
Cade's hand froze.

He didn't run away after beating someone, and he even dared to be so calm. This was the first time he saw such an arrogant guy!

"Moon Campbell, do you know what you did? You beat a teacher at St. Mary's College. Even if you have a special status, you must be severely punished!" Teacher Cade's eyes were gloomy.

"Indeed, beating a teacher should be punished."

Moon nodded, then spread his hands and said:

"But I didn't beat a teacher."

He paused and said seriously:

"I beat a bandit, a disgusting bandit. I just saw a bandit sneak into the college, and then I got rid of the harm for the people."

"You are still talking nonsense here!"

Teacher Cade was almost dizzy with anger:

"You slandered an upright and excellent teacher again and again, what is your intention?"

"I didn't slander, I was telling the truth."

"You - bastard!"

Teacher Cade was so angry that he wanted to teach Muen a lesson himself.

But this is the academy after all, and as a teacher, he has no power to punish privately.

Not to mention someone of Mu En's status.

So he was also thinking about how to deal with this matter better.

At this time, the students in the audience gradually came to their senses after a brief shock.

What happened?

That Mu En Campbell actually hit the teacher?

So exciting?

Most students are just people who are eager to eat melons.

So after seeing such a rare scene, they immediately started to discuss excitedly like a pot of boiling water.

In fact, at this time, almost all the onlookers were still in the excitement and noise of having melons to eat. After all, no matter how good their impression of Colen was before, they actually had no friendship.

Therefore, not many people thought about who was right and who was wrong.


"Mu En Campbell, how could you do such a thing?"

The sudden accusation was also very clear in the noise.

So the scene was quiet again.

Mu En's eyes condensed slightly, and his sight quickly swept across the audience.

Nothing was gained.

The position of speaking was obviously different from the first time.

"Yes, Muen Campbell, how could you hit the teacher?"

"It's wrong to hit the teacher!"

"Teacher Colen is such a good person..."

"Muen Campbell, even if you are the son of the Duke, you shouldn't do this. The academy is not a place where you can do whatever you want..."

"Apologize quickly."

"Yes, apologize!"

Seeing someone take the lead in the group, some students who were full of justice but did not dare to speak because of Muen's identity, suddenly had no scruples.

The gun hits the bird that sticks out, but now that the bird that sticks out has already been shot, what are you afraid of?

And even if you, Muen Campbell, are powerful, there are so many of us, and there are also noble nobles among us. You can't retaliate against them all.

So there was a righteous accusation.

Even many people's faces turned red at this moment, immersed in the pleasure of the Brave Dragon Quest.

That's right, Muen Campbell, who did whatever he wanted by relying on his status as the son of the Duke, is the evil dragon.

And they are brave men who are not afraid of power and hold fairness and justice in their hands.

Usually we are timid and dare not do anything to you, but now we are standing on the moral high ground, can't we point fingers at you?

- At this moment, what Mu En did is no longer important.


Teacher Kaide frowned, and he finally realized that the student's mood seemed a little wrong, and was about to speak out to stop it -

"If you didn't say it, I almost forgot it."

The clear voice echoed, and Mu En suddenly took two steps forward and stood in front of those people.

He tidied up his student uniform that looked a little messy because of the action, looked at everyone, and showed a warm smile that could not be faulted:

"I, Mu En Campbell, am the famous son of the Duke."


The scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone stared at Mu En with astonished eyes.

What's going on?

He, Mu En Campbell, really wants to rely on his status as the son of the Duke to go against so many people?

"Even if you are the son of a duke, you can't do whatever you want!"

A voice said in the crowd.

"That's right, the son of a duke can't do whatever he wants."

"Moon Campbell, you are too arrogant!"

"Apologize to the teacher first."

Then more voices echoed.

"No, I think you misunderstood me."

Faced with many accusations, Muon remained calm.

His eyes were searching for something in the crowd, and he said leisurely:

"I don't want to use my identity to oppress anyone. I just want to prove to you that I am right."

"How do you prove it?"

"Didn't I say it? I am the son of the Duke."

Moon looked at everyone and smiled, but his tone was unusually cold and iron-like:

"How do you think it would take me to find out the identity of a person with the power of the Duke's Mansion?"


"One day should be enough."

Moon turned his head and looked at Cade:

"What did Teacher Cade say? If I find out that Colen is a bandit, then will my previous behavior still be wrong?"


Cade frowned.

If Kelun was really a bandit, then there would be nothing wrong with Muen's behavior just now.

In fact, the academy must give Muen a positive reward for finding out the dangerous people hidden in the academy.


How could a good teacher inexplicably become a bandit?

The change in their identities is too big.

And this teacher Kelun is so masculine, powerful, and talkative. In every aspect, he is very consistent with the temperament he admires.

So when Pink Bear asked him to be his assistant, he was quite happy.

But calm down and think carefully, although Muen Campbell has always had a bad reputation, he really has no reason to suddenly target a teacher.

"Could it be..."

Cade recalled the unreliable look of Dean Pink Bear in his mind, and suddenly had a bad premonition.


"But what if you forged the results?"

Just when some people thought that what Muen said might really be credible, the erratic voice sounded again.

Like a stone bouncing on a calm lake, it stirred up waves again.

So, the "righteous" heroes found the "evidence" of the evil dragon again, and continued impatiently:

"Yes, you are the son of the Duke, it should be easy to frame someone."

"If you are given time, wouldn't it put Teacher Colen in danger?"

"Maybe the Duke's Mansion will kill people directly to silence them, my God, it's terrible!"

"Mu En Campbell, we don't believe you!"

Mu En's face sank slightly.

Suddenly felt a little bad, if public opinion was led in this direction, his identity would become an obstacle to the truth.

After all, most people have extreme distrust of rights that they cannot reach.

Ignore them first, and then present the facts later, or...

"Indeed, it is easy to falsify after the fact."

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly echoed in the huge martial arts field.

"If that's the case, why not prove it in person?"

The voice was not loud, but it was full of innate nobility and arrogance, which instantly quieted the noisy martial arts arena.

"Student Council President?"


Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the silver-white figure that appeared at the entrance of the martial arts arena, revealing a puzzled look.

"Student... Student Council President, are you going to favor Muen Campbell?"

The uncertain voice sounded again, trying to accuse Cecilia of favoring Muen from the beginning.

But this time, no one responded.

Because the name Cecilia was too intimidating.

Even if everyone knew that she was engaged to Muen Campbell, when she stood here, no one would think that she would do something as boring as "favoring Muen Campbell".

Therefore, only one of the people who had danced the most happily just now turned pale and mustered up the courage to ask:

"President... President, what does it mean to prove it in person?"

Celica glanced at a certain place off the court, a hint of teasing flashed in her eyes, but she did not speak, and turned to look at Mu En and asked:

"Mu En Campbell, will you be responsible for what you just said?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously:

"Of course."

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