A sharp roar suddenly appeared in the grief-stricken cry of the Saint Jingyi, as if some existence, through her body, showed its anger and madness to the lowly termite in front of it.

Saint Jingyi raised her hand, clenched her fist, and then smashed!

There was no rules, no moves, and even for a saint, this action seemed too rough, more like a shrew fighting in the market.

But when the petite fist fell, the stacked structures shook violently.

Those perfect hexagons that fit together were bent directly under the unspeakable terrifying force, and the entire space began to vibrate and twist, making a teeth-grinding sound like metal tearing.

"Although you have become a saint admired by thousands of people, your way of fighting is still so simple and rough."

Professor Plan laughed bitterly.

It was as if he had to deal with the mess of those fights for her.

"In that case..."

Professor Plan opened his arms.

Behind him, golden lines extended and intersected, and then formed a mysterious and complex pattern.

Instant magic array. .

The instant magic array that should have been engraved on gold and gems with mercury and animal blood was constructed in the void by Professor Plan with unimaginable magic attainments. Huge magic power gathered on it, gradually brewing into a storm and sea of ​​fire representing destruction!

Professor Plan's face was cold and he issued an amnesty order.


So, countless huge and terrifying magic, supported by infinite magic power, fired continuously, forming a saturated magic attack that illuminated the entire night sky.

Compared with the magic array constructed by Professor Plan alone, the magic attack launched by hundreds of students before was like the difference between drizzle and a storm that set off a tsunami!

This is the horror of a great magician at the peak of truth. As long as there is sufficient magic support, one person is enough to match a magic army!

This time, the Saint of Jingyi naturally did not dare to resist with her hands. Eating this kind of candy would at least end up with a broken stomach.

The wings behind her spread out, and then closed, perfectly protecting her figure. The pure white light expanded, just like a holy land, refusing any unclean things to enter.




It was like ten suns rising together, and the bright light rendered the night sky as bright as day.

Even if it was a holy land built by the authority of the gods, after all, the gods could not really descend. The holy land was difficult to maintain in front of this pure and huge power, and gradually clear cracks appeared, and then... it was completely pierced!

Endless heat and light poured into the holy land, rushing towards the delicate figure protected by the white wings, as if to burn it completely into ashes.

Professor Plan raised his hand to hold down his hat to avoid being blown away by the scorching air waves and strong winds.

He narrowed his eyes and stared carefully at the scene that was difficult to see due to the distortion of space caused by the blazing light and violent explosion.

The attack just now can be said to have exhausted all his life's learning, and directly consumed nearly 30% of the magic power extracted by the academy from the earth veins. Not to mention a crowned person, even the undead who guards the cemetery of the church should have turned into ashes if he was hit by this attack head-on.

But for some reason, the uneasiness in Professor Plan's heart did not subside at all.

In fact, it was even stronger.

It seemed that something more terrible was about to happen.

In his realm, every omen had its origin, so he did not dare to relax.

The magic array behind him lit up again, ready for the second round of attack at any time.

Suddenly, his vision was trance.

Professor Plan's heart tightened.

The magic array was ready to fire... but he was suddenly stunned.

It was as if the idea of ​​activating the magic array was suddenly erased from his mind.

After a short period of stagnation, the space in front of Professor Plan was suddenly torn open.

The Saint of Jingyi took a step out of the space.

It can be seen that the previous blow did not make her feel good. The white wings were broken, leaving only half of the pitiful wings trembling slightly. Her hands were charred and no longer white, and her perfect face was now covered with cracks like broken porcelain.

But when she appeared, the whole world became dim.

Even the bright light produced by the explosion seemed a little insignificant at this moment.

Because in her hand, it seemed that she was holding the brightest light in the world.

It was a sword.

A sword that had neither exquisite patterns nor dazzling gems, and looked extremely ordinary, like a semi-finished product.

But when the sword appeared, there was nothing more conspicuous between heaven and earth than the sword.

"Fuck, holy sword?" A bear in the basement of the academy exclaimed.

But no one heard it, and no one cared.

Because in the place where many eyes gathered, the Saint of Jingyi raised the holy sword in her hand and stabbed Professor Plan's heart.

At that moment, everyone's breathing seemed to stop.

Infinite hexagonal structures were stacked up in front of Professor Plan in an instant, intending to force the Holy Maiden of the Pure Ceremony to retreat.

However, in front of the light of the Holy Sword, everything was completely purified. The layers of structures under the control of the Great Secret Ceremony had no effect and collapsed into pure magic again.


