The first class was the martial arts class that Mu En was familiar with.

However, before the martial arts class started, Mu En found Teacher Cade.

"You want to apply for a temporary leave of absence?"

Cade looked at Mu En, a little surprised.

As a magic academy, Santa Maria College naturally has more than boring theoretical courses and rigid professors, but also many outdoor practical courses and research activities of the club.

Since these courses last for a long time, there is a high probability that they will collide with normal courses, so the suspension system has been derived.

Students can apply for a leave of absence from the teacher in charge of the course. As long as the reason is justified and the teacher agrees, they can temporarily not take this course and will not be deducted credits.

Of course, the exam still needs to be taken.

However, since practical classes and research activities are generally conducted in senior grades, Teacher Cade rarely encounters such a second-year student who applies for a leave of absence.

Especially this applicant is Mu En, who never took classes well before.

I always feel that the motive is a bit impure.

This kid is not thinking of taking a leave of absence to pick up girls.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the single teacher Cade suddenly became sharp:

"So what's the reason?"

"Well, that..."

Mu En scratched his head and smiled:

"Teacher Cade also knows that I only scored three points in the magic theory exam last semester, right?"

"I know, this matter has become a legend among all the teachers, and your other year learned the art of lighting, and they are called the two incredible things in the education world."

What the hell are the two incredible things? Can this also become a strange story in the school?

Mu En complained and continued:

"...So, I want to temporarily focus on learning the basics of magic, and want to make up for that course first."

"That is to say..."

Teacher Cade's eyes fixed, and he said seriously:

"You want to abandon the path of a warrior for magic?"

"Huh? No, I just..."

"No, Mu En Campbell!"

Before Mu En had time to explain, Teacher Cade slapped Mu En on the shoulder, his eyes widened, and said in a shocking voice:

"I have seen many people like you. Just because you suffered a little in martial arts, you went to learn magic that does not require sweat. In the end, you didn't learn magic, and your martial arts were abandoned. In the end, you became a useless waste. You can't do anything except go home to inherit the family property. Mu En Campbell, do you want to be such a person?"

"No, no, no, I didn't give up martial arts. I just have to make up for the basics of magic first for some reason."

Mu En rubbed his painful shoulder and smiled bitterly:

"And Teacher Cade has seen that my current strength as a warrior is among the best in the entire second grade. It shouldn't have any impact if I don't learn it for the time being."

"It is because of your talent in warriors that you can't give up!"

Teacher Cade seemed to have determined that Mu En wanted to give up the path of warriors. He shook Mu En's shoulders and said with a sad face:

"Look at you, you have made such great progress just by going home for two months to be trained by Duke Campbell during the holidays. As long as you continue to walk on this path seriously, I dare not guarantee how great your achievements will be in the future, but at least you can look forward to the future!

Think about your magic level again. Three points in the basic introduction to magic, is that something that ordinary people can take? My three-year-old niece may be higher than that by scribbling on it, so your brain is not born to learn magic!"


Mu En's mouth twitched.

Although I know that Teacher Cade is persuading me kindly, why do I always feel that my heart hurts when I hear this?

But, anyway.

"Teacher Cade, although what you said makes sense, I may not be the material for learning magic."

Moon sighed, grabbed Cade's hand, took it off his shoulder, then stared into his eyes and said very seriously:


I also have my own reasons. In the next month, I must focus all my energy on the basics of magic.

So, whether Teacher Cade agrees or not, I will not attend the martial arts class for the time being."

"——As for credits, if the Campbell family is willing to donate more school fees, I think Dean Pink Bear should be happy to give me some."


PS: I have something to do today, as usual, I will make up for it tomorrow.

37. Female Female Male Male


Faced with Muen's sudden toughness, Cade also seemed very angry and helpless.

In his opinion, Muen's study of magic was a complete waste of time.

Let’s not talk about how terrible his magic performance was before. Look at the group of rough men in his old Campbell family. Have they ever produced any famous magicians?

None at all. Well, the so-called Campbell relied on the famous warrior heritage to be able to produce several crowned people in a row and sit firmly on the duke’s throne for hundreds of years.

If he knew that Muen Campbell was diving into magic and even skipped martial arts classes, I’m afraid his grandfather would jump out of his coffin and curse him for being an unfilial descendant.

