But the biggest problem is no longer there. It is not that there are no crown-wearers in the academy. In addition, with the existence of the Grand Secret Ceremony, if there are only crown-wearers, unless seven or eight of them come at once, it is impossible to shake the foundation of the college.

The biggest problem is...

Using the person who wears the crown as a container and medium, how much power can the God of Love... project?

"Speaking of which, I think the person wearing the crown looks familiar."

Looking at that almost perfect pretty face, Pink Bear couldn't help but pinch her chin and think.

I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere.

But that's not right. As long as he has seen a beautiful woman, he will never forget it.

"Could it be that……"

Pink Bear seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly took out his treasured book of "Photographs of Saints" and started flipping through it quickly.

When he turned to a certain page, his bear claws suddenly paused, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"I see……"

"This crowned person is actually the former saint of the Church of Life?"

"But didn't that saint announce her retirement twenty years ago? There are rumors that she married her lover and then went to the world of two."


The pink bear seemed to have woken up and looked up at the sad saint. Unknowingly, a trace of pity appeared on his expression.

"What a near god, but he is just a mortal who will be contaminated and corrupted by the twisted love in his heart."


"I'll go, there's no need for this."

When the beautiful figure in a gorgeous white dress walked out of the scriptures, Mu En felt a chill that made her scalp numb.

Because he also saw the gorgeous crown on the figure's head that was difficult to look at.

The one who wears the crown!

This is actually a crown-wearer!

The god of love actually sent a crowned one to hunt him down?

No, I'm just a little bug in your eyes now. Even if I make you angry again, I won't just drive a bulldozer and crush me to death.



Mu En reacted quickly.

The purpose, or the true purpose, of loving God is not Him at all.

Because the one wearing the crown had not even looked at him since he appeared.

The bottom of the academy she had been looking at seemed to be staring at something through the thick rock formations.

In those holy and flawless, but extremely empty eyes, there was a hint of greed that did not belong to her.

She was looking for something, something extremely important.

But that didn't stop her from killing this annoying guy like Mu En.

As a result, her little finger moved slightly in her hands that were hanging naturally.

The next moment, Mu En felt as if an invisible dump truck hit his chest. A huge force hit him. With a muffled groan, he spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Just by moving his fingers, Mu En was seriously injured instantly.

But when Saint Jingyi continued to move her little finger slightly, preparing to kill this annoying guy directly, a figure suddenly appeared next to him.

Professor Grant.

He grabbed Mu En's shoulder and threw out a handkerchief.

The handkerchief suddenly grew larger and enveloped the two of them.

Then, like a magic trick, the handkerchief with two human-shaped outlines suddenly lost its support and fell to the ground with the wind.

The two disappeared and became completely alive.

Saint Jingyi withdrew her peripheral vision.

Ignore the escaping Ge Lan and Mu En.

There will be plenty of opportunities to kill that hateful bug in the future, but now, there are more important things to do.

Saint Jingyi suddenly raised her hands, those slender, white hands without any blemishes.

Aimed at the entire academy in the night.

Put your fingers together and hold them empty.

It's like holding the wedge that fixes the sky and the earth.

Then, pull it out!

Heaven and earth are shaken!

The entire college trembled, and an imperceptible crack suddenly appeared on the periphery of the college, quickly extended, and finally closed after a full circle around the college.

The foundation of the entire academy inside the crack is gradually rising, as if some force powerful enough to shake the world is uprooting the entire academy!


A sigh.

Professor Prang, holding a cane in one hand and a pink star wand in the other, stood in front of Saint Purity.

"Long time no see, Belena."

Professor Pu Lang looked at Saint Jingyi with a sad expression, and in those old eyes, there was sadness that time could not erase:

"My proudest student."

Although Saint Jingyi still looks like an immature girl on the outside, as one of the few strong men in the entire human world, she is actually no longer young.

Even Pink Bear or Dean Hathaway, who is in charge of this college, are actually her juniors.

When she entered the college, Professor Plan was just a young teacher who had just entered the education world, so it was extremely honorable for him at that time to be able to train an outstanding saint. .

Until now, few of the students trained by Professor Plan have achieved the same level as this famous saint.

But it wasn't because of the great achievements or high status of this saint who had saved countless people that he cared so much about her.

But during the years I spent with her as a girl, I was truly infected by her innocence, liveliness, kindness, and her noble qualities like gems.

