Agree to this gamble where you can't see the road clearly and lead to an unknown destiny.

Mu En thought for a moment and then came up with the answer.

Because the black book had already told him what to do.

He is an existence that does not belong to the conventional destiny, so if he wants to break the shackles of conventional destiny, he must take an unconventional path.

And, just as the girl said, he really, really, really, really, really dreams of wanting to gain power.

The brief hallucination just now made him even more convinced of his own powerlessness.

So there is nothing to hesitate about.

It was said to be a choice, but when the white-haired girl appeared and threw out those baits one by one, Mu En had no room to refuse.

Like a confused moth in the dark night, when it sees the light of fire, it will pounce on it without hesitation, knowing that it does not necessarily mean salvation.

"I'd like to join...huh?"

Mu En stretched out her hand, but found nothing.

Because the girl had already retracted her palm, and then showed a meaningful smile.

"I'm glad you have this idea, but I'm sorry boy, I don't teach fools."


Mu En was shocked by the girl's sudden bad breath. She seemed to be teasing the cute cat at home, but suddenly the cat gave her an uppercut.

My brain was attacked to pieces.

"Silly...silly, what do you mean?"

"Before coming here, I checked your grades. Your last exam on Basic Introduction to Magic was only a three-point score."

The girl's eyes became cold, as if she was looking at trash:

"It's really like stepping on the test paper and filling in the answers with your footprints."

"That...that was just me being a little playful last semester."

Mu En looked away awkwardly,

"As long as we work hard, we will be able to catch up slowly."

"I believe you can do it, but I can't wait for you to catch up slowly. I don't have as much time as you think, otherwise I wouldn't be so impatient and take the initiative to find you."

The girl glanced at her young hands, sighed, and said:

“So, I can only give you one month.

In the monthly exam one month later, you must pass the Basic Introduction to Magic exam, which is the foundation of everything. "

"A month?"

Mu En's expression froze: "The monthly exam for the first grade?"

"Monthly exam for second grade." The girl said expressionlessly.

"But how is that possible?"

Mu En's eyes widened: "It takes one month to learn from others, no, it should be said to be one year and one month. No matter how you look at it, it is very difficult."

"That's your business. All I can say is...come on, young man."

The girl stood up and turned to look aside.

Looking through the layers of walls, she saw another, a flat girl who was obviously wrapped into rice dumplings a few days ago, but now she was alive and kicking, playing with her childhood sweetheart.

In her sight, the flat girl also revealed an extremely unusual aura.

"You are special, but you are not the only special one. It is impossible for me to pin my lifelong pursuit on you alone, so for me, you are just one of the choices."

The girl turned back, her eyes returning to their previous coldness.

"Answer me with your actual results in one month, Moon Campbell.

This is also my test for you. "

The girl turned around and seemed to be preparing to leave.


But then Mu En called her:

"Where's your name? You can't let me call you boss all the time."


The white-haired girl looked melancholy and sighed:

“That kind of thing has long been lost to the long river of time by me.

As for how to call me——


This is my last name, you can call me Meera...Teacher, um, Teacher Meera.

I am tired of hearing the word mentor. "

33. Visit (supplementary update)

After Meera left, the ward became silent again.

But Mu En stared blankly at the place where she disappeared, like a frog seeing a swan flying over the well for the first time, his eyes widened.


After a while, he spat out these two words from his mouth.

What did the boss say her name was just now?


Which plum? Which one? Which one is more? Which meter? Which one?

Could it be that on the title page of the Introduction to Magic textbook, the one who spent a huge amount of time introducing, and one-third of the theories in the entire book are related to her, is the origin-level great mage from thousands of years ago—Mela Domir?

Duplicate name?


No, no.

How can such a top boss match his name?

That is to say...

"This is incredible, the not an ordinary boss."

Mu En couldn't help but feel a little dry.

Although based on inference, it was indeed Teacher Meira who forced the evil god away, but Mu En did not see it with her own eyes, so she could not truly experience how awesome the boss was.

I thought she was an awesome crown wearer, relying on the academy’s great secret rituals to...

But now it seems that she may still be too young. With the help of the Great Secret Instrument, the Great Secret Instrument itself may have been created by her!

The origin level from a thousand years ago!

What concept?

You must know that people in this world are not like those in some immortal novels, where they can live for thousands of years casually.

Before breaking through the coronation level, becoming a crown wearer, and sublimating the level of life, it is extremely difficult for people in this world to break through the theoretical life span limit of one hundred and twenty years.

But even if he becomes a crowned person, his lifespan is only about two to three hundred years. As far as Mu En knows, the longest-lived person in the original book is the Pope of the Church of Life.

But with the blessing of the goddess of life, he is only over 400 years old.

Not even half of a thousand!

And being at the origin level a thousand years ago does not mean that she only lived for a thousand years, but that she was at the origin level for a thousand years!

True age... unknown.

Because on the title page of the textbook, there is no introduction to her life before she became the Grand Magister.

"Such a big boss asked me to become her disciple, and I was still hesitating just now?"

Mu En wished she could travel back to ten minutes ago and hug Teacher Meira's thigh immediately.

As long as he hugged such a thick leg, unless the evil god came in person, what else could threaten Mu En's life?

The crown-wearer under your god of love is nothing, can it compare to this white and tender thigh in my arms?

So what if your protagonist has too many cheats, or if there's a little girl hidden in the ring? Can the total amount reach the ankle of this thigh?

If you become a disciple of Teacher Meera, as long as you don't take the initiative to die, doesn't that mean you can have as much fun as you want?

——But it’s just a thought.

Because Mu En calmed down quickly, and then... a trace of fear could not help but appear.

Is it really the right choice for me, a yellow-haired villain who doesn't even have the aura of a protagonist, to embark on a path that even Meladomir is not sure about?

" this point, I have no choice but to keep going."

Mu En patted her face and cheered up.

Black Book's precognitive dream is like a knife that keeps approaching his throat. He doesn't know when it will come true and take away his life.

So, he must struggle.

Before the evil of fate strikes again, grab everything around you and struggle desperately!

Even if the direction he struggled to move forward might be the real hell.

"But...who will save me..."

Not even two minutes after he had regained consciousness, Mu En couldn't help but roll around wrapped in quilts, wailing like a dying fish again.

Because no matter how you think about it.

The request made by Teacher Meira was too harsh.

One month later, I passed the Basic Introduction to Magic exam!

In one month, you can learn what others have done in a year and a month!

This is not something that college students can understand by just looking back at elementary school textbooks.

When it comes to magic, he's just a pupil right now.

And he is only in the first grade at most, and Teacher Meira wants him to take the second grade exam in a month, and he must pass!

It's simply forcing someone to do something difficult.

But Mu En also knew that Teacher Meira's request was extremely reasonable.

For esoteric magic, a fool who scored three points in the Basic Introduction to Magic test is indeed not even qualified to get started.

"But it's still so difficult. Is there any way to gain knowledge without studying?" Mu En twisted in strange postures, praying for God to send down an almighty Doraemon.

"Has the evil god's pollution really affected your brain, Moon Campbell?"

The cold voice suddenly echoed in the small ward.


Mu En's wailing stopped immediately, as if the still button was pressed.

He slowly poked his head out from under the quilt, revealing his slightly red face, looking at the silver figure, and said with an awkward smile:

"Sai...Celicia, why are you here?"

"Can't you?"

Celecia was still wearing the red uniform of the student union, which made her snow-white skin look rosy.

She put the fruit she brought on the cabinet beside Mu En's bed, raised her hand to lift a strand of silver hair, and glanced at Mu En with her peripheral vision:

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