After all, she, the ultimate Feng Aotian who dared to cross two levels to confront the villain BOSS, what could she be sad about?

Is it possible...

Have you noticed that your breasts have become smaller?

Glancing at Ariel's unruffled chest, Mu En couldn't help but think with a hint of malice.

But soon, that trace of malice turned into a chill that sent chills down Mu En's back.

Because he saw Ariel holding a regular-shaped stone tightly in her hand.

Sound transmission stone!

The sound transmission stone was in a semi-excited state, faintly emitting a faint light. Ariel seemed to want to contact someone, but for some reason, she was hesitating.

"Beauty, beauty, I have been looking for you since I was discharged from the hospital, but they all said that you are fake and do not exist."

Ariel gently touched the sound transmission stone and sighed melancholy:

"But I am the only one who firmly believes in your existence, because at that time, you exchanged the frequency of the sound transmission stone with me.

If you are a non-existent person, how can you have a sound transmission stone, and how can you exchange frequencies with me? "

Damn, no good!

After hearing Ariel's words, Mu En's mind suddenly buzzed.

He finally understood why this guy suddenly pretended to be a young man here.

This lesbian is still obsessed with him at that time!

Can't she learn from other stallion protagonists and empathize with others? Are there not enough beauties in the academy?

What does it mean to stare at a woman who doesn’t exist?

No, I have to run away quickly.

Mu En suddenly realized something was wrong.

If you stay here at this time, you might...

"Everyone in the world doubts you, but I don't believe it, so I will prove to the world now that you exist. Wait for me, beauty!"

After thinking for a long time, Ariel finally stopped hesitating and tapped her finger on the sound transmission stone to activate the frequency.


She heard the ringing sound coming from the sound transmission stone not far away.


Ariel looked up in confusion, and then saw Mu En, who had just turned around and took two steps, and took out his sound transmission stone with a somewhat stiff movement.

In his hand, the sound transmission stone trembled slightly, and the ringing sounded so clearly.


Ariel blinked, looked at the sound transmission stone in Mu En's hand, and then looked at the sound transmission stone in her own hand. Her mind seemed to be suddenly knotted, and there was a trace of confusion on her pretty face.

It's strange that the frequency I connected to was the beauty's frequency, but why was it the sound transmission stone of this guy, Moon Campbell, that was ringing?

Could it be that……

"Hey, it's senior sister."

Ariel, whose thoughts were gradually developing in a bad direction, came back to her senses, only to see Mu En press the stone gently, the ringing disappeared, and then put the sound transmission stone to her ear with a solemn expression:

"Yes, I'm in class."

"What's the matter? Oh, do you want me to take the textbooks to the library later?"

"Yeah, I understand. Don't worry, I will be there on time."

Mu En left while chatting with the sound transmission stone, until she blended into the crowd and disappeared from Ariel's sight.


Seeing Mu En leaving in a hurry, Ariel scratched her head and didn't think much about it.

Because at this moment her heart was filled with great joy.

The frequency of the sound transmission stone in my hand was undoubtedly connected, but the other party never answered.

In other words, beauty does exist!

At that time, the scene where the two exchanged contact information under the romantic starry sky, in the hall with flowers floating, and under the solemn witness of the priest, was not my imagination.

"Isn't it convenient for the beauty to answer the call?"

Ariel smiled and hung up the sound stone.

Don't be so anxious and leave a bad impression on the beauty.

Now that you know that the other party is real and you have your contact information, you can slowly figure it out.

Soaking a frog in warm water has always been the best way to attract girls.

"Speaking of which..."

Ariel, who regained her energy, touched her smooth chin and thought:

"At that time, there seemed to be a senior senior who was very close to the beauty. If we find her, we might be able to get more clues about the beauty."

"Fuck, you scared me to death."

On the other side, Mu En, who was hiding among his classmates, patted his chest with lingering fear.

He was just a hair away from being stabbed to death by the protagonist Ariel for the ridiculous reason of forgetting to mute the Sound Transmission Stone, making him the funniest yellow-haired villain ever to die.


As a special magic prop, the sound transmission stone has the same effect as Mu En's mobile phone in her previous life. You can turn off the ringtone without answering.