She said she was a teacher, but in fact, he learned more from her in those years.

So he has always loved this child, just like a father, watching her grow from a fledgling to a flying white swan, he was only relieved.

"I just didn't expect that after decades of reunion, it would be like this."

Professor Plan clenched his crutches, and the veins on the back of his hand jumped.

"The word fate is really hard to figure out."

"Woo woo woo--"

The empty eyes of the Saint Jingyi showed no emotion, only coldness.

But her expression became more and more sad.

"So that's it, in order to completely control you, the evil god has almost completely wiped out your consciousness?"

Looking at this look of Belena, Professor Plan suddenly realized.

Then, a smile appeared on that old and sad face.

"Yes, this is you."

"This is the Saint of Jingyi who is worshipped by countless people and whose statues still stand in many places!"

"If you have your own consciousness, you will definitely fight against the evil god until the last moment."

"So even if the evil god pollutes you, he can only control you after completely erasing your consciousness!"

But even if she was controlled, the saint was still crying instinctively.

Using mournful cries, she resisted the hymn that seemed to be able to erode people's consciousness and penetrate everywhere.

"Okay, okay! This is my student!"

Professor Plan laughed heartily, but his eyes, which had been dry for decades, suddenly became wet.

"Since my students are already good enough, I, as a teacher, can't be too embarrassed."

Professor Plan slammed the cane in his hand down.

Even though his feet were stepping on the air, the cane made a majestic sound like metal colliding.

"Teacher is here to save you, Belena!"

Before he finished speaking.

In an instant.

Deep in the ground of St. Mary's College, huge gears turned and meshed with each other, huge pivots moved and collided, and endless magic power was extracted from the earth veins, and then transported to the huge network throughout the underground of St. Mary along the pipelines that were like blood vessels.


On the periphery of St. Mary's College, twelve buildings flashing with cold metal light rose from the ground, raising a cloud of smoke and dust.


Those were twelve pitch-black towers, and when these twelve towers stood up, the ground of St. Mary shook violently, and the foundation that was already hanging high was nailed back again.

This time, it was extremely stable, without even the slightest shake.

After that, on the pitch-black towers, mysterious patterns lit up, and the huge magic power extracted from the earth veins, under the control of the great secret instrument, gathered into layers of magic structures, constantly overlapping, and finally formed a semicircular barrier covering the entire St. Mary.

Above the sky, the increasingly large blue moon seemed to have finally stopped approaching.

But Professor Prang understood that it was only temporary.

The second-level Great Secret Ritual alone, even if fully opened, could not stop a mad evil god from coming directly.

However, it was only to delay Him.

After all, how could someone else disturb the short reunion time with a beloved student?

PS: This plot is mainly to expand the world view and introduce an important person, and then it will completely enter the personal strategy line of a certain heroine, so don't worry if you want to see the emotional line.

PPS: I am not very good at writing fighting, so the fighting plot will generally be accelerated, and it will be resolved in about one or two chapters. Those who don't like fighting plots can wait a little.

26. Teacher

In the breeze of the world that was blowing again, Professor Prang's old eyes suddenly became extremely cold, as if a terrible breath that did not belong to an old man rose from his skinny body.

On his head, an ancient crown also condensed from the faint light, and then it quickly floated up like the pure air at the beginning of the world.

Then, until the center of the semicircular barrier, it seemed that an illusory throne had been cast here. When the crown merged into the throne, an illusory shadow also sat quietly on the throne, looking coldly at all things in the world.

In an instant, the world in Professor Plan's eyes was no longer the same.

With the authority of the second-level Great Secret Ritual fully open, everything in the entire Saint Mary College was clearly visible in his eyes, trees, weeds, fish and insects, silent teaching buildings in the shadows, every subtle change of every thing could not escape his eyes, everything appeared in his mind, everything seemed to be held in his palm at this moment, and he could control it at will.


This wonderful feeling of being able to control everything made Professor Plan, whose body had long been aging, feel full of energy again.

It was as if he had returned to his young self.

Unfortunately, the girl I met when I was young... is gone!

Professor Plan raised his hand, and the twelve black towers roared. Infinite magic power, along with the Great Secret, was poured into his body that briefly had vitality.

A glimmer seemed to light up in his old eyes.

Then, the perfectly divided hexagonal structure fell from the sky, grew from the ground, and stacked layer by layer, like a huge millstone that could crush all tangible things, crushing the saint with white wings on her back.


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