As if he felt the threat from the dagger, the high priest roared with a ferocious face, and his only remaining left hand suddenly grabbed Anna.

Anna's eyes flickered slightly.

The high priest in a state of complete victory could not keep up with her speed, let alone him who was already seriously injured?

Without wasting time, she turned directly into a misty black shadow, dodged the high priest's last struggle, and stabbed the Holy Prayer Dagger into the high priest's heart.


The moment the Holy Prayer Dagger stabbed into the heart, it seemed that he suffered unbearable pain. The high priest's face was distorted, his eyes rolled back, and accompanied by a violent body spasm, his vitality dissipated from his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's over."

After confirming that the high priest's pulse and heartbeat had disappeared, Anna breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked towards Mu En, showing a charming smile.

"How is it, junior brother, senior sister, I..."

Before the voice fell.

Something strange happened.

In the slightly dazed eyes of Mu En and Ariel.

The flesh and blood on the hideous wound on the high priest's shoulder suddenly began to wriggle violently.

"This is..."

Looking at this disgusting scene, Mu En suddenly remembered some bad scenes that had impressed him deeply.

A bad premonition enveloped his heart, and Mu En couldn't help shouting:

"Senior sister, be careful!"

But accidents always come faster.

From the hideous wound on the high priest's shoulder, a new and strong arm, with blood and smelly mucous membrane, suddenly stretched out from the wriggling flesh and blood.

Then, he caught the big knife that fell from the old limb.

Grip it tightly,

and slashed it down suddenly.

Anna looked back, but it was too late. No matter how agile she was, she couldn't avoid such a close attack without preparation.

She could only subconsciously stretch out her arm and instinctively block it.

"Senior sister!"

Mu En's teeth were about to crack, and his body moved involuntarily.


But as his body sank, Ariel pressed him back.

"A delicate beauty like you, don't move at this time, leave it to me."

Ariel handsomely lifted her bangs again, wielded the sword, and rushed over without looking back.

Very fast.

Very fast.

Ariel's speed at this moment actually surpassed Mu En's shadow step to a certain extent.


it was still too late.

Because the knife had already fallen.

The moment the blade touched Anna's arm, Mu En seemed to have seen the big knife cut off her limbs, and then left hideous marks on her delicate body without stopping.

The heartbeat seemed to stop.

The breathing seemed to stop.

Only the shadow of the knife fell on the flesh and blood of a girl.


The scene that Mu En expected did not appear.

The moment the blade touched Anna's arm, Mu En seemed to hear the sound of metal colliding.


Metal colliding?

Mu En suddenly widened his eyes.

The mottled light was shaking.

At the moment when the cloth on the senior sister's sleeve was torn by the blade, Mu En vaguely saw a little light reflected from the dense and smooth things on the senior sister Anna's arm.

It looked like scales.

Snake scales.

But the picture was only a flash for a moment, and before Mu En could confirm it, Anna suddenly retracted her hand and pulled back.

At this moment, Ariel finally arrived, and the flaming sword in her hand suddenly pierced into the body of the high priest, and the huge force pushed him back.

Anna came to Mu En's side, pulled his arm with her other hand, and moved quickly in another direction.

"Let's go."

"Huh? Just leave like that? Ariel's side is not taken care of?"

"It's okay. Even if the monster is still alive, it is already seriously injured. Ariel can handle it.


Senior Anna suddenly tilted her head, as if listening to something, and said:

"Didn't you notice? Someone has come up."


Mu En frowned and listened carefully, but the noise around was too noisy and he couldn't hear anything.

"Let's go."

Anna pulled Mu En and jumped down from the shadow on the other side of the dormitory building. The long whip in her hand spread out and wrapped around the railing of the rooftop. Then her figure swayed slightly and crashed into someone's dormitory.

With the skills of the two, this was not a difficult move, so they landed easily and steadily.

After landing, Mu En asked anxiously without taking a look at the surrounding environment:

"Senior, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Really? But your hand..."

Anna pulled her sleeves to cover her arms and smiled:

"I'm really fine, junior, don't worry."


Mu En looked at Senior Anna's face.

Senior Anna was indeed smiling at this time, and that smile was still charming, but Mu En seemed to be able to read the indifference from her pretty face that kept people away from her.

I can't ask anymore, Mu En thought.

"What should we do next?"

The vibration upstairs became more and more obvious, and it seemed that just like Senior Anna, a new powerful force had joined the battlefield.

"It seems that we don't have to worry about it up there."

Anna stroked her cheek and glanced up at the top of her head.

"So, since the first goal of saving my junior has been achieved, let's complete my second goal next."

"The second... goal?"

Looking at Senior Anna's increasingly bright smile, Mu En suddenly had a bad premonition.

PS: There is another chapter at twelve o'clock.

15. Antidote

"don't want!"

"Come on~"

"Absolutely not!"

"Just a little bit~"

"Not even once or twice!"

Mu En's eyes widened with anger, his words were sonorous and powerful, his face was majestic like a brave man who would never frown in the face of a life and death crisis, and then he shivered in the corner and said:

"A man is a strong man. He is a strong man in body and a strong heart in his heart. He will never do such a shameful thing!"


The senior sister put away the little skirt in her hands with a pity look on her face: "Since junior brother doesn't want to, then forget it."


Mu En blinked in confusion.

When did senior sister become so easy to talk to?

"what are you thinking about?"

As if she could see Mu En's thoughts at the moment, the senior sister stretched out her finger angrily and flicked Mu En's forehead:

"Am I like the kind of bad senior who forces juniors to do things they don't want to do?"


Mu En smiled and scratched his head:

"After all, senior sister is so gentle."


"Huh? What's wrong, senior?" Mu En asked, looking at the senior who looked a little confused.


Anna shook her head with a smile:

"By the way, this is for you."

Anna threw a vial to Moon.

"What's this?"

Mu En looked at the transparent pure liquid in the vial curiously:

"Some kind of magic potion again?"

"Yes, it is indeed a magic potion."

Anna said: "But if you want to talk about it in detail, it is the antidote to the magic potion you drank."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, showing ecstasy:



Anna rolled her eyes, charmingly:

"In the eyes of my juniors, am I the kind of woman who talks nonsense?"

"Uh... I'm sorry, senior, I'm too excited."

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