This kind of exhaustion does not refer to magic power. With the supply of the Great Secret Instrument, his magic power is almost endless.

However, manipulating the Great Secret Instrument and casting magic almost broke his spirit.

Now his brain is also stinging.

And under his feet.

Those ghosts that came out of the dead land under the illumination of the moonlight surged like waves, tearing the structure layer by layer, and eroding towards the depths of the academy.

"We can't go on like this."

Professor Plan gritted his teeth:

"We must protect the academy, even if it means sacrificing my life."

Just as Professor Plan was about to fight to the death, a sigh came from the air.

"Plan, you are still so rigid."

"Teacher Meladomir?"

Professor Plan looked at the petite figure that appeared in front of him at some point, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, and then suddenly realized:

"Did those bastards alarm you?"

"If you don't wake me up, you will die."

The girl took the pink star wand from Professor Plan.

The wand that was originally very abrupt in Professor Plan's hand, in the girl's hand, was so natural, as if it belonged to her.

"You go and rest."

The girl said:

"Leave it to me."


Professor Plan responded respectfully.

He was always old-fashioned, and he had no doubts about this order.

"Oh, right."

The girl turned her head and suddenly said:

"The girl over there who was eroded by the god of love, I kept a little of the last bit of spiritual light in her body, she should still be able to say a few words, you cherish it."


Professor Plan was stunned for a moment, then his eyes were slightly red, and he bowed and said:

"Thank you, mentor."

"Don't thank me."

The girl said softly:

"It's just a little help."


30. The truth

Above the sky, the blue moon is hideous.

The girl stood in the air, her pink nightgown was blown by the breeze, and her long white hair was scattered, stained with a layer of light blue fluorescence.

In front of the huge blue moon that almost occupied half of the sky, the girl looked so small, like an insignificant speck of dust.

But the moment she appeared, the dead ghosts under her feet that were frantically eroding the academy suddenly stopped.

It was as if time was frozen, and those shadows that gave Professor Plan a headache and had no entity turned into funny twisted sculptures one by one.

The terrifying sight fell from the infinitely distant sky, and in the huge will containing death and madness, there was a trace of... solemnity.

"Really, it's been a long time since we last met."

The girl looked up, and the blue moon was reflected in her red eyes.

The moon was speechless, but the hideous shadows formed by the crater and the moon sea became heavier.

"It seems that you still don't like me as always."

The girl shook her head helplessly and looked at the hideous meat ball beside her.

"And you, why do you always make me feel so disgusted every time I see you, God of Love."

The meat ball with only one eye began to wriggle, and soon, the eye turned into a twisted mouthpart, making an unpleasant sound like iron rubbing.

"...You...are you still alive?"

"Haha, are you surprised that I'm alive?"

The girl smiled: "But there is a saying that girls who love to sleep always age slower. Isn't it normal for an 18-year-old girl like me who sleeps for decades to live a few more years?"

"But God of Love, during the time I was asleep, you seemed to be particularly caring for my college."

The girl raised her hand, aimed at the hideous meat ball, and then held it empty.

In an instant, the meat ball screamed sharply, exploded with a bang, and turned into countless thin meat flakes, scattering in all directions.

"Want to escape?"

The girl's cute face with some baby fat showed an incomparable chill at this moment.

"Since you've come to visit, you have to leave a little gift, right?"

The girl waved the pink star magic wand in her hand.

A huge roar sounded.

The twelve black towers were flooded with more magic power than when Professor Plan manipulated them just now, causing them to emit an overloaded red.

The first layer of the Great Secret Instrument was activated under the girl's command. The new structure rose from the bottom of the academy and turned into a silver sea under the girl's feet.

It was like an endless flow of mercury.

The next moment.

The silver sea, which had no end in sight, solidified instantly.

As smooth as a mirror.

The mirror reflected the huge blue moon and the fleeing flesh.

But the flesh suddenly lost its direction as it fled.

The residue of the god of love outside the mirror had disappeared, as if the reflections in the mirror had become real without knowing it.

The meat ball, realizing that it was trapped, turned to the white-haired girl outside the mirror and roared angrily.

"Don't scream."

The girl reached out her hand and gently fished in the mirror.

The flesh ball lost its vitality instantly, and then, she seemed to hold something.

It was a twisted invisible substance.

After weighing the feel of her hand, the girl couldn't help but show a regretful expression:

"No wonder it is so weak after losing the body of the crowned man. It turns out that it is just a small part of its will that is projected over? You are really worthy of being the God of Love. You are so cowardly, and you are not called the shame of the evil god for nothing."

The girl lost interest and threw the twisted invisible substance back into the mirror again.

She raised her head and looked at the blue moon again.

The moonlight is dead and cold, falling like a waterfall.

But the moonlight, which should have been infinitely fast, seemed to have encountered some obstacle. Under the reflection of the silver mirror, it turned into clouds of light blue mist.

The mist floated over the college, as if being blown by the wind, and refused to fall.

"Next, it's your turn, Moon."

The girl's leisurely voice, like a song, reaches the moon.

Like a blasphemer, he proclaims his disrespect for the gods under the sky.


The Silent Moon is furious!

Countless shadows flowed out from the backs of the craters and the dark moon sea, like rich ink droplets, spreading above the blue moon.

The diffuse shadow forms two small moon arcs hanging upside down and a large moon arc that is bending upward.

The shadows of the moon and the moon are like outlines of a grinning clown mask.

And in the deep darkness, blood-red eyes opened one after another, staring angrily at the small and disrespectful person!


The sky shook!

The cloudless, dark sky was like a wave of water hit by an iron ball, with invisible ripples visible to the naked eye.

The barriers between the worlds seemed to be shattered by some incomprehensible force. The moonlight spread, and the shadows of the entire world seemed to be moving. .

Even the silver mirror under the girl's feet began to tremble.

And in that mirror, the endless ghostly figure that walked out of the dead place suddenly got rid of the shackles of time, distorted into indistinguishable black limbs, roared and hit the lowest structure of the academy.

At this moment, Silent Moon completely gave up its blockade of this world and began a desperate attack!

As a result, all over the world, many powerful men woke up from their sleep and cast horrified gazes towards the sky.

"Oh? Are you angry because of embarrassment?"

The girl sighed softly:

"However, rules are rules, and the world's barriers are not so easy to break. If you are so desperate, what can you do besides consuming your own power for no reason?


The girl stared fearlessly at the ferocious moon, which no longer had any sense of beauty, with a solemn expression.

"Go back, Moon, this is my territory, not a place you can touch!"

The girl's cold voice fell.

Then a majestic bell rang.

The bell tower, the tallest building in the academy, casts a clear shadow on the silver mirror.

Like the hands of a clock.

The twelve black towers standing on the edge of the college are like scales.

The pointer is tilted, pointing halfway between five and six.

And then, faster deflection.

In just a few breaths, the final distance between five and six was covered.

Invisible rules proliferate.

So, except for some of the top experts, no one noticed this morning.

The entire world's time seemed to have been intercepted for half an hour.

Six o'clock sharp.

There was a glimmer of light at the edge of the dark sky.

That's morning light.

The bell rang again.

The girl, who seemed to have become younger, stretched out her hand as if to hold the ferocious blue moon in her palm.

"Behold, the Silent Moon."

Staring at the fading night, the girl declared coldly:

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