The corners of Mu En's eyes twitched hard.

In my memory, it seems that the only one who can achieve this level is the Holy World of Life of the Church of Life.

And this door is so strong...

"Could it be that this is not your niece at all, but the academy's secret weapon or something." Mu En guessed.

Professor Grant was stunned for a moment, and then immediately showed an "innocent" smile:

"What secret weapon? Boy, you must have read too many story books. How can a place like the academy, where students study peacefully, have such a violent thing as a secret weapon?"

"Absolutely! You just looked sideways!"

"Young people should not be so suspicious. It is easy to find that the color of the hat they are wearing is wrong."

Professor Grant stepped forward and inserted a crystal gem in his hand into the groove at the bottom of the door.

And there are already seventeen gems embedded in the precision instrument like a compass.

"I said I didn't want to come, but they all moved very quickly." Looking at the gems, Professor Grant raised his eyebrows.

Then, the wrist is twisted, and the gem emits a soft light.

There was a roar.

The huge mechanisms unfolded layer by layer, and with the vibrations like falling rolling stones, the grand door slowly opened, revealing the deep darkness inside.

Professor Glenn stood at the door, crossing his arms and looking at Mu En:

"Whether you want to go or not, kid, please give me the right words. Although I really want you to go, as a professor, I won't force a student to do something he doesn't want to do."

"I go."

After a brief hesitation, Mu En took a long breath, as if he wanted to squeeze out all the air in his lungs.


Professor Grant smiled and said, "I thought you would still refuse."

"I wanted to refuse... I just suddenly remembered something." Mu En said.

that time.

Since it was difficult to connect the textual description with the actual scene immediately, coupled with the different appearance methods and the urgency of the situation at the time, Mu En did not think too much at that time.

But after calming down, many overlooked details came to mind.

The one who wears the crown...

Mu En raised his head, looked at Professor Grant, and asked seriously:

"Professor Grant, the crowned person who attacked me before was probably the Purity Saint of the Church of Life."

"Oh? You actually know her?"

Professor Grant raised his eyebrows in surprise: "The saint has disappeared for twenty years. I thought that no one among the young people would know her. Why, like Dean Pink Bear, you also collect fake fakes like that." Hobby for taking pictures of saints?”

"No, of course I don't know her..."

It’s just that I know the plot of the original book.

In the original book, the Holy Lady Jingyi, who was controlled by the God of Love, also invaded the academy.

It was just that He seemed to have accumulated enough power at that time, so there were no gay sects who were completely serving as sacrifices.

In the plot of the original book, there is only the Holy Maiden Jingyi, but the invasion of such a strong person with the crown-wearing level without any warning is even more terrifying, because no one can predict her actions.

And the purpose of Cupid's invasion of the academy is——

Hunt down Ariel.

Yes, in the original book, Ariel, as the protagonist, must have provoked the God of Love, the most active evil god in the early stage, and destroyed most of his cult of evil believers in Belland.

So the angry God of Love directly manipulated Saint Purity to invade the academy and hunt down Ariel.

As the protagonist, Ariel naturally cannot be so easily thrown into the street. Her various plug-ins, coupled with her own strength and the attributes of the immortal Xiaoqiang, allowed her to successfully hold on until Professor Plan arrived with the protection of the Great Secret Instrument.

After that incident, Ariel was a blessing in disguise and successfully entered a higher realm.

It can be said to be a very common event for the protagonist to improve his strength, but the only problem is...

It happened too soon.

This incident should have happened at the end of this school year. After all, according to time calculation, Ariel at this time had not had much contact with the God of Love, let alone being resented by the God of Love.

As for the latest invasion incident, it should be the blood demon incident a month later. It is not the God of Love's turn to take the stage so early.

So, the reason for all this...

"Is it possible that I am the only variable?"

Mu En couldn't help but smile bitterly.

No matter how you think about it, Mu En probably provoked the God of Love before, which led to his early invasion.


What Mu En still can't figure out is...

At that time, the God of Love didn't seem to come just to kill him.

It was just incidental to take action against him, he obviously had an ulterior motive.

