You can see a faint light flickering around her, and the fine ancient runes are like bubbles on the water, repeating the process of appearing and disappearing.

"I didn't expect you to know the girl's hobby."

Six, squatting on the ground, said: "Is she also the target of your mission?"

"No, she is not."

Eight leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

"But she is the target of Nine, and Nine was once my partner, so he knows some information about her."

"Nine... I remember the mission failed..."

"It was that girl, who was two realms higher than her but was killed."


Six stopped talking and focused on his own business.

Time passed by, and Eight finally couldn't hold back and opened his eyes:

"How long will it take? We don't have much time."


Six was sweating and pale, but his spirit was still not relaxed at all, and he kept deciphering those runes.

"After all, it was something that was set up by that [Lion King] Ron Campbell. Although it is a huge thing covering the entire Duke's Mansion, it is not so easy to quietly open a gap without alarming him."

"You have to speed up."

Number 8 stared at the closed door.

"If Muen Campbell or Princess Celia suddenly comes out, our mission will be considered a failure."

"I know, but I think there should be enough time."

At this point, Number 6's face suddenly looked a little strange.

"Those two people are doing that kind of thing in the room."


Muen looked at the door with anticipation, like a believer who longed for a miracle to come.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen.

His only savior at the moment, Ariel, did not appear.

"It's so hot..."

On the contrary, Celia's moaning frequency is getting higher and higher, and it seems that she may wake up at any time.

"It's over..."

Muen covered his face and burst into tears.

It seems that a miracle will not happen today.

Without the protagonist, the so-called line of destruction will be shattered, and Mu En's fate will be like the mud truck that met the protagonist, and he will plunge into the line of death that he tried every means to avoid.

He doesn't even have to wait that long. When someone whose identity is still unknown takes action, the first thing Cecilia will do when she wakes up is to beat him to death.

"Hey, speaking of which, Cecilia moaned so many times, why hasn't she really woken up yet?"

Mu En, who calmed down a little, found a little bit of a bright spot again.

As we all know, when people wake up from a deep sleep, especially when they wake up from an abnormal state such as drugs or alcohol, they will always moan subconsciously.

So, Mu En thought Cecilia was about to wake up.

However, no one would moan a lot before waking up, unless they were having a wet dream.

Cecilia would definitely not have a wet dream, so she must be like this for other reasons.


"It's so hot..."

Mu En looked at the fireplace.

The fire in the fireplace was still burning, but because of the frost that Celia had released just now, the temperature in the room was still a little chilly.

At least Mu En, who had taken off his clothes, felt a little cold.

But Celia wasn't wearing much more clothes than him, so why was she hot?



Could it be...


Mu En couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and suddenly a very bizarre idea came to his mind.

In order to prove that his immature idea was ridiculously wrong, Mu En began to move towards Celia cautiously.

Just now, because he was afraid of being beaten to death by the awakened Celia, he was a little far away.

Now he gradually approached, and Celia, who was lying on the sofa, appeared in his field of vision again.

"No way..."

The moment he saw Celia, Mu En's heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

"Well... It's so hot..."

At this moment, Celia still had her eyes closed and did not wake up from her deep sleep.

But her silver eyelashes fluttered, her skin flashed an abnormal crimson luster, her slender and tight legs twisted hard, and her hands grabbed unconsciously, making the dress that was already revealing spring light even more messy.

"No, no, it's not what I thought."

"This must be just the side effect of the drug, yes, the side effect!"

"Just take a cold shower to eliminate the side effect, yes, that's it! Isn't it written like this in novels?"

"Celica, hold on, I'll take you to find cold water!"

Mu En, who was already a little overwhelmed, reached out his hand in a panic, trying to pick up Celica by the waist and take her to the bathroom to eliminate the so-called "side effects" with cold water.

But he failed.

Because a slender white little hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Celicia really woke up at some point and was staring at Mu En.

There was a raging anger in her eyes, but soon the anger dissipated and turned into confusion like a lost bunny.

"That... Your Highness, please listen to my explanation. Actually, you just drank tea and got drunk. I am taking you to the bathroom to sober up."

Feeling his legs trembling, Mu En made up a story:

"Since you are awake, I will not disturb you. I am leaving now."

Mu En wanted to run away because he realized that he was losing control of his behavior.

Even if he didn't want to believe the reality, after seeing Cecilia's appearance, how could he not know what happened.

It's an aphrodisiac!

The "little gift" given by the mysterious shop owner turned out to be an aphrodisiac!

Damn, is this what the so-called miraculous effect means?

Aphrodisiac plus aphrodisiac, you are really a profiteer,

RNM! Return the money!

No, you must run away.

If something wonderful but not wonderful really happens here with Cecilia, Mu En can't think of any way to survive!

The worst is probably a slow death!

But unfortunately...

You can't run away even if you want to.

Because Cecilia's little hand is holding Mu En tightly.

Obviously, that hand looks so soft and weak, but in fact, Mu En feels that his wrist is clamped tightly by an iron clamp.

This is the difference in hard power.

Mu En once again remembered that Cecilia in front of him is a woman who is much stronger than himself.

Want to escape?

Humph, no way.

"That... Your Highness, calm down, you must calm down! With your willpower, you will definitely be able to get through it!"

At this moment, Mu En can only place his hope on Celia herself.

Celia's eyes were sometimes clear and sometimes confused.

But Mu En could clearly see that even when she was clear, the anger in Celia's eyes was beginning to transform into another kind of flame.

"Come on, Your Highness, don't succumb to a mere drug, you must..."


Mu En's encouragement was interrupted.

The world suddenly spun.

When Mu En came back to his senses, he suddenly found that he had swapped positions with Celia.

Mu En was lying on the sofa.

And Celia, with a graceful waist, sat on him.

15. The joys and sorrows of girls are not the same

Celia sat on Mu En, with a graceful waist and disheveled clothes.

The half-dressed dress slid down further due to gravity.

Because the highest peak had been crossed, everything seemed natural.

So more beautiful scenery rushed into Mu En's mind without any hindrance.

Not good, very bad.

This posture, this scenery.

And the hot breath that was radiating from Celia at the center, which was different from the coldness in the past.

Mu En felt that his brain exploded, and a stream of hot blood rushed into his nose, almost gushing out.

"Your Highness, calm down!"

Mu En covered his nose with his only hand that could move, and said in horror:

"If you go down, it will be inappropriate for children!"

"Don't move!"

Celia's voice was still cold, but at this moment it was stained with a different kind of charm. Just listening to this voice made Mu En a little shaken.

"Don't move..."

Celia lowered her head and pressed Mu En's other hand.

The orchid-like girl's fragrance enveloped Mu En.

Mu En still wanted to struggle, but the girl sitting on him was like a mountain, making him unable to move.

Mu En finally understood the importance of strength at this moment.

With strength, he would not be humiliated by a woman and be unable to resist.

Damn it, if I can survive this time, I will practice hard!

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