"But there's nothing wrong with your punch."

Celecia said suddenly, with a hint of relief in her tone as if her father had discovered that his son turned out to be a normal person:

"If you hadn't punched me, I'm afraid Duke Campbell might really have to consider giving up on your son."

"Can you please stop mentioning this!" Mu En complained with tears.

Birds suddenly stopped on the ornamental trees on both sides of the road. Celicia glanced coldly, and the birds flew away in fear.

"Ariel asked me to come." Celcia said suddenly.


"She said you were confessed by a gay man and asked me to come and watch the fun."


The warmth that had just risen in Mu En's heart was quickly extinguished.

I originally wanted to be touched that Ariel would actually help me, a person she hated.

As expected, that guy still had thoughts about Celcia, so he just wanted to drag her over to watch him make a fool of himself.

I really have you, Feng Aotian, the protagonist, are you planning to attack two people at the same time on two fronts?

However, I don’t feel that any of the lines are very promising.

"Thank you, Celcia, you helped me again."

Mu En thanked her sincerely.

When he came back to his senses, he seemed to have been being helped by Celcia.

Obviously, I feel guilty, and I should be the one who should make amends.

"If you feel sorry for me, try to cause less trouble in the future."

Seemingly sensing Mu En's thoughts, Celicia said coldly.


Mu En could only smile bitterly in return.

He doesn't want to cause trouble, but he always comes to him if he can't stand it.

Including this time...

"You seem very unhappy."


"Obviously the matter has been resolved, the misunderstanding has been resolved, and the perverted gay man who may continue to harass you in the future has been caught, but you seem to be very unhappy."

Celecia tilted her head, looked at him, and said suddenly.

"……Have it?"

"My face is almost wrinkled like an old woman's."

"That's it."

Before I knew it, I couldn't even control my expression?

"Actually, I'm not unhappy, I'm just..."

Mu En stared down at the ground and said softly:

"I'm just a little disappointed."

Obviously change yourself like that.

Apparently even the senior sister was praising her efforts.

I obviously thought that many places were different.


At such times.

There are still people who are unwilling to believe him.

There are still people who are unwilling to give him more time.

There are still people...

Hiding behind the crowd, showing malice towards him.


It will make people unconsciously think about what they have done...

"Moon Campbell!"

Celecia suddenly raised her voice, interrupting Moon's thoughts.

When he raised his head, he found that Celcia's eyes were cold, as if she were looking at a ball of combustible garbage.

"You seem to be...getting into trouble."


Mu En was a little confused.

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't you really think that you can make everyone like you?"

"No, I just don't want others to be malicious to me anymore, and I don't want others to stop being prejudiced against me..."

"What you're talking about is bullshit."


Mu En was stunned.

He didn't expect that such a rude word would come out of Celcia's mouth.

"What do you think of me?" Celcia suddenly asked.


Mu En was about to answer, but suddenly became alert.

A girl suddenly asks you this question in a deserted place...

You have to answer well.

"The black stockings fit me very well...ah!"

Celcia retracted her knees, her eyes cold:

"Answer again."


Mu En, who was holding her belly and curled up like a prawn, trembled and raised her thumbs.

"Absolutely perfect."

"But even if I am the perfect person you call me, the princess of the empire, the president of the student council, with countless auras attached to me, and I think my appearance is okay, there will still be many people who hate me, or even hate me."

Celcia said:

"Just like Mingott, the president of the news agency, he pricks my scarecrow every day, wishing that I would get seriously ill and die suddenly on the spot so that he could sell his gossip newspapers."

"You also know this?" Mu En was shocked.

"Ha, his most valued confidant has actually joined the student union a long time ago, but he doesn't know it." Celcia sneered.


Mu En shivered.

So scary, this woman is so scary.

"It's understandable that you want to change your external image and want to be liked by others, especially for you, Moon Campbell, but you shouldn't add the prefix of 'everyone'."

Celcia looked at Mu En and continued:

"You just got bitten by a few insignificant bugs, but you look as depressed as a little kid who was robbed of candy. Moon Campbell, your look makes me feel even more disgusting than you did a few months ago. .

At least a few months ago, if you were scolded by someone, you would definitely point your finger at that person's nose and say, 'My father is a Duke, who are you?' "


Mu En opened her mouth silently, like a fish coming ashore.

"Besides, not only the people who hate you, but your change itself may also be a source of ill will."

"Change itself?"

Celicia's words left Mu En confused.

If he, a playboy who had done all kinds of bad things, suddenly changed for the better, wouldn't it be a good thing for everyone?

At least in this academy.

"I really don't know if your personality has changed drastically, or if you have simply become a different person."

Seeing Mu En's confused look, Celcia sighed without any trace:

"You and your past are too clean, Moon Campbell."


Mu En was still confused.

But Celcia seemed to have lost her patience, turned around and continued walking forward.

As she walked, she suddenly turned back and looked at Mu En behind her.

"Why are you still following me? Do I need you to send me?"

"Then I..."

"Do what you have to do, don't tell me you just walked away in despair, otherwise I will scold you to death."

"oh oh."

Mu En scratched his head stupidly, as if he finally remembered what he should do, he turned around and left in the opposite direction.

After taking only two steps, he suddenly turned around and looked at the silver-white girl who was as usual, cold on the outside and warm on the inside.


"Anything else?"

"You were so handsome just now."


"I feel like I'm almost falling in love with you."


Celcia raised her eyebrows:

"But didn't you say before that you have fallen in love with me?"

"That is……"

Mu En smiled awkwardly.

"It's a little different."

"But I don't love you."


"Get out of here."


"Get out of here."


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