Otherwise, at such a close distance, if a crowned person attacks with all his strength, no one will be able to save him unless the god himself comes.

"So, is it just because I, a little butterfly, flapped my wings that such a big storm brewed?"

A pink bear appears out of nowhere and becomes the acting dean.

A full year ahead of schedule for the invasion of Cupid.

It seems that just because Mu En, the yellow-haired villain who was supposed to exit a month ago, is still active in the story, all the plots are messed up.

Although Mu En wants to shout that I just want to live happily, what's wrong with this?

"But it has something to do with me after all, doesn't it?"

After finishing his thoughts, Mu En looked at Professor Grant and asked seriously:

"If I go in and awaken the secret weapon of that academy, can I successfully solve this incident?"

"Of course..."

At this point, Ge Lan was too lazy to play dumb:

"But I advise you not to call it a secret weapon, that person will be angry."

So your niece's statement is fine?

Mu En couldn't help but complain.

However, since he got this answer, there was no reason to hesitate.

Mu En gradually walked into the darkness with the door open.


However, just before he was about to walk in, Mu En suddenly remembered something, stopped, turned back and asked in confusion:

"Speaking of which, can't Professor Plan solve this incident?"

After all, in the original book, the invasion of the god of love was solved by Professor Plan with the blessing of the Great Secret Ritual.

Mu En remembered that the saint was still Professor Plan's student, and the meeting between the two was quite tragic.

But no matter what, the invasion of the god of love alone did not reach the level that would cause the academy to use this secret weapon that even Mu En didn't know about, that is, it was impossible for it to appear in the early and middle stages.

"Hmm? You don't know?"

"What do I know?"

"Oh, right, you fainted at that time, so you didn't see it."


"If it was just the Saint of Pure Etiquette controlled by the God of Love, the old man Prang would certainly be enough, but the problem is..."

Professor Grant sighed:

"There is another evil god, the moon that holds the power of the night."

"So that's how it is, the moon is here too."

Mu En nodded and continued to walk forward.

But he was stunned as soon as he took a step.

"Eh? Wait, the moon?"

The only evil god who can be called the moon is the Silent Moon.

As an evil god, it is natural for him to come out and play.

The problem is...

In all the plots that Mu En knows.

The Silent Moon has never invaded the academy!

He himself is an evil god who only appeared in the middle stage, and at that time, the academy chapter had already ended!


Is it because of me again?

But I never remember any connection between me and the Silent Moon.

A butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm, but no matter how it flaps, even if its wings are bald, it can't cause a volcanic eruption that has nothing to do with it.

"Professor Ge Lan, please tell me more about this matter..."

Mu En turned back suddenly, anxiously wanting to ask what happened just now.

But just as he turned his head, Mu En's expression froze slightly, because he saw a shoe sole gradually enlarged in his sight.

"If you want to go in, hurry up and go in!"

Professor Ge Lan kicked Mu En on the buttocks and roared impatiently:

"If you keep talking like this, old man Prang will be beaten to death!"



"It hurts!"

In the darkness behind the door, it turned out that it was not a flat ground, but a staggered platform.

So after being kicked away by Professor Ge Lan, Mu En fell down without surprise, and landed on his face.

Pain came from both sides at the same time, and for a moment, Mu En didn't know whether to rub his buttocks or his face first.

But fortunately, the ground was softer than expected, so Mu En didn't worry about his handsome face being disfigured.

"Damn Professor Grant, at least let me prepare first."

Mu En slandered in his heart, but he also knew that time was indeed very tight.

Because no one knew how long Professor Plan could hold out under the attack of the two evil gods.

"Let's find the answers to those questions later. Now, focus on the present."

"This is..."

Mu En raised his head and prepared to look around.

Then, he was shocked by the stunning scenery in front of him and was stunned for a moment.


Countless flowers.

Countless gorgeous flowers, paved into a brilliant sea, extending to the end of the field of vision, beautiful beyond words.

And above the horizon, even above Mu En's head, there was no longer that darkness, but a clear blue sky.

A gust of wind blew, bringing with it the fragrance of flowers and warm air, making every pore of Mu En open up, feeling incredibly comfortable.

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