Professor Grant touched his chin as if he was remembering something, and his expression gradually became happy:

"Looks like I have a good choice."

PS: There is something wrong today, there is only so much, I will make up for the shortcomings tomorrow.

29. Butterfly (10,000 words)

"Hiss—where is this?"

With the severe pain still remaining in her body, Mu En gradually woke up from her coma and found herself lying in a strange room.

Before he could take in the surroundings, an old face with a smile like a chrysanthemum suddenly appeared in Mu En's sight.

"I'll go, who is it?" Mu En was almost frightened by this old face and had a myocardial infarction, but she quickly realized, "Are you...Professor Glenn?"

"Oh, classmate Mu En, you finally woke up."

Professor Glenn stared at Mu En, smiling brightly...and strangely:

"Congratulations, the operation was successful. You are already a beautiful young lady."


Mu En was stunned.

Suddenly he was shocked.

I secretly thought that the person wearing the crown was so powerful that he changed his own gender with just one finger?

Don’t do that kind of thing!

Mu En quickly lifted the sheets on her body... and looked down.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.'s still there.

Um? Still there?

Mu En immediately raised his head, looked at Professor Glenn and said angrily:

"Professor Grant, please don't make such a joke, okay?"


Professor Grant touched his chin and said doubtfully:

"Isn't this a favorite joke among you young people?"

"How is it possible? This kind of joke is really scary!"

"It seems that I am a bit behind the times." Professor Grant sighed, and then he said meaningfully: "But... scary? Although this joke is not very good, it can't be called scary.

Classmate Mu En is so sensitive, is it possible...have you ever experienced this kind of thing? "


Mu En looked away without a trace: "No, absolutely not. Such an outrageous thing is impossible to happen even if you think about it."

"Yeah, maybe I'm thinking too much."

Professor Grant's expression became more serious and asked:

"Let's not talk about that anymore. How are you feeling? Is your body okay?"

"I feel much better."

Mu En felt her body and found that except for some pain, the injuries inside and outside her body had almost recovered.

But injuries can heal so quickly...

"Hey, can you say..."

"That's right, your injury was healed by me."

"The one who saved me before..."

"Have you forgotten, it's me too."

Professor Grant snapped his fingers and said:

"It was really a critical moment at that time. If I hadn't risked my life to save Mu En, I'm afraid Mu En would have been smashed into a pulp."

"Is this so..."

Mu En let out a breath. The feeling of escaping from death made him feel a little complicated. He thanked Professor Glenn and said:

"Thank you, Professor Grant."

"Hey, you're welcome. Teachers save students. Isn't that what you should do?"

Professor Grant patted Mu En on the back and asked him to stand up:

"To me, this is just a trivial matter."

"It may be just a small thing for Professor Grant, but you did save me, so I will definitely repay this kindness."


Professor Grant suddenly showed a weird smile that you finally said:

"That's just right, classmate Mu En, I have an opportunity here for you to repay me immediately."


Such a coincidence?

Mu En was agitated, and the crisis receptors he evolved from being persecuted many times were constantly buzzing.

This is……

The breath of being arranged!

"Actually, the way I want to repay you is to give money."

Mu En put her chin on her crossed hands and said seriously:

"One million or two million, Professor Grant, tell me the number. The Duke's Palace will definitely satisfy you. Of course, if you don't want money, gold and silver treasures are also fine."

"As expected of the son of a duke, he is rich and wealthy, but I'm sorry, I'm not short of money right now."

"Then come to me when Professor Grant is short of money. I'll leave first."


Grant grabbed Mu En's shoulders, approached him and said with a sad expression:

"Classmate Mu En, the teacher risked his life to save you, and you just left like that?"


The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched: "Professor Grant, didn't you just say that it was a trivial matter to you?"

"Teacher, you're just being polite. How come you, classmate Mu En, take it seriously?"

Professor Grant let go of his hand again and showed a meaningful smile:

"Of course, if Mu En insists on doing this, I won't stop you, teacher. It's just that the headline of the college news tomorrow may be that the famous Mu En Campbell is once again ungrateful and abandons the teacher who doesn't even care about his life for him in the sunset. He is ruthless. He turned around and left, leaving the teacher depressed in grief every day, washing his face with tears, and finally..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Mu En interrupted Professor Glenn and said in horror:

"Where does this ultimate gay teacher-student-love pervert scumbag come from? And what the hell is the sunset? You can't even see the moon in this shitty place."


Professor Glenn grinned and smiled kindly, but this seemingly harmless smile actually made Mu En feel goosebumps:

"Classmate Mu En, you don't want your reputation to be damaged again."


The atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

Professor Glenn took some time to relax and admired Mu En's struggling expression.

"How despicable, Professor Grant."

Mu En gritted his teeth and said:

"Tell me, what is it?"

"It's okay. Student Mu En doesn't need to be so nervous. It makes me look like that strange creature called a minotaur."

Professor Grant put his arm around Mu En's shoulders like an old friend, and after thinking for a moment he said:

"Actually, I have a niece."


"Well, that's right, niece. As for her, she's a little sleepy."

"Lying in bed?" Mu En became more and more confused:

"But what does this have to do with me?"

"Of course, it's because she likes to stay in bed, so she just needs a sunny and handsome blond brother to wake her up."


Mu En was shocked:

"You told me all this just to get me to wake your niece up?"

"Well, that's right."

Professor Grant nodded: "That's more or less the case, it's just that my niece is a little angry when she wakes up, so don't worry, Mu En."

"You say that and I'm even more worried!"

After spending so much effort to frame me, no matter how hard you think, it can't be as simple as just being a niece.

Could it be...

Mu En touched his chin and said seriously:

"Your niece is actually an irritable mountain silverback gorilla who can tear up scumbags with her hands."


Professor Grant's face twitched visibly:

"Student Mu En has a really rich imagination, but that person is not a gorilla."

"That one? You just said that one, right! Would anyone call their niece that one?"

"Ahem, anyway, time is tight, let's talk while walking."

"Wait, I don't even have any clothes on. Let me find some clothes."

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

Professor Glenn showed an expected expression and snapped his fingers. As if by magic, Mu En had a close-fitting formal suit on her body.

Seeing Professor Glenn's clear smile with all the arrangements, Mu En only felt trembling with anger. When can we tool people stand up?

But he had no choice but to be led into the unknown by Professor Grant.

A few minutes later, somewhere underground in the academy.

Looking at the metal door in front of her that was so thick and majestic that it made people feel insignificant, Mu En was completely stunned.

"Professor Grant...your niece...lives in the vault?"


Professor Grant sneered disdainfully: "This door is made of dozens of rare metals, hundreds of magic arrays, and the painstaking efforts of countless craftsmen. It can withstand the invasion of evil gods for a long time. Even Belland's strongest treasury. Not even a single hair on its legs can match it.”

"Even the invasion of evil gods can be resisted..."

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