"Evil dragon blood..."


Celecia suddenly said something.

"The medicine... is mixed with the evil dragon's blood. The evil dragon's blood is added to the potion to enhance its efficacy..."

"oh oh."

Mu En nodded in confusion, somewhat confused as to why Celcia would say such a thing at this moment.

Teacher play?

No, I'm even more excited.

"But... the evil dragon's blood has a special characteristic. It cannot come into contact with... the dragon grass. Once it comes into contact, it will stimulate the... toxicity of the evil dragon's blood."

Celcia's breathing became heavier and heavier, so much so that her speech became somewhat choppy.

She still looked awake and confused at times, as if she was still trying to fight the poison in her body.

"That's porn."

Mu En suddenly realized that Celcia didn't seem to speak to him at all.

"That kind of toxicity...has no solution..."

She kept... talking to herself.

"There is no solution, there is no solution, there is no solution, there is no solution, there is no solution, there is no solution... There is no solution, there is no antidote."

She repeated the three unsolvable words many, many times.

During that process, Mu En discovered that a certain desire in her eyes almost condensed into substance and flowed out.

She seemed to be...convincing herself?

"Apart from……"

Celia's eyes suddenly regained some clarity.

She pressed Mu En's hands tightly and stared into Mu En's eyes. For the first time, such a fierce expression appeared on her beautiful face:

"Moon Campbell, this time... you won.

But I swear, I will make you repay this humiliation tenfold in the future! "



In the future?

Mu En has not recovered yet.

Celecia suddenly leaned down,

Her soft cherry lips blocked Mu En's lips.



"Oh my god..."

"I can not stand it any more!"

"This feeling is not good..."

"It's going to heaven..."

“Pakchi cake is so delicious!”

Ariel stuffed large pieces of Pakchi cake into her mouth, and the sweet smell filled every corner of her brain.

One book satisfies.

Due to the stuffing, her cheeks became bulging, as cute as a hamster.

But she couldn't stop at all!

"You also like to eat Pakchi cake too much."

Liya on the side complained: "Be careful not to eat too much."

"Eating Pachichi cake will prevent you from getting a bad stomach. I have evolved new organs specifically to digest Pachichi cake."

Ariel patted her belly: "Just call it Pachichi's stomach. With Pachichi's stomach, you won't be afraid no matter how much you eat!"

With that said, while the nobles next to her were concentrating on chatting, Ariel secretly brought all the Pakchi cakes on the long table in front of her.

After thinking about it, Ariel picked out a Pachichi cake and handed it to Liya: "Do you want to eat it?"

Looking at the cute and delicious Pakchi cake, Liya was moved.

Her family is just a low-level noble, and they rarely have the opportunity to eat high-end cakes like Pachichi.

But she lowered her head and looked at the high peaks of the Songshan Mountains on her chest, which would cause sore shoulders when walking. She hesitated for a moment, then shook her head.

"Forget it, I've gained weight recently, or..."


Ariel stuffed the Pachichi cake into her mouth and said angrily: "You're starting again, aren't you! You don't know how to be blessed when you're in the midst of blessings. Do you know my pain, you big cow!"

"Wha--, a big cow is too much."

Liya was embarrassed for a while, but she looked even cuter like this, and people couldn't help but want to rub her chubby cheeks.

"Okay, don't admit it yet, right?"

Ariel moved her fingers flexibly and rushed towards Liya with dazzling eyes.

"See if I don't teach you, a big cow, huh! Ha! How about this trick!"

"Wow... don't... it's so ticklish, Ariel... so many people are watching..."

"Wouldn't it be better to have someone watching? I'm even more excited, watching every move..."


The girls' play did not disturb the aristocratic gentlemen's fight, but some adolescent aristocratic young men couldn't help but look at them a few more times. While darting their eyes wildly, they also wanted to secretly tarnish the reputation of the nobles.

I couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

After playing around for a while, Liya slapped Ariel's hands off, gave her a white look with slightly red cheeks, and said:

"By the way, weren't you looking for Princess Celcia? And now you're still here eating cake?"

"It's okay. You can find Celiac later. Anyway, it's not an urgent matter for me to find her. I just want to ask for some knowledge on swordsmanship.

It won't work this time. There will be a chance in the academy. "

"But I just saw His Highness leaving with that Moon Campbell. He hasn't come back yet, is that okay?"

"I saw it too!"

Ariel frowned and pursed her lips.

The thought of that guy, Moon Campbell, made her very unhappy.

Just because he has a little family, he always makes things difficult for himself in the academy.

The most important thing is that he is actually Princess Celcia's fiancée, how can he be worthy of it!

Princess Celcia is my prey!

"But it should be fine."

Ariel quickly put aside this bit of dissatisfaction: "In this kind of situation, it is hard for her to refuse Muen Campbell's invitation. Who told that damn Muen to have a good father?"

"Then aren't you afraid that Muen Campbell will do something bad to His Highness?" Liya blinked and teased.

"Cut, come on, even I can't beat Muen Campbell's three-legged cat skills."

Ariel curled her lips and said disdainfully:

"What right does he have to do something bad to His Highness? By drugging him? His Highness Celia is so smart that she must have pressed him to the ground and trampled him before Muen Campbell had this idea!"

16. End of the road!

"Do you have any last words? Muen Campbell."

At this moment, just as Ariel guessed, Celia was pressing Muen under her body.

"Trampling" is over.

After an unknown amount of time of fighting, the two sides fought all the way from the sofa to the ground, even knocking over the tea table, breaking the teacup, and messing up the wool carpet.

Until both of them were exhausted and the effect of the medicine in Celia's body completely disappeared, they finally called off the battle.

Only the strange smell floating in the room, the traces that could not be erased for the time being, and the two people who were still naked, still showed how fierce the battle had been here.

The battle was over, and the rest was... "settlement."

Celia still maintained the ambiguous posture of sitting on Mu En, but her delicate face had long lost the charm just now. She was covered with frost and stared at Mu En coldly, with murderous intent in her eyes.

Her ten fingers grasped Mu En's neck, shrinking little by little, and repeated the question just now:

"Say your last words, because this is your last chance before you die."


Mu En looked exhausted, and forced a smile that was uglier than crying and said:

"If I don't say it, will I not die?"

"It seems that you still don't understand the current situation."

Celica's fingertips suddenly burst into a terrifying chill, which instantly swept half of Mu En's body, bringing Mu En severe pain and... the shadow of death.

Mu En suddenly realized that this woman would really kill him, and without hesitation.

Even if they just had a wonderful connection.

"Wait, wait, I say, please let me say it!"

Mu En couldn't help but shout in horror.

"I do this for a reason!"

"Heh, reason?"

Celica sneered coldly:

"I want to hear what reason makes you do such a beastly act."

"Because... because..."

Mu En's brain raced, looking for an excuse.

Reincarnation, destiny, and premonition dreams, these words that are obviously fooling people must not be said,

He must have a more reliable reason!

For example, he just stepped on his right foot with his left foot and fell down, and accidentally threw ** into the black tea.

For example, it was not ** but a weight loss pill that can help exercise.

For example, they just had a dream, and nothing happened after waking up.

However, when these words came to Mu En's mouth, they became another answer.

"That's because I like you, Cecilia!"



Cecilia was obviously stunned.

But not only was she surprised, even Mu En himself was confused.

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