"I'll just say it."

Senior Sister Fanny seemed to have a forthright temperament and did not make any detours. She looked directly into Mu En's eyes and asked seriously:

"Moon Campbell, do you want to join our Magic Painting Club?"

"Magic Painting Club?"

Magic Painting Club?

What magic painting?

Mu En was stunned for a moment.

Then react.

The so-called Magic Painting Club is actually an art club, but since it is in a magic academy, it has a very "magical" name.

The content of the club is actually the study of art. After all, it is an academy with many nobles, and normal art activities will also exist.

In other words...this senior Fanny is inviting him to join the club?


Mu En couldn't help but ask:

"My reputation...should have a bad impact on the club."

For the club, if the reputation of the members is too bad, it may not even be able to recruit new people.

That's why Mu En was so surprised at this moment.

"Student Mu En's reputation is indeed not very good, but after what happened before, we all feel that there may be some misunderstanding."

Senior Sister Fanny said seriously:

"A student like Mu En is so handsome and has a good figure. It would be a pity not to come to our Magic Painting Club."

He is handsome and has a good figure...

Why does it feel like we are not recruiting for a club, but for nude models?

Mu En complained secretly in his heart.

Still, a little happy.

Now that someone has invited him to join the club, as his classmate said, his image in the eyes of outsiders is indeed somewhat different.

At least……

I won't be shunned by those girls like before.

This is a great start.



"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Fanny, someone has already invited me to join the club." Mu En declined apologetically.


Fanny was a little surprised:

"There is someone faster than me? Which club is it?"

"Ancient Potion Club."

Mu En said, and then added: "A very niche society."

"The Ancient Potion Club... It seems to be the club belonging to Anna Cablin."

Fanny frowned slightly, as if she thought of something, and said:

"Student Mu En, although I have no right to dictate your choice, I still want to remind you that senior Anna's reputation in the senior class does not seem to be very good."

"Not too good...what do you mean?" Mu En's eyes narrowed slightly, as if a chill flashed through her.

"I don't know the specifics. I just heard a few words from senior students in the same club."


Mu En thought for a while and smiled: "Thank you, Senior Sister Fanny, for reminding me, but I know better than anyone else that so-called rumors are unreliable, so I generally won't believe such words until I witness them with my own eyes."

"That's it."

Senior Sister Fanny didn't say much and nodded politely to Mu En:

"Sorry for interrupting your time, Moon Campbell."

"No, I'm very happy to be invited."

"Goodbye then."


After Mu En left.

Several small heads suddenly appeared in the bushes behind Fanny.

They are all first-grade girls, and their faces still have the childishness unique to freshmen.

"How is it, Senior Sister Fanny, has he agreed?" Seeing Mu En walking away, several little girls immediately asked impatiently.

"No, he seems to have already joined a club."

"Huh? Why is this like this?"

A little girl with freckles on her face said sadly:

"Didn't you say that he is hated by all the girls in the college? Why is there anyone faster than us?"

"That's right..."

Another little girl with some baby fat on her face said angrily:

"Didn't senior sister tell him clearly just now that there are many beautiful girls in our Magic Painting Club?"

"I didn't say this, but..."

Fanny recalled the content of the previous exchange and said:

"I don't think a person who gets angry when a girl is mentioned in a negative light will be temporarily attracted to other girls."

"Didn't you say that Moon Campbell is a scumbag?"

The last girl with twin tails snorted angrily:

"So are some gossip girls talking nonsense? My family runs a publishing house, so I know those newspapers are unreliable. I was sure when I saw him in the cafeteria on the first day of school. This Mu En will definitely be a good person. man."

"What's so good? You're a pretty girl, you're obviously attracted to his looks." The freckled girl on the side said viciously.

"And life experience!" the girl with the fat baby added.

"Duchess, that sounds good..."

"But there are rumors that Moon Campbell seems to be gay."

"Isn't it better to be gay? Ah, my nosebleed came out..."

"It's such a pity that the invitation was not successful. If I could use the name of painting to admire his body freely in the future... Hehe, no, I also have nosebleeds."


Fanny looked helpless as she looked at the little girls playing in front of her.

These little girls are considered weird in the entire Magic Painting Club. They have no one to follow but the infamous Moon Campbell.

Although his heroic leap before did make many people handsome.


After all, he was the one who dared to be naked in front of the whole school, and coupled with the previous rumors, no one could say for sure whether he was really a pervert. Recently, some new sayings have indeed emerged that Muen Campbell is actually a good person, but she actually dared not make a conclusion so early, and was still in the wait-and-see stage.

The reason why she invited him was that she couldn't resist these junior sisters, and secondly, after all, the Magic Painting Society was a large club with many senior students in it, so she was not afraid of Muen Campbell messing around.


Fanny recalled the scene of the brief exchange with Muen just now, and said with a little approval:

"He is indeed very different from the previous rumors."

36. Take a break

Muen walked along the familiar sycamore path all the way back to his dormitory.

In just a few days, the dormitory building that was destroyed in the war has been restored to its original state. Not only is there no trace of battle, but there are even new patterns on the tiles of the building.

It's a pink pig, quite cute.

Mu En sighed that magic can really do anything, and walked into the dormitory building.

The dormitory aunt was sitting in the small room at the door grinding her nails as usual. When she saw Mu En, she called him.

"Hey, that, Mu En boy."


Mu En turned around and smiled as usual:

"Is there anything for the teacher?"

"The key to your dormitory."

The dormitory aunt's cheeks were slightly red, and she handed Mu En a key.

"Your dormitory was destroyed before, and the door and everything were replaced with new ones, and the key was also new."

"Oh, thank you."

Mu En thanked her, but saw that the dormitory aunt's face was even redder. After a pause, she suddenly turned her head and said shyly to Mu En:

"Mu En boy, you were... very handsome at that time!"


Mu En was speechless.

It was really amazing.

He played a handsome trick, but the cute little girl didn't get fooled, but this kind of aunt and gay attracted a lot of people.

Did he unconsciously make his charm a little crooked?

Mu En shook his head helplessly, ignoring the shy face of the middle-aged woman, and quickly went upstairs.

The dormitory destroyed by the group of macho brothers has been restored to its original state, and even the daily necessities inside have been placed in their original positions.

For nobles like Mu En who have a good family, valuables are usually placed in their own storage devices, so they are not afraid of the embarrassing situation that Ryan had before when the repairman touched his things.

After looking around and making sure that there was no problem, Mu En walked into the bathroom and took a shower first to wash off the smell of medicine brought from the ward.

Then, he was refreshed and devoted to studying.

After the senior sister introduced him to the door, even if there was no teacher to teach, Mu En might have reviewed and previewed to a certain extent.

After all, what Teacher Meila asked was not just to catch up with the progress, but also to pass the exam.

The content of the magic basics exam in a month will definitely be mostly the content of the second grade.

But after the senior sister's explanation, Mu En knew that the magic basics was indeed a very progressive content.

If you don't thoroughly understand the previous knowledge points, you will be confused later.

So Mu En's most important task now is to quickly finish all the content of the first grade.

In this process, other aspects of learning can be suspended, including the fight in the black book every night.

In this month, everything must give way to this subject.


The next day.

Without giving Mu En more time to rest, the academy's courses have already begun.

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