But Cade had no choice. Muen didn’t even care about credits. How else could he force him?

After all, he is the son of a duke. As Mu En said, if the Campbell family is willing to spend money to buy credits... the scumbag Dean, who is currently struggling with the college's funds, will definitely wave his hand——

You can take a break, you can take a break. One martial arts class is not enough, you can take a few more. As long as the money is in place, anything is easy!

If more money were given, maybe the acting dean now could hand over the diploma with both hands.

"Moon Campbell, you're going to regret this."

Thinking of this, Cade couldn't help but sigh in disappointment:

"Although you said it was only a month, I have seen you in this situation too many times. You tend to be pretentious and then dive into areas that you are not good at. By the time you hit the wall and want to turn back, it is already too late. "

"Then let's wait until my scalp bleeds from the impact."

Mu En smiled and said:

"If you don't give it a try, how will you know whether it's the south wall or your own head that's hard?"


Cade was speechless for a moment.

However, at this moment, he did see something different in Mu En's eyes than before.

So determined.


Cade sighed.

Eyes and determination are the most indispensable things for a passionate young man of Mu En's age.

He's seen too much.

But often this kind of thing can blind people's eyes and lead them to go down the wrong path.

"I hope it's not too late when you wake up and look back."

Cade patted Mu En on the shoulder and said nothing more.

"Thank you very much, teacher."

Seeing Teacher Cade relent, Mu En thanked him and prepared to leave.

"goodbye teacher."


However, Cade remembered something and suddenly called Mu En.

"You still have to attend this class. There just happened to be a new teaching assistant teacher. You need to get to know him."

"New teacher..."

Mu En thought for a while and nodded:

"Oh well."

Although time is indeed very tight, and I wish I could have forty-eight hours in a day, it is not like I have no time to attend even one class.

Moreover, new teachers still need to get to know each other, and they may need to ask for advice in the future.

There were still a few minutes before class started, so Mu En arrived early at the martial arts arena where class had been held.

On the ring, two students were sparring. Their moves were as fancy as ever but useless. People couldn't help but want to go up and shout, "Don't fight anymore. You can't kill them."

However, it is obvious that the two students are working hard to streamline their moves and make them more practical.

"Does it seem that you were affected by what happened before?"

After all, the fact that the college was invaded was a huge blow to the lower grade students.

Mu En touched his chin, then stopped paying attention to these two people and walked towards the auditorium.

There were already students sitting here scatteredly, and there was a slight commotion when they saw Mu En's arrival.

The hearing of the second-level warrior Mu En was already pretty good, so he could faintly hear them talking about topics such as "Is Mu En Campbell a pervert" and "Is Mu En Campbell a homosexual?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Mu En ignored the whispers of those classmates. After all, this kind of controversial topic was much better than the content not long ago, "Does Mu En Campbell ride on thirteen ships or fourteen?" .

At least, someone has started to refute the negative content, right?

Mu En walked aside, preparing to find a quiet place to sit down and wait for class.

However, when he came to the corner of the auditorium, he found someone sitting there.


Speaking of sitting, she was more like a salted fish slumping there, her eyes were dull, as if she had lost hope in life.

People can't help but think of a certain uncle named Ge.

She is...

After hesitating for a moment, Mu En walked over and asked cautiously:

"Ariel-san, are you... okay?"


Ariel's eyes turned without any highlights, and when she saw it was Mu En, her sight was also completely calm.

"Don't bother me..."

Ariel waved her hand as if to ward off mosquitoes.

"Leave me alone for a while, I want some peace and quiet."

"Class is about to start, and Jingjing doesn't want you to miss her."

Mu En kindly reminded:

"Teacher Cade has a bad temper."

As a martial arts teacher who is always enthusiastic, the most intolerable thing for Cade is those students who are sick and come to his class. Therefore, even Mu En, who dared to sleep in Professor Pu Lang’s class last period, only Cade In the teacher's class...he was distracted while standing.

"I told you not to bother me."

Ariel rolled her eyes, and a stronger smell of salted fish came over her.

And in the smell of salted fish, Mu En could faintly smell the sadness of how a seabird lost its mate and could only fly alone in the vast ocean...?



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