What the hell am I talking about!

Even in my previous life, I had always liked the character Celia, and I even bought her official life-size poster and put it next to my bed, so that I could see her at first glance when I got up.

But it’s impossible for me to fall in love so quickly with someone who once only existed in fantasy!

He's not the kind of fat man who calls a paper man his wife!

The mouth is not like this!

Wait, maybe it was influenced by the original owner.

I remember that the original owner seemed to really like Celecia. After all, if he didn't really like her, he wouldn't be so stupid.

Damn it, you've already burped, so don't come to harm me!

Mu En roared in his heart.

But...now that I've said it...

Logically speaking, a young girl should feel shy when her love is suddenly confessed.

Mu En's sudden desire to survive gave him a glimmer of hope.

Is that...

"I see, is this the reason for your disgust?" Celcia quickly returned to her indifference.

Her hands still did not leave Mu En's neck, and she was not moved by Mu En's confession at all. As for the so-called "shy", Mu En, who was pressed under her at the moment, seemed more in line with the word "shy".


Mu En grinned: "Well, in a sense, this can be considered a very sincere emotion..."

"You call this sincere emotion?"

Celecia suddenly interrupted Mu En and said coldly:

"Can taking away a girl's purity be called sincerity?

Are you kidding me, Moon Campbell!

If you really like me, then stand in front of me openly and use your character, your strength, your sincerity to impress me like a man!

Instead of such despicable drugging!

If you really do that, even if I still don't like you, I may abide by the engagement and become your wife.

But now...

Haha, or do you naively think that this kind of physical relationship can make me have a different feeling for you?

No, Moon Campbell, I will never fall in love with a scheming scoundrel, and I will never marry a beast. "

Celecia leaned down and came face to face with Mu En, very close to her.

Both of them can feel each other's aura, just like they did not long ago.

But this time, what Mu En felt was different.

Through Celecia's ice-blue eyes, which were as frozen as ice, Mu En seemed to see something hidden deep inside.

It was a burning, holy white flame.

Yes, this is Celia.

Celia Leopold.

The first heroine of the original book.

Just like the short sentence on the poster that Mu En bought.

——She is the white swan who is always proud and holy, and will never succumb to any evil or filth.

So now, even if she is not wearing silk strands and her body is stained with dirt, she is still a queen in beautiful clothes, looking down at the lowly sinners.

"So beautiful..." Mu En couldn't help but murmured as she stared at the girl so close.

"Okay, now that we've finished talking, it's time to ask Master Mu En to go on his way."

Hearing Mu En's murmur, but her expression remained unchanged, Celcia gradually tightened her palms.

"I hope you can remember my maxims in your next life and sincerely seek your own love."


17. Emergency situation!


There was a sudden knock on the door outside the room.

Celiacia didn't have time to finish her farewell, and her gradually shrinking jade hands paused. She looked at the door of the room, with a trace of displeasure evident in her eyes.

"Tell the people outside to leave." Celcia said coldly to Mu En.


Mu En shook his head vigorously:

"This room is soundproofed. No sound can come in except the knocking on the door. Naturally, the sounds inside can't come out either."


Celcia frowned slightly. She stared at Mu En, seeming to be thinking about something.

But in the end, she took back her hands that could bring death to Mu En at any time and stood up slowly.

"Spare your life for now."

"Thank...thank you?"

"Put on your clothes and open the door."


Mu Enru, who jumped back and forth several times in front of the gate of hell, was pardoned. She quickly stood up, grabbed the clothes on the side and put them on.

That special dress with a net weight of 20 kilograms was very difficult to put on. If Mu En hadn't watched the maid put it on him from beginning to end, he would have been so blind that he couldn't even put it on.

However, he was still too flustered and anxious, and he almost wore the inner lining several times.

This wastes a lot of time.

Just when he was getting dressed, he heard the rustling sound of cloth coming from behind him.

This made him couldn't help but think of the beauty just now...

"If you dare to look back, even if there are others around, I will kill you directly." Celcia's cold voice sounded from behind.

"..." Mu En shivered and lowered her head to fight with the dress attentively.

After getting dressed, the sounds behind him completely disappeared, and Mu En finally couldn't help but look back.

At this moment, Celcia was sitting dignifiedly on the sofa, arranging her silver hair through the ice that had been condensed in her hands.

The simple yet elegant white dress perfectly fits her graceful body curves, revealing a thrilling beauty without a trace of disorder.

If Mu En had not been walking with a weak leg, he would have thought that it was just a wonderful dream.


Just as Mu En was about to open the door, Cecilia suddenly called Mu En, then took out a bottle of exquisite perfume and sprayed it into the air several times.

Cecilia sniffed again, making sure that there was no strange smell in the air, and then nodded:



Mu En walked to the door.

After experiencing a series of events just now and more than one death crisis, Mu En's heart has now calmed down a little.

But he did not have the joy of surviving the disaster.

Because the plot has completely exceeded the route of the original book, running desperately on the road of death.

Now the only way left for Mu En is to be killed by Celia herself, hanged by the angry king, or cut to death by an unknown person as in a prophetic dream.

Either way is a dead end.

"So, protagonist, protagonist, what's the point of you coming now?"

Mu En opened the door.

He thought that the protagonist Ariel who finally came was outside the door.

But it wasn't.

There was a maid outside the door, holding cakes and black tea.

But the maid's face was hidden in the shadow cast by the door, and it was a little unclear.

"Master Mu En, the lady saw that you and the princess had been chatting for so long, and thought you should be a little hungry, so she asked me to bring some cakes."


It turned out to be the mother. Did she also see me inviting Celia to be alone?

As expected of the mother, the time is really good.

Mu En didn't think much and made way.

"Put it on the table over there."


The maid nodded respectfully, carrying the tray, and walked into the room.

The moment she passed by Mu En, the maid's face was also illuminated by the soft light in the room.


Mu En suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Why have I never seen you before?"

The maids in the Duke's Mansion have all been strictly screened and trained, and basically they have been specially trained as maids in the Duke's Mansion since childhood, the purpose is to prevent people with bad intentions from sneaking in.

So even if Mu En just came here yesterday, the part of his memory about the original owner in his mind should have an impression of every maid in the Duke's Mansion.

At most, he just can't remember their names.

But when he saw the face of the maid in front of him, Mu En's consciousness only had the word "strange".

"Of course Master Mu En doesn't know me."

The maid didn't stop.

"Because I was selected into the Duke's Mansion last night."

"Last night..."

Mu En reacted: "The one who helped the banquet?"

"Yes, I came to help."

The maid walked to the tea table in the center of the room and placed the tray with cakes and teacups on the table.

"It's just that I have another task."


Mu En was still chewing on the meaning of the maid's words, but suddenly saw that the maid pulled out a dagger with a cold light from the bottom of the tray.

Her action of pulling out the dagger was so natural that Mu En was stunned for a moment before reacting.

My heart and pupils tightened at the same time, and a large amount of blood rushed into my mind, causing Mu En's mind to run fast in this short moment.

-Her target was not me, because she had the best chance when she just entered the door.

In other words...

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