After Mu En left.

Wei'er, Bao Tou Tou's student union secretary, appeared out of nowhere and asked curiously:

"President, won't you tell him that?"

"Why tell him?"

"But isn't the reason why we came to him just to remind him of that incident?"

"Am I his mother? Do you need me to remind you of everything?"

Having said that, Celcia's eyes still stayed on the document in her hand.

——"Report on Eamon Biondi's Abnormal Behavior"

"I originally wanted to remind him."

Celcia sighed.

"But looking at his silly look, it's better to let him suffer a little."

"Huh? But if he encounters danger..."

"He is dead, what does it have to do with me?"

Celecia tore the report into pieces and threw it into the trash can.

Leave without looking back.

But it's none of your business, why are you angry?

Looking at Celecia's back, Weier stuck out her tongue, but still swallowed the second half of the sentence that was already on her lips.

I always feel like what I said... the president suddenly became scary.

40. Apologize

"Oh? So you didn't have class?"

Mu En returned to the martial arts arena, only to find that it was dark and all light seemed to be blocked.

Only in the center of the martial arts arena, magic instruments were being used to play a scene of a duel between two warriors.

It's like watching a movie.

I guess it was Teacher Cade who asked them to watch first while he took Coren's ice sculpture and went to find the pink bear for revenge.

Being able to make Teacher Cade, who always attaches great importance to class and scolds students even if they have no energy, to let students study on their own and leave the class first, I know that he is very angry this time.

However, this is just fine.

Mu En walked to the center of the martial arts arena, stepped on the magic instrument, and turned off the image.

In an instant, the martial arts arena was bright.

All the students had not yet adapted to the difference brought about by the sudden change in the picture, and their eyes were blankly focused on the center of the martial arts field.

In other words, on Mu En.

"Moon Campbell?"

After a brief silence, someone came back to his senses.

Ugly expression:

"Why are you back?"

"Huh? Can't I come back?"

Mu En looked over doubtfully:

"It seems I have the right to attend this class."

"It's just class, why do you have to turn off the video?"

Someone shouted angrily.

"It's disturbing our study!"

"Heh, I've never seen you so eager to learn before."

Mu En joked, and then walked forward, step by step, with clear steps.

Every time he took a step forward, some of the students' expressions became uglier.

Mu En took a long time to look at them, and the memories in his mind confirmed them one by one.

Finally, we came to a location very close to the auditorium.

He grabbed a chair from the audience, placed it behind him, and sat on it.

Then open it to everyone.

"I used to be a scumbag."

As Mu En finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, he came up to scold himself.

What kind of trick, directly blowing yourself up to show your ferocity?

Mu En ignored others and continued:

"But now, I don't want to be a scumbag."

"But there are always some people who still think I am a scumbag."

"I don't blame them, because people always have stereotypes, and it's a long process to change your image in the eyes of others."

"So I am also working hard. Although...well, the effect is very small, but I am indeed working hard."

"According to my original idea, I am not planning to come back. After all, it is just being said a few words. It is nothing to me. I can endure it and it will be over. Anyway, I am used to it, and like that On the contrary, it helps me leave a broad-minded impression in the eyes of others.”

"But, it's still very unpleasant."

"As a certain overbearing president said, this dingy look is disgusting, so I came back."

"Now that I'm back, I definitely can't let it go like this."

"Before, those people said something about me, and I couldn't do anything about them, because in a sense, they were talking about the old me and they were telling the truth, but -"

Mu En suddenly grinned, looking happy:

"Isn't this a coincidence? I can't do anything with those people, but I can do something with you.

after all--

Isn’t that what you said when you do something wrong and you have to apologize? "

"what do you mean?"

Someone heard this and shouted loudly:

"Do you want to deal with so many of us?"

"That's wrong. What do you mean by so many people? I counted them, and there were only thirty-five people in total."

Mu En's expression turned cold, he raised his hand and pointed at those people:

"I know most of you are just following the crowd, following the trend, or looking for excitement.


Just like when you thought I was the oppressor and asked me to apologize, now you have become the oppressor and I have become the oppressed... Should you come over and apologize one by one? "

Mu En's words fell.

There was silence.

Everyone seemed to be shocked by how domineering this blond man was at this moment.



Don’t you know that the law does not punish everyone?

Even if the teacher encounters this situation, it is impossible to punish everyone!

"Moon Campbell, you are too arrogant!"

As if he could not bear this humiliation, one of the most active people before suddenly stood up and slammed the table and said:

"Even if we are only 35 people, there are 35 noble families. Even if you are the son of the Duke, you can't--"

"Tek Rhodes, right."

Moon suddenly interrupted the man.

The man named Tek Rhodes didn't seem to expect that Muen would suddenly call out his name, so his face unconsciously became ugly.

"Remember you are the son of an earl, with a noble status. The Earl Rhodes family is not a small family, and they are quite powerful in the whole of Belland."

"Since you know..."

"But you seem to have three brothers."

Moon said:

"Counting it, you are only the fourth heir."

Tek's face turned pale when he heard it: "So what?"

Moon did not answer, but smiled slightly.


"Bulufen Ted, the sixth son of Marquis Ted."

"Gucci Siloen, the fifth son of Earl Siloen."


Moon named one name after another, and when he was about to call out all the thirty-five people, he suddenly clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, now those whose names I called tell me...

Can you really fully represent your family?"


There was silence.

No one answered.

But everyone knew the answer.

Of course not.

Most nobles, in order to ensure that there are successors, have more than a dozen children in their lifetime.

Only the Campbell family is so special, with a single lineage.

Therefore, most people here, the order of succession, even have to be ranked outside the top five.

Represent the family?

How is it possible.

If they die, I'm afraid the families behind them will not feel sorry.

"Do you understand?"

Looking at the thirty-five people in front of him, Muon stood up, his face grim, rarely showing his arrogance as the son of the Duke... and coldness.

"This is the difference between the Duke's son and the Duke's only son.

Well, although I may no longer be the Duke's only son soon, but before that..."

Moon clenched his fist, as if he was holding power and authority that others could not reach.

"I, Muon Campbell, represent the Duke of Campbell, and the three words Campbell themselves. If you insult me, it is equivalent to insulting Campbell!"

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