"Or do you want to see the doctor more now?"

"No, no, no, there's nothing wrong with my mind, absolutely nothing."

Mu En shook her head vigorously, then straightened up from the bed and sat down.

He raised his hand to tidy up the messy hospital clothes, like a hard-working worker meeting a domineering president.

"Is everything okay at the student union? It should be quite busy during this period."

"Fortunately, although this incident has far-reaching consequences, no students actually died in the turmoil, so all the student union can do is handle some follow-up chores. The professors and deans are really worried during this period. "

Celcia sat on the chair that was already occupied by the two beauties.

"Eat an apple?"

Although she asked this question, Celcia actually already held an apple and a fruit knife in her hands.

So Mu En could only weakly add the word "yes".

"How do you feel physically?"

"It's completely healed."

"When will you go back to class?"

"The doctor said I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

"What about the spiritual aspect?"

"You feel happy and it tastes good when you eat it."


Celecia lowered her head to peel the apple, her hands were very steady, so the thin and even peels, like ribbons, slipped continuously from her palms.

After peeling the apple, she placed it in the fruit plate, holding the fruit knife and tapping it lightly on the apple. Mu En only felt a glimmer of light that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and the apple was evenly divided. Eight servings.

Then, she carefully inserted toothpicks into each piece of fruit pulp and handed it to Mu En.

As expected of Celcia, she can peel an apple so elegantly.

Mu En couldn't help but admired secretly, picked up a piece of fruit pulp and put it into his mouth.

Sweet and pleasant.

"Speaking of which, nothing happened in the academy recently."

Mu En solved one piece in twos and twos, and then asked.

After all, after being trapped in the ward for so many days, the only information he could get from the outside world was the occasional girl's laughter outside the window.

The professors and doctors all had serious faces, and Mu En was too embarrassed to ask them about gossip.

"Of course nothing happened to the college. Due to the timely response, the evil god's invasion actually did not cause any actual losses to the college. Classes have basically begun to resume."

Celecia also picked up a piece of apple, biting it in small bites, her crystal red lips opening and closing, her posture beautiful.

"However, when it comes to the hotly discussed topics among students...

That was probably the beautiful blond girl who mysteriously disappeared that night. "

PS: On the last day, you can cast your remaining votes, otherwise it would be a pity if they expire and go to waste (that’s not what you want).

34. The sun is just right (big chapter, please vote for me)

"If we want to talk about the hot topic, it's probably the beautiful blond girl who mysteriously disappeared that day."

Celecia said, glancing at Mu En's face that suddenly froze:

"Huh? You look a little ugly. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"


Mu En came back to her senses, forced a smile and said:

"Didn't I just say that? I'm in great shape now and it tastes great when I eat."

"It's better to pay attention to your own body."

Celecia flicked the toothpick in her hand into the trash can and continued:

"Going back to the topic just now, although I didn't really see the so-called blonde beauty, but according to Weier and the others, she was a super beauty who could arouse the desire of all men. She should be one of the most beautiful women in the academy. The kind that attracts countless people to watch.”

"Is...is that exaggerated?"

Mu En wiped the sweat from her forehead:

"Is it possible that she can be more beautiful than you, Celcia?"

"I don't think my beauty is that great."

Celecia flicked her long hair, and her silver-white hair shone with a hazy light in the sunlight outside the window, highlighting her face even more beautifully.

"Although it cannot be ruled out that the situation the blonde beauty was in at the time could arouse men's desire for protection, but since Wei'er, a girl, said so, her beauty cannot be faked.

According to Weier at the time, if the other party hadn't taken her as a hostage, those students who suddenly experienced such a change might not have been able to organize quickly so easily. "

"Haha, that's it...it seems that the beauty's efforts are not small."

"Indeed, it was precisely because she was so much in the spotlight at the time that it caused such a big stir when the students who had been thinking about her couldn't find her afterwards."

Celcia said:

"It is said that the office of the school affairs office was almost packed the next day."

"But...then what? Was she found?"

"Of course not. The teachers from the school affairs office looked through the rosters and student information of the entire college and found that there was no such person."

"Ah, no."

