Before Professor Plank's attack could reach him, the clear and crisp sound from the barrier made his face instantly darken.

A crack appeared on the barrier.

Just like once there is a leak in the dam, it will no longer be able to stop the collapse. A large number of granules crazily follow the cracks and drill in.


Click, click, click...

More cracks gradually appeared. Even if the Great Secret Instrument continued to infuse magic power with the intention of repairing the barrier, the granulations that had penetrated were like bullet casings embedded in the flesh, preventing the barrier from healing.

And outside the barrier, the huge blue moon became increasingly clear.

A ray of moonlight seeped in through the cracks in the barrier.

Then two.

Three ways.

Countless ways.

Until it was penetrated into hundreds of holes, the barrier that resisted Blue Moon was finally completely broken.


A huge blue moon that already occupied half of the sky appeared above Santa Maria.

The moon is too huge, and everything in the world seems so small in front of it, so the craters and shadows above are exceptionally clear, faintly forming a ferocious face.

And under the moonlight, countless shadows on the ground swayed, like evil ghosts smelling the scent of flesh and blood, wandering in this lonely academy.

Looking at the blue moon, Professor Pu Lang felt cold all over.

The blood in his chest was still flowing.

It was precisely because of this that he felt real despair.

Just facing the God of Love who came through the medium, he had already exhausted all his power and means.

So next, how should he deal with the terrifying existence in front of him that relies on the special nature of his authority to directly descend part of his true body?

"I didn't expect that the Pure Purity Saint would be contaminated by the evil god."

In the big bell tower, Professor Grant looked at everything that happened. He was always not serious, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"However, after paying such a high price, it seems that these two are determined to get that thing under the academy this time. I really don't know what they are after."

"The behavior of the God of Love is understandable. According to our human perspective, He is a madman, so it is not surprising that he did anything. But what is puzzling to us is..."

In the darkness, other old voices came out:

"Other one, why do you do this?"


There was a brief silence.

The dim candlelight flickered, illuminating those extremely old figures.

Most of them were wearing crutches, their faces were covered with age spots, and their bodies exuded an aura of decay. Some of them had even just been shaken awake from the coffins prepared for themselves.

But even if they are old, these old people will not be looked down upon by anyone, because each of them is an absolute master in their respective fields. As long as their names are released, it will cause a big stir in the academic circles of the entire empire. earthquake.

They are the true cornerstone of Santa Maria College.

A total of seventeen tenured professors from St. Mary's College, except Professor Plann who is still fighting the evil god in the sky, all gathered here.

When they make a decision here, not even the dean of the college can change it.

PS: This book has the most knife-wielding supporting characters to enhance the richness of the plot, and the main character can't do it. After all, it can be seen from my writing style that this is a light-hearted and enjoyable story with a bit of nonsense, well, probably.

28. Voting

"It seems that we have been in the dark underground for too long, and a lot of news from the outside world has been delayed."

The old man with a majestic face sighed: "Some big event must have happened that we don't know about."

"That old guy Prang seems to know something, but he doesn't tell me. It seems like it's because of some silent contract." Professor Grant shrugged.

"Since Pu Lang knows, it doesn't matter. He has his own sense of proportion, and we old people with half a foot in the coffin can't do much even if we know."

"So free and easy." Professor Grant whistled habitually.

"Hmph, I don't want to lick myself before I get ready to sleep."

The old man sneered, looked at Professor Grant and asked:

"So you dragged us all up, maybe you were here to catch up with old people like us who are about to die."

"I also want to catch up on old times, but now doesn't seem like the right time."

Professor Grant became unusually serious:

“I woke you all up just for one thing.

——Would you like to wake that person up now? "


As Professor Grant's words fell, the entire dark room suddenly fell into silence, and only the broken bellows-like breathing of an old man could be heard.

It seems that everyone is seriously thinking about the heavy meaning contained in these four light words of "wake up the one".

After a long time, the old man with a majestic face broke the silence and sighed:

"Has the academy come this far?"

"Who says it's not?"

Professor Grant looked out the window. At this moment, the twelve towers had just risen, nailing the entire academy back to the earth.

"Naturally, with the protection of the second layer of great secret rituals, coupled with Pu Lang's own strength, it can be said that unless the pope comes in person with the scepter in hand, I am afraid no one can defeat him.

