It's like traveling to a world where only beauty remains.

"This is... where the academy's secret weapon is? It's so beautiful."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously walked forward.

He was not afraid that he would lose his way in the endless sea of ​​flowers, because all the flowers were facing the same direction, with their petals hanging slightly.

It's like making a pilgrimage to a certain existence, or being attracted by something.

Not long after, Mu En walked to the center of the sea of ​​flowers.

There, I saw the girl surrounded by all kinds of cute dolls and clusters of flowers.

The girl seemed to be sleeping soundly, but when Mu En looked at her, her pupils could not help but tremble, once, twice, and again.

Because that girl...

It's a loli.

Moreover, she is not just a lolita.

She was wearing a cute pink nightgown, which made her skin fairer and rosier. Her face, held up by flowers, was as delicate as a porcelain doll, but with a little baby fat, highlighting a different kind of vitality. and cute.

Compared to her face, what is more conspicuous is her pure white hair that is extremely conspicuous in the sea of ​​flowers.

In short, this is a white-haired lolita!

Mu En suddenly felt her heart beating loudly.

Bai Mao Luo Li!

This is no longer just a poke at one's XP, this is simply a disco on one's own XP!

Which macho man can refuse a sleeping white-haired lolita?

"I really want to pinch my face..."

Looking at the girl's pink face, Mu En couldn't help but have this idea.

But he was soon stopped by his rationality which fortunately was not completely blinded by the white-haired lolita.

He remembered the purpose of his trip.

"In other words...the so-called secret weapon of the this white-haired lolita?"

Mu En was a little shocked.

He thought it would be an outsider, or some monster like a giant dragon.

I didn't expect it to be a white-haired lolita.

"Wait a minute, there doesn't seem to be any conflict between the white-haired lolita and the worldly master."

Mu En touched her chin and thought.

Just like in those fairy novels, the younger you look, the more terrifying your cultivation may be!


Mu En looked at the cute dolls next to the girl.

"A master from this world...can't also like pink dolls."

After all, the younger one is in appearance, but the mind must be more mature.

"That is to say..."

Mu En lightly slapped her palms, and in a flash she could recall at least 100,000 words of tragic story about an innocent and cute white-haired lolita who was transformed into a secret weapon by the hateful academy, and then imprisoned alone in this sea of ​​flowers.

"No wonder Professor Grant said that she doesn't like to hear the name secret weapon. Anyone who recalls his tragic experience will not feel comfortable."

Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but gnashed her teeth: "Why didn't I think the academy was so hateful before? Look at how I didn't directly report you for abusing young girls after I left!"


Mu En's eyes suddenly came alive again:

"Since she is an innocent and lovely tragic girl, it should be okay if you let me pinch my face."

"You can't blame me for being a pervert, she's just too cute!"

"Well, I'm not a perverted uncle!"

After making up her mind, Mu En reached out her hand and pinched the girl's fat cheek gently.

Ah, so soft.

At this moment, Mu En felt that her heart was about to melt.

"I really want this moment to be frozen forever."

But, I can only think about it.

Because the wind is blowing.

The entire sea of ​​flowers suddenly began to sway, like waves of the sea, stacked layer upon layer.

The girl, also in the noisy sound of the waves, fluttered her eyelashes slightly, and then opened her eyes.

His red eyes first revealed the confusion of just waking up, and then as if he felt something, he turned his eyes slightly and looked at the big hand on his cheek.

Showing a trace of doubt.

"Ah, are you awake?"

Mu En, who was briefly distracted by the wind and the sea of ​​flowers, noticed the girl's awakening and immediately retracted her hand in panic.

How to do how to do? It seems like it was pinched a little too long.

Doesn't she think I'm a pervert?

No, we have to find a way to make up for it.

Just as he was panicking, Mu En suddenly touched a candy in his pocket.

Huh? Why do I have candy in my pocket?

Could it be that……

"Professor Grant..."

Mu En couldn't help but be touched. You are still very reliable at critical moments!

So, Mu En took out the candy and placed it in front of the girl. Then she smiled as kindly as a kidnapper and said softly:

"Come on, little sister, don't be angry, brother will give you candy."


Mu En's words just fell.

It was like pressing the freeze button, everything in the world came to a standstill.

Even the wind stopped.

All the flowers lowered their heads, as if they couldn't bear to look at the next scene.

The girl sat up.

Her ruby-like eyes looked at the candy in Mu En's hand, and then at Mu En herself.

She was still expressionless, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she was smiling:


As soon as the girl's beautiful voice like a lark sounded, Mu En's smile suddenly froze.

His face was pale.

This old-fashioned tone...

Could it be that……

"Just taking a nap for a few decades, have the students of the academy become so bold?" the girl said, her tone calm.

But Mu En's mind buzzed instantly.

Taking a nap for a few decades?

It's over.

It's a big boss!

Bastard Ge Lan, you're cheating me!

Mu En looked at himself handing candy to the big boss, and began to think seriously about how many tables of guests he should invite when he held a banquet for himself.


The girl stared at Mu En, her eyes were sharp, as if she could see through Mu En's whole body in an instant.

So she let out a light exclamation:

"You seem to be a little different."

"Haha, I don't know what the big boss is talking about, I'm just an ordinary person."

Mu En scratched his head and smiled.

But before he could say anything, he suddenly felt cold.


Mu En lowered his head and found that he was naked in an instant.

Damn, the white-haired loli big boss suddenly stripped my clothes?

Could she be the legendary nymphomaniac?

What should I do? Being stripped by a big boss-level nymphomaniac? And she was a white-haired lolita. What should I do at this time? Should I lie down or symbolically resist?

Just when Mu En was habitually thinking about it, the girl with white hair and red eyes suddenly came closer, her fingers brushed across Mu En's skin, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in her clear eyes.

"The mark of the withered king." She said softly.

One sentence.

In an instant.

As if the blood was stagnant, Mu En's whole body was cold.

He looked down at the girl whose expression remained unchanged, and his body couldn't help shaking.

There was great fear in his eyes.

It was like a traitor hidden in the organization, whose identity was suddenly exposed by the boss of the organization.

But without too much hesitation, the fear instantly turned into anger and determination of a desperate battle.

Mu En pulled out his right hand from behind, and the dagger hidden in the storage space flashed with cold light, stabbing the girl's vitals at a tricky angle.

At the same time, red flames rose from his skin, like mercury, flowing towards the girl.

"You are really courageous." Seeing this, the girl said something that was either sarcastic or admiring.

She stretched out a finger and gently lifted it up.

The next moment.

Mu En's movements stopped, and even the fire was extinguished in an instant.

Because he found that his perspective suddenly became very high.

It was like taking off on a rocket.

The sea of ​​flowers and the girl became extremely small in his perspective.

Then, it reached the highest point and descended.

The sea of ​​flowers and the girl enlarged in his eyes again, and a headless body also enlarged.


A headless body?

Before his brain had time to process this incomprehensible information, Mu En saw the girl move her fingers again.


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