"Close the door...disciple."

Mun En was stunned for a moment as he chewed on the true meaning of the girl's words.

The girl in front of him, who looked like a little girl, was not just a girl, but a top boss who had been sleeping in the special space of the academy for who knows how long, and could even repel evil gods.

In the original plot, she should have appeared at the very end, but because the black book disturbed the fate of this world, she was forced to enter early.

If such a boss could hold her thigh, it would be the most perfect development with no harm for Mu En, and maybe he could get rid of the predetermined tragic fate.


How could he, Mu En Campbell, get the gift of fate so easily?


Mu En came back to his senses, and his blue eyes like a lake stared at the white-haired girl:

"Why did you choose me? Because of the power of the King of Withering in my body?"

"The King of Withering? Well...it's part of the reason."

"Part? Then the other part..."


The girl suddenly smiled.

But that smile made Mu En shudder.

She suddenly raised her hand, stretched out a finger, and pointed at Mu En.

In an instant, a bad feeling came over him.

A strong sense of crisis, accompanied by a disgusting death warning, constantly attacked Mu En's consciousness.

At some point, the world was blood red.

And in Mu En's eyes, there was only the girl who suddenly became as ferocious as a demon, and the extremely real killing intent in her eyes.

"What's the matter, she really wants to kill me?"

In his mind, this thought only appeared for a moment, and he had no way to take care of it.

Because that slender finger had already arrived.

Like a mountain pressing down, Mu En felt the pressure that seemed to crush him.

"Cough cough..."

His body was instantly severely injured, and Mu En coughed out a mouthful of blood and the broken meat of his internal organs.

Death is coming.

It was also at this time that he felt the cold touch of his palm.

Like a knife.

Then, without any hesitation, Mu En clenched the familiar short knife in his hand and slashed at the white-haired girl who was as ferocious as a demon.

"You don't know what you can do."

The girl sneered.

"Do you think you have a chance to survive?"

Before the blade reached him, Mu En felt his arm go empty.

Looking blankly, he found that the part below his elbow had disappeared at some point.

But this time, it was no longer disassembled like a toy.

But it exploded.

Yes, it exploded. Mu En's arms, palms, and fingers exploded into a blood mist in an instant.

Severe pain came.

Mu En's face suddenly became ferocious.

Ignoring the severe pain that would make ordinary people faint instantly, because he had been ravaged countless times in the black book, he had long been accustomed to this kind of pain.

He quickly stretched out his other hand and grasped the falling dagger.

Then, cut again!


Without any surprise, the part below his elbow exploded into a blood mist again.

"Why do you want to resist?"

The girl looked pitiful:

"You only need to give up resistance, and I can let you die without any pain."

Why don't you resist?

Why not just die?

Seeing the girl's compassionate look, Mu En suddenly felt a volcanic rage in his chest.

He had struggled for so long.

He had experienced so many deaths in the black book.

He was used to death, used to pain, and always wanted to become stronger.

Isn't it just for,

—— not to go down the road of real death?

So, you want me to give up resistance?

You want me to die directly?


Even if you are a big boss, even if you are very strong, you don't have the qualifications!

Mu En suddenly leaned forward, like a beast, biting the handle of the dagger.

His eyes were red, and a low roar came from his throat. Without any hesitation, he pounced on the enemy in front of him that he could not defeat.

Even if it means death, I will...

In an instant.

The world was clear.

The world and the girl's devil-like face suddenly disappeared, like a short nightmare.

The bright sunlight fell through the gaps in the curtains, and the light spots shone on Mu En's still ferocious face, making him unable to open his eyes.

"This is..."

The short knife in his mouth disappeared, and his hands were still intact.

It was as if all the horrible scenes had never happened.

Mu En still maintained the posture of rushing forward, but the movement was just stopped, making him look not like a beast hunting, but like...

The bronze immortal who was about to do something inappropriate to the underage girl.

"Yes, that's it."

The girl didn't care about the violation of Mu En's movements, but held Mu En's face, staring at the ferocious expression that had not yet dissipated, showing a satisfied look like appreciating a work of art.

"This appearance is like a sheep, but the ferocity and ferocity revealed from the bones, this fearlessness and madness that obviously cherishes life but seems to have long been accustomed to death, this is what I want, only in this way can I accomplish that."


Mu En was still a little confused.

But he seemed to have realized that the girl's murderous intention towards him was just an illusion she deliberately created. She just wanted to test something.

But even if you are a big shot, you shouldn't tease me like this!

Mu En was angry: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Haha, are you angry? But that's normal."

The girl smiled and said:

“But since you’ve asked this, and I don’t like to mince words, I’ll just say it straight.

—I want to use you, Moon Campbell. "


Mu En was stunned again.

Because the girl's frankness...is too frank.

"So, you want me to be your disciple because..."

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched.

"Yes, by becoming my disciple, I will do everything a teacher should do, but at the same time, you will become the material for my experiments and be fully used by me to achieve a long-cherished wish of mine."

In the girl's eyes, there was a hint of enthusiasm that was completely different from her appearance.

"Some... a long-cherished wish that I have pursued all my life."

"I always feel..."

Looking at the girl who seemed to have changed, Mu En narrowed her eyes and asked:

"You're trying to use me as a guinea pig."

"Well, a guinea pig? It's a very appropriate metaphor.

But unlike a simple guinea pig, although there are some risks in the process, as long as it succeeds——"

The girl chuckled: "Moon Campbell, you will get the power you dream of!"

"The coveted power..."

Mu En swallowed hard.

These words indeed had a great attraction for him.

And Mu En believed that with the strong character of the big boss in front of him, he would definitely not lie to him.


"I would like to ask, what is the probability of success in your so-called lifelong pursuit?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"Because what I want to accomplish is unprecedented, and there is no experience for me to refer to. Therefore, the probability of success may be 100% or 0%."

The girl looked at Mu En and said seriously:

“Even I don’t know if this path will work until it’s done.”

"That is to say..." Mu En was a little sluggish.

"Yes, this is a big gamble. For me, the bet is on the path I have been pursuing. The bet is whether you, the one chosen by me, have the ability to carry it.

For you, the bet is whether I am reliable to you, and the bet is whether the result will be good or bad.


The girl stretched out her hand towards Mu En, her clear red eyes burning with fire that did not belong to an ancient person, full of passion, "Do you want to join this gamble? Young man."


Facing the girl's invitation, Mu En fell into deep thought.

He didn't think that this boss was simply trying to trick him, because if she had any ill intentions toward him, she would have crushed him to death with one finger during Huahai.


As she said, this was a huge gamble that even she couldn't see clearly. She only valued herself because she was suitable.

So do you want to agree?

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