After saying that, Teacher Cade saw an unexpected person raise his hand first.

"Hmm? Moon Campbell, do you have any questions?"

"I have no problem."

Mu En stood up with a serious expression, as if she had discovered a pervert dressed as a woman among the crowd and entered the women's restroom:

"But I want to report it."

"Report? Report what?"

Teacher Cade was confused.

"Report a bandit. There are bandits in the academy!"

Mu En pointed at Kelun and roared:

"When you recruit a teacher, don't you check his identity?"


Teacher Cade looked at Column doubtfully, "Is it true?"

"Bandit? What kind of bandit? Are you talking about me?" Colen looked innocent.

"Isn't that why I'm talking about you, bastard!"

Mu En slapped the table:

"Don't you think that it's only been a month and I've forgotten you? I've known your face since it turned into ashes. There's no point in pretending to be stupid!"

"Classmate Mu En, how can you say this to the teacher? The teacher will be sad."

Coren replied seriously, but then his face sank. The face that looked very masculine and powerful, with his eyebrows drawn together and drooped, looked extremely sad.

"However, I also understand why you, Classmate Mu En, have such a prejudice against me."

As he spoke, he stroked the conspicuous scar on his face, showing a pitiful expression like a puppy whose tail had been stepped on:

“After all, because of this scar, some people often think that I am a bad person.

But——, even if I continue to be misunderstood, I will be proud of this scar. Let me tell you why——”

Kelen puffed up his chest and said in a powerful voice:

"Because this scar is what I left behind after fighting bloody battles for three days and three nights to save a poor little girl who was besieged from a group of bandits!"


The students in the audience were in an uproar.

This new teacher Column is so brave?

Fighting alone with a group of bandits for three days and three nights to save a little girl?

If you think about it, you will know how difficult and dangerous this matter is, how much courage it requires, and how kind-hearted his nature must be?

No wonder he is only a third-level martial artist in the early stage, but he can make great contributions in this college crisis that the dean will praise!


Only Mu En's eyes widened in disbelief, secretly wondering how there could be such a thick-skinned person in this world, and retorted sharply:

"Why did you save the poor little girl who was besieged? Aren't you the ones who besieged her in the first place?"

Not only are you besieging my little girl, you are also coveting my body!

Fortunately, Aluka was more powerful at that time, otherwise I would have lost something important!

"That's enough, Moon Campbell!"

Teacher Cade couldn't stand it and shouted angrily:

"How can you arbitrarily slander an excellent and upright teacher?"

"What kind of excellence and integrity does he deserve?"

"Moon, Campbell!"

"It's okay, it's okay Mr. Cade."

Coren stopped Cade, who was actually not moving forward at all, and shook his head with a smile:

"I don't care. Although I fought with the ferocious bandits for three days and three nights in order to rescue the little girl, I still took the time to have a cup of tea and drink a bag, and gently comforted the little girl. Even here In the crisis of the college, I also made great contributions. It is not an exaggeration to say that I saved the college from dire straits at critical moments. But to me, these are just trivial things that are not worth mentioning.

I don’t care what others say, I really don’t care. "

"But, you - ugh." Teacher Cade was furious for a moment, secretly wondering how there could be such a righteous and broad-minded man in this world.

compare to……

"Moon Campbell, can you follow my example?"

Teacher Kaide hated the lesson that iron cannot become steel and said:

"As a man, how can you judge someone else's inner self just by their appearance? You must know that what is important about a person is not his appearance, but his noble soul!"

"God is such a noble soul, this guy's soul is completely black!

The kind that no one will accept even if you go to hell! "

"Mun Campbell, you've really had enough. Isn't the slander enough? Are you actually attacking me personally?" Cade's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.


Just as Mu En was about to continue his defense, he heard someone whisper:

"Classmate Mu En, how could you do this?"


Mu En frowned and followed the sound.

The voice was very small, but in the brief silence just now, it seemed particularly clear.

