Just as Mu En was feeling embarrassed, he saw a rare arc in the corner of Celcia's mouth.

Just like the ice and snow melting, the spring water rippling, the brilliant sunshine at noon seems to be eclipsed by that faint smile.

"Are you feeling better?"


"I just saw you rolling around on the bed, and I thought you probably didn't have anyone to talk to these days, and you were feeling a little uncomfortable, so..."

Celecia tilted her head, considered her words, and said softly:

"Are you kidding me?"


Mu En was stunned for a while.

Celcia, can you also joke?

Moreover, the purpose of the joke was to help him relieve his boredom of being stuck in the ward these days?

What a surprise.

But Mu En couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

"Thank you, Celcia."

Mu En was moved and said:

"I feel better now."

"That's good."

"But can you change the subject?"

Mu En couldn't help but smile painfully.

"This kind of joke can easily make people's hearts unbearable."

With Celcia's serious look just now, Mu En almost thought she had discovered something.

But actually thinking about it carefully, Celiacia is not that serious, she just always has this cold look.


Because it is frozen all year round, when the ice and snow melt a little, the warmth it brings will be even more touching.

It will make people unable to help but explore, what kind of hot and warm sun is hidden deep in her heart when she walks through the endless wind and snow blocking her.

"It seems that I am not good at joking, but since it is your request, let me change the topic."

She straightened her slender waist, and her long, white and powerful legs crossed in different directions.

The smile on her lips still hasn't faded away, so Mu En can't help but look forward to what new topics she, who seems so gentle at this moment, will bring up?


Celecia put away her smile and asked seriously:

"Why were you naked at that time?"


"It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Celcia stood up and prepared to leave.

If she didn't go back, Wei'er, who was still helping with the documents, might really cry.

"walk slowly."

At this moment, Mu En didn't even have the strength to get up and say goodbye. They had just chatted for a while, but they were so tired that they collapsed on the bed, feeling like they had completely transformed into a salted fish.

"By the way, someone asked me to tell you something."


Xianyu turned his dead fish eyes with difficulty.



"Classmate Ren?"

Mu En stood up in excitement:

"Is he okay?"

"It's okay, but after all, he has had close contact with the evil believer, so he needs to temporarily suspend school, conduct a comprehensive physical and mental examination on him, and maintain observation for a period of time." Celcia said.

"That's good."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

For people like Renn who were almost contaminated, this should be considered the best outcome.

"So, what message did he ask you to bring?"

"He said."

Celecia recalled it for a moment, and then repeated what Ren said at that time, word for word:

"I've seen it all, classmate Mu En, you are really handsome."

"Is that what he said?"

Celecia couldn't imitate Ren's tone, but just from the words, Mu En could feel the true emotions revealed by that honest young man.

So Mu En was really happy for him.

"That's good. When he returns to the academy, maybe we can become real friends."


After relaying the words, Celcia, who was about to leave, looked at Mu En's happy look at the moment, and then recalled the look on the face of that classmate who was as strong as a bear when he asked her to relay this sentence. Shy".

I always feel...

"Moon Campbell."


"Although I have no right to interfere with who you like or be liked by anyone, but..."

Celecia turned around and warned seriously:

"Duke Campbell is going to be really sad."

Mu En:? ? ?

"Ha, so tired."

After Celcia left, Moon completely collapsed on the hospital bed.

Feeling like your body has been hollowed out.

"However, I don't find it annoying."

Staring at the white ceiling, Mu En couldn't help but smile.

After all, he could be regarded as seeing a slightly different Celecia.

"Let's sleep for a while."

Mu En closed her eyes and prepared to recuperate first.

Because after he is discharged from the hospital tomorrow, he may never have such leisure time again.

"Oh, it seems I came at the wrong time?"

As soon as she closed her eyes, Mu En heard a familiar voice.

At the same time, there is a fragrant wind hitting the nose, which makes people think a lot.

"Senior Anna?"

When he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar silhouette of a voluptuous figure outlined in a tight-fitting uniform.

"Did I wake you up, junior?"

"No, I just went to bed."

Mu En was a little surprised:

"Senior... don't you usually have classes in the morning, or work in the library? Why are you here?"

"I don't have classes today, and the library is not open yet."

Anna walked into the room, holding a bag of fruit in her hand, and smiled at Mu En, her eyes curved, and the teardrop mole at the corner of her eyes showed a hint of charm.

"Today is the day when my junior's ward is open, so I can't wait to come and see him, but..."

Looking at the apples that have been placed beside Mu En's bed, Anna raised her eyebrows in surprise:

"I came here as soon as I got the news, but someone arrived before me. You are more popular than I thought."

"It's Cecilia."

Mu En didn't hide it, "She just got the news in advance and came to visit as the president."

"Is that so..."

Anna put down the fruit in her hand and asked with a smile:

"Do you want to eat apples?"

"No, I just ate..."

Mu En subconsciously wanted to refuse, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed that Senior Sister Anna's eyes glanced at the trash can.


This word suddenly flashed in Mu En's eyes.

You can't answer like that!

Mu En came to his senses and immediately changed his words:

"Eat, of course I eat, I love apples!"

"Hehe, I didn't know that you like apples so much."

Anna sat on the still warm chair, smiling:

"But since it's your request, I will naturally satisfy you."

So, she also started to peel the apple.

She didn't have the outstanding swordsmanship of Cecilia, but Anna was very careful. Although the shape of the peel she peeled was not as perfect as Cecilia's, it was thin enough to let light through.

She refused to give up even a little bit of the flesh.

"Here, give it to you, my junior."

Without separating the flesh, Anna handed the whole apple to Mu En.

"Hey, don't you want to eat it, senior?"

"I'm not hungry."

"But it's just fruit, it doesn't take up space..."

"Mu En~"

Anna rolled her eyes at Mu En and said coquettishly:

"At this time, you can't let down the girl's painstaking efforts."


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