But the opponent is not human after all. "

Professor Grant couldn't help but sigh: "Two evil gods teamed up to attack the college, and one of them came with a partial true form. This kind of thing has never been heard of in the millennium history of the college, so it doesn't matter whether Pu Lang can do it or not. To win, we all have to be prepared for the worst, or the worst.”

"Ask for help?"

Suddenly someone said: "This is Belland after all, and there are many strong people, and it is impossible for the palace to just sit idly by."

"good idea."

Professor Grant snapped his fingers, "But professor, have you discovered a problem?"


"It's too slow. If there are reinforcements, they will come too slowly."

Professor Grant said:

"How far is it from Belland? How far is it from the palace? And how fast is the person wearing the crown traveling? Or do you think that with such a big movement, those strong men are all blind? I did a rough calculation, Bell Rand's top experts only needed about three to five minutes at most from the time they discovered something strange here to coming to investigate. How long has it been now?

The slightest movement now means..."

Professor Grant raised his head and stared at the bright blue moon slowly approaching in the sky:

“The entire academy may have been blocked by that person.

In other words, the so-called asking for help was an impossible option from the beginning. "

"Sounds like a pretty desperate scenario."

After a brief silence, the majestic old man lowered his eyelids, seemingly making a decision:

"Then there's nothing to hesitate about. As per the old rules, let's vote. Those who agree to wake up the person...raise their hands."

The majestic old man was the first to raise his hand.

And then there's Professor Gulen.

Then, dry arms were lifted up scatteredly.

"Then, the number of people who agreed...a total of sixteen."

Professor Grant took a cursory glance and found that everyone had their hands raised except the professor who just raised the question.

"I still feel like this is inappropriate."

The professor sighed:

"This is too cruel for that person."

"But if we didn't wake him up at this time, he would definitely be angry when he wakes up and finds that the academy has been destroyed."

A wry smile appeared on the face of the majestic old man, as if he was remembering those bad scenes in the long past:

"I don't want to be scolded by that bitch again."

"In that case, let's do it. There's no need to worry about this kind of thing."

Professor Grant clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention:

"Then the second question - who is going to wake that person up?"


As soon as Professor Grant finished speaking, the room fell silent again.

But this time it was different. While everyone was silent, Professor Grant felt a dozen pairs of eyes falling on him in unison.

"...You don't want me to go." Professor Grant's cheek twitched.

"if not?"

The majestic old man raised his eyebrows:

"The only one here who has better legs and feet is you."

"There's an elevator directly to that room, you bastard! It's not like you're running a marathon by asking someone to go in!"

Professor Grant roared angrily: "I was just busy evacuating all the students and risked my life to save a perverted naked man. Now you ask me to do such a dangerous thing. Where is your conscience?"

"Ah, this, ahem..."

The majestic old man coughed twice with erratic eyes, and then suddenly hugged his feet and started to ouch:

"No, my old cold leg is broken and I can't move it."

"But isn't your old cold leg always the left foot? Why are you hugging your right foot?"

"…have you been infected recently?"

"Old Han's legs are not onychomycosis, you bastard!"

Professor Grant looked at the others again, "What about you, did you, Old Han, also commit the crime?"

"...Ouch, my waist flashed."

"I have hemorrhoids..."

"Herniated lumbar disc..."

"My granddaughter is too naughty, I have to teach her a lesson..."

In front of Professor Grant's shocked gaze, a group of old professors who usually had difficulty walking were shouting about some of their own problems and making a fuss.

But Professor Gulen has never heard of their problems, especially the one who said that his granddaughter is naughty. Your granddaughter is already in her sixties, right?

The professors dispersed quickly.

Several professors who really couldn't move silently took out the coffin from the storage space, lay down silently in it, and then silently closed the coffin lid under Professor Grant's speechless sight.


In the end, in the deserted and silent room, Professor Grant was the only one who was filled with grief and anger:

"With Pu Lang absent, am I the unlucky guy who has to do everything?"

"No, I can't be the unlucky guy. With how angry she is, who knows what will happen to her if I call her. I have to find another unlucky guy to take my place."

"Huh? Speaking of unlucky ones..."

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