Mu En's eyes widened, then he clenched his fist and said firmly:

"Then it must be the enemy's conspiracy. Those guys from the gay sect must have deliberately fabricated a beauty as a hostage in order to arouse the anger of the classmates. In order to attract hatred, they can use the magic of the classmates Quickly accumulate magic power during attacks."

As he spoke, Mu En couldn't help but feel indignant: "Those guys are so despicable, they actually took advantage of the students' sense of justice and compassion! If I hadn't been there at the time, I would have blown their heads off one by one."

"Well, the professors probably explained it this way later." Celcia nodded in agreement. As for the second half of Mu En's powerful speech, she naturally ignored it.

"Is this how the professors explain it?"

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the professors have said this, even if those students with restless hormones care about themselves at that time, there is a high probability that they will not investigate further.

The storm will soon dissipate with time.

Of course, Mu En is not afraid of their investigation. There will be no problems no matter how they investigate a non-existent person.

What Mu En is afraid of is that if there are some people who are extremely intelligent at this time and are still panicking, they will find some clues from the face that was more feminine but still about 30% to 40% similar. .

So Mu En must hope that the storm will subside as soon as possible.

"But...I do have a doubt."

"Well, what's the doubt?"

Feeling that things might not be that bad, Mu En suddenly became cheerful.

"Maybe I can help Celcia think about it."

"It's not a big doubt, but it would be great if you could help me think about it."

Celecia raised her white thighs, knocked her elbows on her thighs, intertwined her fingers, held her chin, leaned forward slightly, looked at Mu En with cold eyes, and asked seriously, word by word:

"At that time... why did those evil believers use that blond beauty to specifically name you, Moon Campbell, to come forward?"


Celecia's voice was cold and without any emotion, but these light words made the smile on Moon's lips freeze again.

As if she didn't notice anything unusual about him, Celcia continued to ask:

"Could it be that, in the eyes of those evil believers, that blond beauty is someone important to you? Can it even make you stand up regardless of the danger?"


"Well, why don't you say anything?"

Celcia’s face was expressionless, but her eyes were somewhat meaningful:

"Didn't you just say you wanted to help me think?"


Mu En sneered while avoiding Celcia's sharp gaze, while searching for excuses.

But he knew that his cousin's statement would definitely not make sense in front of Celecia.

If she thought about it, her eighteen generations of ancestors would be clearly investigated.

And with Celicia's keenness, if she lies too much, her flaws will definitely be discovered.

So at this time, I can only act stupid!

"I...I don't know. Maybe those evil believers think that I am a very kind person and think that I will fall for them if they just pick up on someone's appearance." Mu En explained:

"But actually, whether that blonde beauty is real or fake, she has nothing to do with me at all!"

"But why are they looking for you by name? You look like they know you very well. Have you done anything to that True Love Cult?" Celcia pressed forward step by step, asking questions continuously.

"No, absolutely not. They came to me because...because..."

Mu En, who was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, suddenly had an idea flash in his mind, and said seriously: "I'm afraid it's just to covet my beauty!"


Celcia raised her eyebrows slightly: "How do you say that?"

"Isn't the True Love Cult a gay cult? As one of the most handsome men among men, I am attracted by them, and I am also being cleaned up."

In order not to turn into a pervert disguised as a woman in front of Celcia, Moon decided to sacrifice some of her other things.

"Falling in on you?"

Celecia looked at Mu En carefully for a while, until Mu En felt her scalp numb from staring at her, she reluctantly nodded in agreement:

"Maybe. As far as appearance is concerned, you are indeed not that bad. It makes sense that the gay church would like you."



Celcia touched her chin and said seriously:

"In that case, you might want to be more careful."

"be careful?"

Mu En was confused, "What are you careful about?"

Is it possible that there are some gay men in the college who covet my body?

"Although I don't know much about homosexuality, aggression, acceptance, etc., I remember Wei'er once mentioned it to me."

Celecia said seriously:

"——In many similar stories like this, a person's change of orientation begins with being coveted and then violently attacked.

So, if you also start to like men, I think...

Celecia paused, "Duke Campbell will be sad."

"...No way! My orientation has always been normal!"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then broke down and burst into tears:

"Don't connect the things in the book with reality. Besides, Celcia, you should get rid of that Wei'er. Her weird thinking has already begun to affect you!"

"Have it?"

"Very much!"


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