hand. arm. trunk. thigh. foot.

Offal. meridians. skeleton.

Mu En's entire body was torn apart piece by piece by the girl like building blocks.

However, during the dismantling process, not a drop of blood was shed, and Mu En could not feel any pain.

It's like, turned into a toy.


The girl checked those parts bit by bit, then stretched out her hand and took Mu En's head.

She looked at Mu En's frightened head and asked doubtfully:

"You obviously have nothing missing in your body and your soul is not missing. Even looking at your destiny, you have a happy family and harmonious relatives and friends. So how did you get the power of the Withered King in you?"

Speaking of this, the girl showed a strange expression:

"If there's anything missing... it's just chastity. Did you rely on chastity to gain strength from the evil god?"


The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched, thinking to herself, boss, you are quite humorous.

"No, the power in you doesn't seem to be a simple gift."

As if she had discovered something, the girl's light and thin eyebrows were raised slightly.

"The source of the red flames, the manifestation of some rules, you are... a member of the gods."


Hearing this, Mu En was stunned.

God's favor?


By which god?

The Blight King?

But didn’t the fire in his body come from the exchange of black books?

And this fire has always stayed on the body, is it just a means for the King of Blight to tempt himself to fall?

"It seems you don't know the power you have."

The corners of the girl's mouth curled up slightly, as if she had discovered something new and interesting.

She stared into Mu En's eyes, as if she wanted to see through the deepest parts of Mu En.

"However, this is the first time I have seen the evil god favoring mortals. Young man, there must be some secrets about you."

"How could it be? Didn't I say it before? I'm just an ordinary person."

Mu En forced a smile.

If you want to talk about a secret...

Black book.

But this time, no matter how Mu En called in her heart, there was no movement in the black book.

It's like disappearing.

"Forget it, I don't like to pry into other people's secrets, and..."

The girl raised her head and looked at the sky.

"There just doesn't seem to be enough time."

She took the candy from Mu En's hand, tore off the wrapping paper, stuffed it into her mouth, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile:

"So sweet."


She crossed Mu En and walked toward the outskirts of the sea of ​​flowers.


This time Mu En was confused.

"You...just let me go like this? You won't kill me?"

"Kill you?"

The girl turned back: "Why should I kill you?"

"Because... I have a connection with the evil god, and I also have the power of the evil god?"

As far as Mu En knows, almost all the powerful people in this world hate and hate the evil god. As long as they find any signs of it, they will kill them regardless of the cost.

That's why Mu En was so decisive just now. He thought the girl would kill him directly.

"I see."

The girl nodded and then asked:

"Do you use the power of evil gods to kill people?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"Do you think you're a bad guy?"

Mu En shook his head.

"When you sleep at night, do you hear strange voices whispering in your ears, asking you to destroy the world?"

Mu En still shook his head.

"That's not right."

The girl's red eyes flashed slightly, her eyebrows stretched, and she showed such an obvious smile for the first time: "You are a good person, and you haven't done anything bad. Why should I kill you?"

"But the power of the evil god..."

"Only cowards fear pure power."

The girl turned around, leaving a vague sigh:

"Unfortunately, there are too many cowards in this world."

"Only cowards...are afraid of pure power..."

Mu En couldn't help but repeat the girl's words, and Mu En suddenly felt that the girl's petite back also grew taller.

Love it, love it, is this the cool style of a boss?

He's so handsome.

Hey, wait.

Looking at the girl's leaving figure, Mu En suddenly remembered that she was still in the state of "parts", so she shouted in horror:

"In that case, boss, please change me back to my original form before leaving."

"You were funny and I remember you."

The girl turned back again, and then said in a slightly cold tone:

"But my face is not that easy to pinch."


Damn, does the boss hold grudges like this?

It's just a pinch on the face, right? Your behavior definitely contains other grievances!


Mu En showed a smile and whispered naturally to himself in a low voice:

"I feel like this domineering and handsome red-eyed, white-haired lolita is also very exciting."

As soon as the words that she thought only she could hear were heard, Mu En felt her perspective shift again.

Gradually rising...

Then fall.

This time, fast!

It's like sitting on a jumping machine!

"Depend on!"

Therefore, before the wailing came, Mu En only had time to leave such a single last word.

The girl didn't go far, she stretched out her hand and lightly drew it in front of herself.

Then a door opened.

Outside the door, a dozen old professors, including Professor Grant, stood silently on both sides of the road. After seeing the girl walking out, the professors, who had always been arrogant, lowered their heads together.

"Teacher Meladomir." The professors said respectfully.


The girl with white hair and red eyes nodded gently and looked at everyone:

"I haven't seen you in decades. You are both so old. Dudley, when I last saw you, you could still hold your waist straight."

"It's a great honor to be alive to see my mentor." The oldest professor wiped away tears and showed childlike emotion.

"Don't say such depressing words in this reunion scene."

The girl said softly:

"However, being awakened this time was indeed unexpected. According to my previous deduction, I should have woken up five years later."

"It's our incompetence that failed to protect the academy."

All the professors looked ashamed.

"It's none of your business, I only realized it now..."

The girl raised her head, and there was a hint of solemnity in her tone:

"Destiny has unknowingly taken such a big deviation. The moon, which originally had no intersection with the trajectory of the academy, actually crashed directly into the academy."

"We don't know the details of this matter. Pu Lang seems to know something, but due to the silent contract, he cannot disclose it casually." Grant, who has always been unserious, also looked serious when facing the girl in front of him.

"It doesn't matter."

The girl waved her hand and said, "I will know the specific situation when I go see Him. You should go and do your own business, or go to bed early. Don't worry about your age and make your body a mess."


The professors bowed their heads respectfully, just like children who were told by their parents, not daring to show any disobedience.

Just when he was about to leave, Grant suddenly peeked into the door and saw Mu En, who had turned into pieces floating in the air, his head jumping up and down rapidly, and he suddenly showed a gloating smile.

Fortunately, I had the foresight, otherwise it might have been me who ended up like this at this time.

Just when he was about to shrink his head, he heard Mu En inside wailing and roaring with anger:

"Boss! Professor Grant just called you his niece!"


Professor Grant turned around with an awkward smile, and then saw the girl watching him silently.

His expression was so meaningful, just like the one he had when he faced Mu En just now.

Under the blue moonlight, Professor Plann's face turned pale.

The wound on his chest was still bleeding, but that wound was no longer important.

What's important is that he's on the verge of losing his strength.

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