, I have to learn from my senior sister."

"But that can be discussed later. Now..."

Mu En looked around.

The previous clothes must not be worn anymore. After all, they have been displayed in front of so many people. If I still wear them when I go out, there is no guarantee that some people with particularly sharp minds will not notice the clues and create unnecessary associations.

I have to look in this unknown dormitory for any emergency clothing.

Of course, necessary compensation will definitely be provided in time.

"The owner of the room seems to like to exercise his muscles."

After walking around the room casually, Mu En couldn't help but smile when she looked at the dumbbells, barbells and other exercise equipment all over the room.

16. It is impossible for a person to fall twice in the same place.

After walking around the room and not finding any clothes outside, Mu En finally landed on a wardrobe that seemed to have fallen to the ground because of being hit just now.

"It's not theft, it's not theft. I only took one piece of clothing. I will compensate you twice, oh no, ten times later."

After thinking silently in his mind to make sure that he was not doing something bad, Mu En reached out and prepared to open the closet.

"Huh? Why can't you pull it?"

Mu En looked at the wardrobe in front of her, showing some doubts.

Then he looked down the gap in the closet door and was instantly shocked.

"I'll go, so many locks?"

Because the light in the room was dim, I didn't pay attention just now. Now that my eyes have adapted to the dark environment, Mu En discovered...

There are at least a dozen locks hanging on the broken wardrobe in front of me!

"What the hell? Are there gold bars stolen from the bank locked inside?"

Mu En straightened up and suddenly became troubled.

If other people lock it like this, it means there is something very important inside. I can't just pry the lock open like this.

Although it is not difficult for him to pick these locks.

"Forget it, think of other ways. Wrapping yourself in a quilt won't prevent you from seeing people."

Mu En was about to grab a sheet from the bed next to her for temporary relief, but she glanced at the side of the wardrobe from the corner of her eye.

There seemed to be a crack there due to the impact just now, and a piece of black clothing emerged from the crack.

"Is it really just a wardrobe?"

No matter how many locks there are on the wardrobe, it is just an ordinary wooden wardrobe.

A thing that can be blasted away with one punch, what kind of protective role can it be expected to play?

If you really have something so precious, why not get a safe?


Mu En rubbed her hands with some joy.

"You fell out on your own, don't blame me."

After saying that, he reached out and grabbed the corner of the clothing and pulled hard...

Then the corners of his mouth that had just been outlined suddenly froze.

"These are...underwear?"

Mu En looked at the familiar-looking men's underwear in her hand, and her expression immediately turned disgusting.

A beautiful woman’s fat sex is always exciting, but a man’s thing is a bit...

Fortunately, maybe because I pulled too hard, when the underwear came out, it also brought other clothes in the closet with it, revealing a dark corner again.

So Mu En threw away the underwear in her hand, grabbed the corner and pulled it again——

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