Looking at the largest and roundest apple specially selected by senior Anna in her hand.

Mu En couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

I always feel that it contains more than just hard work.

With no choice, Mu En still chose to eat the whole apple.

But during this process, Anna kept holding her chin and looking at him quietly.

Mu En was a little frightened by the sight and couldn't help but ask:

"Senior, is there something dirty on my face?"


"Then what have you been watching, senior?"

"I'm watching perverts."

"Huh? What kind of perversion?" Mu En was stunned.

"Isn't my junior a pervert?"

Anna covered her mouth and chuckled:

"Being naked in front of the whole school, even I, the senior, have to admire how perverted my junior is?"

"No, it's not because of you, senior sister..."

"because I?"

Anna half-smiled: "Junior, what you said is a bit irresponsible. Although I did ask you to take off your clothes, it was because of the magic potion."

Anna touched her white chin: "I didn't let my junior appear naked in front of all the students in the school."


Can't refute.

So Mu En could only lower his head dejectedly and gnaw on the apple silently.

It seems that he can't take off the word "pervert" for the time being.

"But... he's very handsome."


Mu En raised his head in surprise, only to see Senior Sister Anna staring at him and saying seriously:

"It's very cool to be able to jump onto a monster without hesitation, my junior."

"No... no way."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then shyly scratched his head:

"In the eyes of outsiders, he is just a crazy pervert."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Anna suddenly took out a newspaper and placed it in front of Mu En.

"This is……"

Mu En looked over.

The man in the newspaper has bright blond hair and tight muscles. At first glance, he looks like the type who can easily coax a young girl.

——If the man puts on clothes.

"News agency?"

Looking at the newspaper, Mu En suddenly became furious:

"Did they start again?"

"Gee, junior brother, it's better not to be angry. They reported it truthfully this time. Even the student union can't criticize anything."

Anna pointed to the photo. All the important parts of the photo were mosaic, especially the black hole under the crotch, which was particularly conspicuous.

Although it can still be seen at a glance that the person in the picture is a well-known yellow guy from a certain academy, there is really nothing out of the ordinary about this photo.

Moreover, the title text is not as sharp and misleading as before, it just writes in a straightforward manner:

"A naked man jumped from a tall building late at night. The secret behind this is..."

——It’s weird if you don’t mislead people. It’s obviously very misleading, right?

Mu En complained angrily in her heart.

But when he continued to look down, he was stunned.

Compared with the usual exaggerated headlines of news agencies, the content of newspapers is much more serious.

It can even be said that more than half of them are positive descriptions of Mu En.

Although the article constantly emphasizes that Mu En is a naked man suspected of exhibitionism and may have an unexplained relationship with the gay cult.

However, most of the article is still praising Mu En's courage to jump down without hesitation and jump towards the monster alone when everyone else retreated.

At the end of the article, a statement by a well-known secretary of the student union was quoted.

"Although I hate Moon Campbell, I have to admit that this time he looked really handsome when he jumped down from the building.

——But based on my years of experience chasing the overbearing evil god and falling in love with me, there will definitely be follow-up developments after the battle between Moon Campbell and that naked man from Ren’s classmate. If so, please kick me, thank you..."


Mu En folded the newspaper silently, ignoring the last sentence that made his eyes hurt.

Then, he went back and looked at the content of the report over and over again.

In the end, he stopped at the words "courage" and "handsome", silently dazed.

"Actually, after this incident and the previous clarification from the news agency, junior brother, your image has changed a lot in the eyes of those female students."

"But he's not a pervert."

"That's different, junior."


Mu En looked up in shock, only to find that the senior sister had suppressed all her impudence and smiles and looked at him seriously.

Under the sunlight, she seemed to have a solemn halo.

“When a person is attracted by the dazzling sparkle on your body, your other small flaws will seem insignificant.

So at that time, compared to the trivial matter of you not wearing any clothes, I think what more people saw was your courage and handsomeness in jumping into danger without hesitation. "

"...I feel like a star." Mu En murmured subconsciously.

"He is a star."

Senior Anna suddenly smiled evilly:

"My junior is already a big star in the academy, so do you want to reconsider the debut I proposed before? Even if you can't become a girl idol, you can still be a boy idol. I've already thought of a name, so I'll call it... "

"Don't even think about it! I don't want to be an idol, and I don't want to die!"

"Giggle... the junior's reaction is so interesting."

Anna smiled coquettishly, and then when Mu En wasn't paying attention, she suddenly reached out her hand and rubbed his blond hair into a chicken nest.


"Stop belittling yourself, junior."

"You have worked very hard, and your efforts are rewarded."

"You are already an excellent junior student."

"Senior sister..."

Mu En was dumbfounded and did not resist. Looking at Senior Anna who seemed to be shrouded in a holy light, the tip of her nose suddenly felt sore.

"Oh, oh, oh, junior, why are your eyes red? You must be crying."

"Sand in eyes."

"It's okay if you cry. Senior sister's arms are very warm. I can lend them to you."

"They say it's just sand."

Mu En turned her head and tried her best to hide her embarrassment.

Anna looked at his back, smiled, and did not continue to tease him.

He just waited until Mu En calmed down and took out what he had already prepared.

"This is……"

Looking at the basic magic probability textbook that Anna took out, Mu En was a little stunned again.

"I think……"

Anna tucked a messy strand of hair behind her ear and said softly:

"With Junior Mu En's temper, after holding it in for so many days, he should have been unable to take any time off.

So, I brought the teaching materials over. "

Anna tilted her head and asked:

"Do you want to go to class? Junior?"


The wind suddenly rushed into the room, blowing the light curtains open.

Countless sunlight poured into the room, and then spread into groups of brilliant yet blurry light spots.

Like the sparkling sea at noon.

The world is blurry, but the girl who opened the book is so clear.

So at this moment, Mu En suddenly felt.

It does not seem to be an impossible task to learn in one month what others have learned in a year and a month.

Because the person who taught him was senior Anna.

35. Fans

The next day.

After completing the last full body examination, Mu En was kicked out of the ward.

The bald, middle-aged single doctor seemed to be very dissatisfied with Mu En chatting with several beautiful girls in the ward yesterday, and he couldn't wait to drive Mu En away.

It was still morning when he left, the senior sister had classes, and it was impossible for Celcia to visit him twice in a row.

So no one came to greet her, so Mu En walked towards the dormitory building alone.

Fortunately, it is easier to be alone when you are empty-handed.

The weather is still nice.

As soon as he stepped onto the forest path leading to the dormitory area, Mu En was stopped by a strange female classmate who seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

"Moon Campbell."

"Ah you are?"

Seeing the female classmate who suddenly appeared in front of her, who looked good, and although not as good as her senior sister or Celcia, she could at least give her a seven-point score, Mu En couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

The visitor was very aggressive. It must not have been the original owner's fault. His ex-girlfriend or something came to the door.

Glancing around, this small forest is indeed a good place to stab a scumbag to death and dump his body.

But Mu En scanned her memory and had no impression of the female classmate in front of her.

"Fanny, third grade." The girl introduced herself.

"It turns out to be Senior Sister Fanny." Mu En breathed a sigh of relief. Since he introduced himself, it means that he is not an acquaintance of Mu En, let alone his ex-girlfriend.

"What's wrong, Senior Sister Fanny?"

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