The sound of flesh being torn apart sounded, and blood splattered everywhere.

Professor Plan lowered his head dully and looked at his chest.

The holy sword sank into his body, and infinite light poured in, bringing a burning sensation like fire.

He coughed up blood, and his mouth and nose seemed to be shining.

He should have died.

He was stabbed in the vitals by the holy sword, even with the protection of the Great Secret Ceremony, he should have died.

But he didn't die, because the holy sword pierced... the right chest.

He looked up in astonishment.

The empty left eye of the Holy Maiden of Pure Ceremony seemed to have regained a touch of spirit.

So, in the crying that was still like the wind, there was a sad cry.


27. Blazing Blade


The inaudible cry was mixed in the sad cry.

This was not the awakening of consciousness, but a girl, who had called out like this countless times, engraved it in her bones, and then revealed a trace of instinct here.

[Teacher Prang, can I go out to play? ]

[Teacher Prang, I got 100 points in the martial arts test, isn't that great? When will I get such a high score in the magic test? Hehe, I don't know. ]

[Teacher, I didn't fight! It was these bad guys who hit my fist. ]

[Teacher, you will get wrinkles if you get angry so easily. ]


[Teacher, I decided to become a saint in the future.

Ask me why? Because... because saint sounds very cool, doesn't it?

Wearing a white gauze skirt, smiling and bringing salvation to the world under the guidance of God - and then using fists to blow up all the bad guys, this is so cool.

Saints can't get married? I don't care. If I find true love, I will definitely pursue it bravely. ]


[Teacher, you will bless me, right? ]

Those voices that have never faded in the past echoed in my mind again, so clear. The old man was stunned for a moment, and then from his old eyes, a lava-like anger burst out.

"Love-God! I-fuck-your-mother!"

The old man roared like a lion, and those dirty words that he had abandoned since he became a teacher splashed out of his mouth.

The flame surged in his palm. The old man's gem-studded cane, which he usually carefully maintained, was melted in the fire, and then turned into a twisted black blade.

The old man held the blade tightly and moved forward against the light of the holy sword.


The blade filled with fire and hatred was stabbed into the girl's chest.

This time it was the heart, accurately.

So, in the old man's other hand, the pink star staff, which was the center of the great secret ceremony, trembled slightly, and the crown fused on the barrier also trembled together.

As if in resonance.

The huge organization under the academy once again operated with unprecedented vitality. The huge power, with the old man's skinny body as the medium, madly poured into the body of the saint.

With the heart that had long stopped beating as the center, layers of tiny but still precise structures rapidly proliferated along the saint's blood, flesh, bones and skin, constantly searching, oppressing, and then expelling the power and mark of the corrupted god.

"Get out of this body, God of Love!" The old man roared again.

With the continuous influx of power, the saint's body continued to spasm and tremble, as if something was escaping and struggling in her body, but was oppressed by the precise structure that was pushed forward inch by inch, and the space of existence was oppressed bit by bit.

The cracks on the saint's delicate face became clearer, and from behind the cracks, a terrifying will of a higher level cast its sights on the old man.





You use all your power here, does it mean that the other side is very weak?

The next moment.

The saint suddenly retched, and then a hideous meat ball was vomited out by her. An eye appeared on the meat ball, but the eye just glanced at Professor Plan coldly, and then controlled the meat ball to fly towards the sky without any nostalgia.

The saint's face gradually broke, as if she had lost some kind of power to support her, and her body began to dry and decay.

Looking at the gradually broken face, Professor Plan felt his heart twitch again.

But he quickly came to his senses and chased the remnant of the god of love - the meat ball.

Above the sky, there was a blue moon hanging high.

A chill suddenly arose in his heart.

Regardless of the injury on his chest, Professor Plan waved the pink star wand in his hand fiercely.

Infinite structures stacked layer by layer, quickly chasing after the meat ball.

But it was too late.

Or rather, the God of Love was too decisive. After the first wave of attacks was blocked by Professor Plan, He gave up the precious body of the Crowned One without hesitation and went to urge the second protagonist of today to appear.

With a snap.

The meat ball hit the barrier.

Like a mosquito flying at high speed at night, it hit the glass.

The meat ball shattered instantly and turned into a pool of meat mud.

And in the meat mud, there were suddenly wriggling buds that proliferated rapidly and grew rapidly along the barrier.

Like some kind of plant with tenacious vitality, it kept extending its roots and drilling into the barrier.


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