"Its daybreak."

"it's over."

Looking at the increasingly dim blue moon behind the gradually brightening sky, the girl couldn't help but finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he was an evil god who almost came true. Even for her, it was quite stressful to deal with it.

"Fortunately, the price paid is still within the range I can accept."

But after tugging on her loose nightgown, a trace of displeasure still appeared in the girl's red eyes.

It couldn't be any smaller.

"Next, let me see why you suddenly ran into my academy, Moon."

After the cold words fell, the dim blue moon in the girl's eyes disappeared and turned into countless stars.

The stars flicker and move, outlining mysterious traces in the endless void.

The girl stared at the traces and deduce the direction of fate.

"Are you...scared?"

The first result of the deduction made the girl slightly stunned.

The stars continue to twinkle.

"Because...the King of Blight?"

The girl lowered her eyes slightly, thinking of the boy who was favored by the King of Blight just now.

But this inference of fate made the girl even more confused.

The Silent Moon and the King of Blight are the same evil gods.

Their powers are completely opposite, but they are incompatible with each other. They are natural enemies, but they are also the two most similar existences.

According to common sense, even if these two really fight, no one can do anything to the other.

But why is the Silent Moon afraid of the King of Blight at this moment?

According to the deduction, the King of Blight is indeed desperately moving closer to the Silent Moon. In as little as two months or as long as half a year, they will meet completely, and then a divine war will break out.

As for the reason, it is difficult to deduce.

Involving many gods, the deduction to this point is already the limit. Going forward is a fog, and it seems that more things are involved.

So the girl gave up deduction and started reasoning.

Sometimes, you don’t necessarily need to see the trajectory of fate clearly to know the truth.

For supreme beings like gods, there are not many reasons to change their behavior.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess the truth with just a little insight beyond this era.

As it happens, the girl is not lacking in knowledge.

Therefore, she quickly guessed the most likely scenario.

"Perhaps it's because...the King of Blight knows your weakness from somewhere."

"That's why He will pounce on you regardless, just to swallow up your authority."

"And you will be afraid, because the King of Blight, who knows your weakness, can really do this."

"Therefore, in order to pursue new power and avoid being eaten by the King of Blight, you invaded the academy and wanted to get the thing under the academy."

"I see, I probably understand, but..."

Staring at the disappearing blue moon, the girl sighed sadly.

"As far as I know, there are only about one and a half people in this world who know the weaknesses of the gods."

"No, one and a half of them are already dead."

"That is to say..."

The girl's eyes flashed slightly, and her mind, which had always been as calm as a mirror, couldn't help but ripples appeared.

"Does that thing still exist in the world?"

"Professor Grant."

"Do not talk to me!"

In the sea of ​​flowers, Professor Glenn, who was torn into pieces by the girl just like Mu En, said angrily: "I'm not familiar with you!"

"Professor, can you stop being so childish?" Mu En twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Why are you so childish? You tricked me into being like this, why don't you make me angry?" Professor Grant said with a glare.

"Didn't Professor Grant trick me first?"

Mu En sneered:

"Don't tell me you were leaving that candy for me."


Professor Grant looked away guiltily.

"Okay, I just want to ask you a question."

Mu En sighed softly and asked:

"What happened to the Silent Moon invasion of the academy that I mentioned before?"

"Huh? You are a student, why are you asking so many questions?" Professor Grant asked doubtfully.


Mu En said with an expressionless expression: "Wouldn't a normal person be curious when encountering such a thing? To be honest with the professor, my curiosity is about to explode now, almost to the point where I will die if I don't know the specific situation. ”

"Yeah, too."

Professor Grant nodded seriously: "Normal people are indeed very curious.

However, it's a pity that I don't know the specific situation very clearly. After all, when it comes to things like evil gods, people with knowledge of the matter will basically sign a silence contract. "

Contract of silence...

Mu En frowned: "That...some unimportant information..."

"What information can I know?"

Glenn shrugged his shoulders a few meters away:

"It's just that I heard that old guy Pu Lang sigh that this matter seems to involve a third evil god. I don't know anything else."

"The third evil god?"

Mu En pondered, and then faintly caught a trace of the thread, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank you Professor Grant, I'm going to sleep first."

"Huh? Asleep?"

Professor Glenn looked at Mu En and said in shock: "How can you sleep at this time?"

Ignoring Professor Grant, Mu En closed her eyes.

His consciousness sank into the black book space.

The black book that had been hidden in front of the white-haired Lolita boss was now floating quietly in front of Mu En.

It seemed that he had anticipated it and was waiting for his arrival.

"It seems you know my purpose, Black Book."

Mu En's eyes flashed slightly and asked:

"Then I won't talk nonsense. The third evil god mentioned by Professor Grant refers to the King of Blight. After all, apart from the God of Love, he is the only one I have ever interacted with."


"Then the reason why Silent Moon's behavior changed like this is probably because of the King of Blight. The only one who can completely affect the behavior of one evil god is another evil god."


"The behavior of the King of Blight has changed in some way that I don't know. It is most likely due to previous contact with me. However, I am only a mere mortal and cannot affect the King of Blight. In other words..."

Mu En's tone paused: "The source of this series of chain reactions is actually you."


"So, Black Book, at that time, in order to exchange power for me, that page of the book that you gave to the King of Blight, what was written on it, I don't believe that it was really just an IOU!"


Facing Mu En's pressing questions, a vague sigh suddenly sounded in the space.

The black book suddenly turned and reached a blank page.

Then on the blank page, regular fonts gradually appeared.



Mu En was confused, "What information?"

Font changes.

[The weakness of Silent Moon. 】


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then his expression suddenly became horrified.

"Weakness? Silent Moon's? Wait, wait, you actually know this kind of thing? No, now is not the time to care about this. If you tell the King of Blight about Silent Moon's weakness, it means..."

These two gods have completely opposite powers, but they have the same goal. They are natural enemies of each other, but they are the closest existences.

Therefore, after the King of Blight knows this information, he will definitely not run over and joke with him without any limit, but will eagerly peel off the skin of Silent Moon, smash the bones and suck out the marrow, and then completely devour it. His authority.

That's why Silent Moon suddenly invaded the academy.

Mu En also vaguely remembered that it seemed to be mentioned in the original article that there seemed to be something hidden under the academy that even the gods would covet.

The Silent Moon is to obtain that thing, to gain new strength, to resist the King of Blight who rushes at Him with a knife and fork in hand!

"No wonder, that white-haired Lolita boss said that what I possess is not simply the power given by the King of Blight, but the favor of God.

It can be used endlessly and symbolizes the manifestation of part of the power of the gods..."

The information exchanged is such a precious thing, how can the King of Blight be stingy?


Mu En looked at the black book and still couldn't understand:

"Why do you do this kind of thing? It's obviously just a temporary emergency at that time. Isn't it good to use other less important things in exchange?"

【for. 】

【save you. 】

The black book flipped.

The next moment, Mu En was in a trance.

A picture appeared before his eyes.

Under the dark sky, pure white wings spread out.

With a bright crown on her head and a compassionate face, Saint Jingyi stood in front of her, holding a holy sword in her hand.

Ariel, who was seriously injured, stood not far away with her sword in hand, her face pale.

Further away, Professor Plann was coming quickly, looking angry.

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