And his reaction was quick enough and his acting skills were realistic enough, and he pretended for a moment that it was his senior sister who was calling.

Otherwise, if Ariel comes back to her senses and asks him to connect the phone in front of her...

Then she discovered that the guy she hated the most was actually the blonde beauty she longed for...

I don’t dare to think about that scene, stabbing to death would be easy.

"It seems that I have to find an opportunity to change the frequency of the sound transmission stone in the future. Don't keep pursuing her like Ariel. Sooner or later there will be a big problem."

Mu En made up her mind.

Unfortunately, we are currently in the academy. Changing the frequency of the sound transmission stone may have to wait until the next academy open day.

"Did you hear about it? The new teaching assistant teacher seems to have been personally recommended by Dean Pink Bear."

Because Mu En sat over, the topic of those students was no longer about Mu En Campbell, but began to talk about the new teacher who would be here soon.

And Mu En also listened with interest.

"The dean personally recommended him, does he have a big background?"

"I don't know, but I seem to have heard from other teachers that the new teacher made great contributions in the previous invasion."

"What, is he a top-level strong man?"

Some students became excited.

Who doesn't want a real strong man to be their teacher?

"It shouldn't be, if he was a strong man, he wouldn't be an assistant teacher."

Other rational students found clues.

"Since he is not strong, but he can make contributions in the invasion, he must be a very brave person."

"Like Mu En Campbell before?"

Someone said this quickly, and then realized that Mu En was behind him, carefully glanced at Mu En's reaction, and closed his mouth awkwardly.

Mu En smiled at him and didn't care.

However, listening to their words, Mu En couldn't help but become curious.

What kind of person will the teacher be this time?

But no matter what kind of person he is, this time we can't repeat the mistakes of Teacher Fulan last time.

This time, we must build a good relationship with the new teacher!

Mu En secretly made up his mind.

"Okay, class is starting, all the little bastards, be quiet."

As Teacher Kaide's recognizable roar sounded, the noisy scene just now suddenly became quiet.

Kaide glanced at all the students and nodded with satisfaction.

"I guess you have all heard that this time in our martial arts class, there will be a new assistant teacher. He will be responsible for assisting me in guiding you in martial arts. I hope you can get along with him."

"I'll tell you in advance that the new teacher is a very good person. I hope you don't look down on him because of his assistant status, but treat him with respect like me, otherwise..."

Kaide glanced at everyone coldly. Although he didn't say anything else, all the students suddenly felt a huge pressure.

But at the same time, he was even more curious about who the new teacher was, who could make Teacher Cade speak so highly of him?

Even Mu En couldn't help but stretch his neck.

"Introduce yourself, Teacher Kelun."

Cade stepped aside and showed a rare kind smile:

"Remember to speak louder."

"I know!"

The man with a huge scar on his face stood up and smiled heartily, revealing his dazzling white teeth:

"It's just reporting your name. I used to do this kind of thing and I'm very familiar with it."

At this moment, the face of the scarred man gradually became clear in Mu En's sight.

The expectant smile on Mu En's face froze little by little.

He even thought he had seen it wrong, and rubbed his eyes over and over again.

But no matter how he rubbed, the man on the stage was still so damn familiar.

What the hell?

What's wrong with this world?

Or am I dreaming?

Why did this guy appear in such a place?

Mu En fell into extreme doubt about life, and the new teacher Kelun on the stage also began to introduce himself.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Kelun. I am currently a warrior in the early stage of the third level. I used to be an adventurer. What I am best at is occupying a mountain and waiting for opportunities in a planned way..."

As Kelun himself said, he is indeed good at introducing himself. In just a few words, he not only gave people a clear understanding of him, but also left a cheerful and generous image in everyone's mind.

Except Mu En.

Because he was only shocked now.

"Welcome Teacher Kelun." After Kelun introduced himself, many students took the lead in applauding excitedly.

"Thank you, thank you, classmates." Kelun scratched his bald head shyly.

Teacher Kaide also let the students make noise for a while, and then said:

"Okay, if you have anything else to ask, take this opportunity to ask quickly, so as not to affect the class later."

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