But the speaker seemed to be deliberately hiding in the crowd, and it was difficult for him to find him for a while.

Originally, Mu En wouldn't care about words like this.

However, as soon as these words came out, those students who had been afraid to say anything because of his identity suddenly had the courage to speak out.

"That's right, classmate Mu En, how could you do this?"

"Even if you don't like the teacher, you can't slander him so casually."

"Teacher Kelen is obviously so good."

"Originally, your dance before made me think you were very handsome, alas..."


Mu En narrowed his eyes and scanned those people.

Except for the first one, which was obviously provocative, the others seemed to be just ordinary complaints about the teacher.

Think about it, after all, with the two BUFFs of "recommended by the dean" and "made great contributions", plus what Colen said just now, it must be said that it is indeed very easy to win the favor of these adolescent hot-blooded young people.

In comparison, Mu En's reputation is not very good, and he made such a sharp accusation right at the beginning, it is hard not to think that he is not deliberately looking for trouble.

Am I too radical?

Mu En took a deep breath and sat back slowly.

"Forget it, since Pink Bear asked him to be a teacher, he must have his own considerations, and there is no need for me to worry about it.

This is the academy. With that guy's cultivation at the beginning of the third stage, I am afraid that even Ariel can't beat him. It is still difficult to cause any trouble."

And maybe I have a preconceived idea. What if he has really turned over a new leaf?

So, Mu En Campbell, stay calm.

Don't get angry over such a small matter.

You are the son of the Duke, you must maintain your noble connotation and cultivation.

"Teacher Kelun, do you have any special reason to become a teacher in the academy?"

The episode caused by Mu En ended, and the pleasant question time started again.

One of the few girls in the martial arts class raised her hand and asked curiously.

"Reason? Of course there is one."

"Oh, what is it?"

When hearing this kind of gossip, the curiosity of all students was quickly mobilized.

"Yes..." Kelun held his hot cheeks, his eyes occasionally glanced in a certain direction, and said shyly:

"To find my true-"

"Shut up!"

But before he finished speaking, Kelun heard a deafening roar.


The fist gradually enlarged in the field of vision.

In the shocked eyes of everyone including Teacher Kaide, Mu En had rushed up without knowing when.

The eyes were cold and the punches were heavy.

Fuck calm, I can't stand it anymore.

"Die for me, you dead gay."

38. Instigator

"Die for me, you dead gay!"

The huge fist, wrapped in the cold wind, hit Colen's disgusting face, making a dull sound.

It was particularly clear in the quiet martial arts field at this moment.

Everyone was stunned, including Teacher Cade.

For a moment, many eyes stared at the sudden accident in the field in shock, and they couldn't even speak.

Only Mu En, watching the disgusting man with a delicate face twisted under his fist, flying backwards, and then fainted without even screaming, felt relieved in his heart.


He breathed a sigh of relief and felt relaxed.

To use a phrase from the immortal novel, it is a clear mind.

No matter how well-educated the nobles are, no matter how good their external image is, they can't compare to him killing this disgusting dead gay first.

If Teacher Cade hadn't been there, knowing that there would be no chance to attack again, he would have run over and stabbed him again.

"Moon Campbell!"

But beating someone up was fun for a moment, and the next moment, a mountain of pressure poured down, causing Muen's body to sink slightly.

Teacher Cade roared in anger, and a powerful aura rose from his body.

What did he see?

Someone actually attacked other teachers in his class, in front of him?

This is the top school in the empire, St. Mary's College. Here, even the princess is just an ordinary student and must abide by the rules of the college!

"Moon Campbell! What are you doing?"

Teacher Cade stretched out his big hand and reached out to Muen. No matter what, he had to subdue this lawless guy first.

But as soon as his hand reached out, he saw Muen raise his hands and perform a standard military salute from a certain country in his previous life:

"No, no, no, Teacher Cade, I'm afraid of pain, don't grab me, I won't run away."

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