"Defaming and attacking a teacher is a serious crime in Santa Maria."

"He is not a teacher, he is a bandit." Mu En said seriously.

Cecilia stared into Mu En's eyes, and after a while, she suddenly nodded:

"Well, I hope what you said is true."

After that, she flipped her hand and took out a very peculiar sound transmission stone.

Soon, the sound transmission stone was connected, and a respectful voice came from the other side.

"Your Highness."

"Connect me to the Third Intelligence Department of Belrand."


There was a noise in the sound transmission stone, and then another old voice sounded.

"What does your Highness want?"

"Check the wanted persons in Belrand and the surrounding areas in the past three years. The keywords are bandits, Colen, scars, bald heads, and men."


The sound transmission stone fell silent.

The entire huge martial arts field was also silent.

Everyone stared at the girl who used power that ordinary people could hardly imagine with unbelievable eyes, and they dared not breathe too loudly.

Even Mu En was shocked.

She is Cecilia, who is so domineering that she would dig out your family tree at any time. It makes people want to hug her black silk thighs and sing a song of conquest.

But Mu En was still a little nervous. What if Kelun was not wanted...

"Your Highness, the results are out." Soon, the sound transmission stone moved again.


"Kelun Woso, a bandit, started to be active in the mountains around Lake Bebol three years ago. He has a huge scar on his face and his cultivation level is around the peak of the second level."

"Peak of the second level?"

Cecilia raised her eyebrows: "Such a weak bandit, how could he be active for three years?"

The sound transmission stone came with the sound of books flipping, as if they were looking up something.

"According to the report, although Colum Voso's cultivation is not high, he has mastered a magical escape technique and is extremely cunning. In addition, he has only robbed money and not raped women in the past three years, and has never even hurt people's lives. Therefore, after several unsuccessful attempts to capture him, the people below adjusted his priority to the lowest, and even the reward was only 5,000 Emile."

"Okay, I understand."

Celica hung up the sound transmission stone directly.

In short, the people below thought that this guy was too difficult to catch, and the effort and reward were completely disproportionate, so after trying a few times to pretend, they completely ignored it.

Anyway, there is no threat.

This is why this guy can still wander around without changing his name and appearance after being wanted.

"But what I didn't expect is..."

Celica's eyes were slightly cold,

"Our Pink Bear Dean really made a big job for me."

No matter how low the threat is, he is still a bandit after all.

According to normal procedures, ordinary teachers need to be reviewed at various levels to serve in Saint Maria. If there is a slight stain within three generations, it is impossible for them to enter this top-level school full of nobles and geniuses.

But such a school where even a father who went to whorehouses cannot enter actually let a bandit be a teacher?

If this gets out, the school will be laughed at by the whole empire!

What the evil god didn't do, you, Pink Bear, almost did it easily.

"The biggest flaw of the school is actually the dean?"

Cecilia laughed a little angrily.

But forget it, there is no need to be angry for him, someone will take care of him later.


Cecilia lowered her head and looked at Colen lying on the ground.

"Are you still pretending to be dead? Mr. Bandit?"



Looking at Colen who was still motionless, Cecilia stretched out her hand and made a long sword condensed with ice crystals appeared in her hand.

"Since you are not awake, let me try the sword."

"Wait--wait, I am awake, I am awake, please move the sword away!"

Colon jumped up and looked at the cold sword in Cecilia's hand in horror:

"My martial art of pretending to be dead can even deceive a fourth-level warrior. How did you see through it?"

"Of course I can't see through it."

Cecilia put down the sword and said coldly:

"I just think that with Muen Campbell's weak body, one punch won't make you faint for so long, so I just tricked you and tried it."

39. Dilemma

"No--I have sweated for the academy, I have shed blood for St. Mary, you can't do this to me, I want to see the dean, I want to see Pink Bear!"

In the empty martial arts field, Colon let out a heart-wrenching roar.

"Meet the dean? I'll take you to see the dean now, but I'm afraid Pink Bear can't protect himself now!"

Cade grinned, relying on his powerful cultivation, he pressed Colen to the ground fiercely, and the thick rope in his hand flew, quickly tied him up.

Tie a strong tortoise shell tie.

By the way, he kicked Colen's butt several times.

You're numb.

I stood up for you and supported you like that just now, but you turned out to be a bandit?

Deceiving the feelings of labor and capital!

Cade felt that he had turned into a ruthless machine. The next step was to tie up Pink Bear and this guy together and burn them to death!

"Wait-wait a minute, I have something to say!"

Seeing that Cade had taken off his stinky socks and was about to stuff them into his mouth, Colen finally shouted in fear:

"Just let me say the last sentence!"

"The last sentence? Very good, let me hear your last words." Cade sneered and let go of him temporarily.


Kelen let out a big breath, then looked at Mu En, whose hair stood on end, and showed a tragic smile:

"I failed this time, but it doesn't matter, beauty, I will definitely come back to marry you..."


The chill surged.

The bright ice crystals condensed instantly, freezing Colon, who even had a disgusting smile on his face, into a popsicle.

Celecia glanced at him coldly, "What a filthy person."


Mu En, who was standing not far away, silently stepped back a little and shrank his neck.

I always felt that Celcia was in a bad mood.

"Now that the truth is out."

Celecia's cold eyes glanced at the "braves" who were so active just now and so silent now.

"And no one seems to have any objections, so...Teacher Cade, the rest will be left to you, and I won't disturb your class."

"No, no, I am the one, please." Cade smiled bitterly.

Originally, he always hated others interrupting his class, but at this time, what else could he say?

And instead of going to class, he now wants to settle accounts with Pink Bear.

"Then I'll take my leave."

Celecia nodded politely, then stared at Mu En again:

"Moon Campbell, come with me."

"oh oh."

Mu En nodded blankly.

Just as he was about to leave with Celcia, he was stopped by Teacher Cade.

"Um, classmate Mu En..."

Mu En turned around, only to see Cade scratching his head and looking embarrassed, contrary to the stern and fierce look in his impression:

"I just...blamed you wrongly, that...I'm sorry."


Mu En Wei Zheng.

Teacher Cade...is she apologizing to him?

After a moment of confusion, Mu En came back to her senses.

Although Mr. Cade has a bad temper, he does have this straightforward temperament.

Otherwise, the previous reaction would not have been so intense.

"It's okay, Teacher Cade."

After thinking about it, Mu En decided to forgive him.

After all, Cade was actually just impatient, and he never really took action against Mu En, which showed that he was indeed abiding by his duties as a teacher.

Compared to him, others...

Mu En glanced at the people in the audience and followed Celcia away.

Outside the martial arts arena, looking at Celecia walking in front, Mu En didn't know what to say for a moment, so she could only ask dryly:

"By the way, Celcia, why did you suddenly appear here?"

And it was such a coincidence, no matter how much I thought about it, it seemed like we just happened to bump into each other.


Celecia stopped, then turned back, her slender eyebrows raised high, like a sharp sword.

"If you don't show up, will you die of stupidity?"


Mu En felt that her words were as inhumane as a sword, and she stabbed her chest directly to the core.

But there was nothing to refute.

Because he did do the stupidest thing at that time.

Whether it was an investigation afterwards or a report to Professor Plan, there were many ways to easily reveal the identity of the Cologne bandits, but he chose the stupidest way to do it in public. Not only did he put himself at the center of the storm, he might also Let your reputation, which you have worked so hard to improve during this period, all go to waste.

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