Mu En's words, like a sledgehammer, hit the hearts of each of the thirty-five people, causing their faces to instantly lose all color and become as pale as paper.

Just as Mu En Campbell said, he could represent the Campbell family, but they could not represent their own family.

It could even be said that their own family would not offend a future duke because of them.

"So now... do you have anything else to say?"

Mu En looked around again, and seeing no one answering, he nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that you all agree with what I said, then..."

Mu En pointed casually at Tek, who was closest to him, and said:

"Let's start with you, come here."


Under the pitying gaze of everyone, although Tek was extremely reluctant, he still moved towards Mu En step by step.

His body was shaking like a sieve, and his face was uglier than his parents' death.

Finally, when he walked in front of Mu En, he seemed to be unable to bear this oppressive feeling, and shouted with tears:

"Mu En Campbell, what do you want me to do? Pay money or cede land?"

"Pay money? Cede land?"

Mu En looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Not pay money or cede land?"

Tek's eyes widened, with a look of horror:

"Do you want my sister? You beast, she is only eight years old!"

"Although I don't know why you have such a strange idea, but didn't I just say that I want you to apologize."

Mu En put his hand on his shoulder and pressed down hard.

"Apologize, do you know? The attitude should be sincere, the tone should be humble, and... the waist should be bent enough."

"Finally, remember, don't point fingers at people on the moral high ground in the future, otherwise... be careful like this time, slipping and spraining your waist."



"It's really just an apology?"

In the corner, watching everything that happened in the martial arts arena, Ariel curled her lips in disdain.

"How boring! I thought you were going to break their legs."


While talking to herself, Ariel suddenly glanced to the side.

It seemed that a figure quickly got out from the back door, and a thin monkey face could be vaguely seen.

"Is it about Moon Campbell again?"

Ariel thought for a moment and retracted her gaze.

"Forget it, I don't care about his business."

As she said this, she smiled happily and stroked the sound transmission stone in her hand.

"I have to think about how to call the beauty next time."

41. Dog

"Just... the second son of the Viscount!"

"Something that can't even inherit the title!"

"Get out, there is no place for you here!"

"This idiot, can't even resist? Haha..."

Shaking picture.

Laughing black shadow.

Overturned bucket.

Dirty soles of shoes.

Pain, anger, numbness...

And blood.

Like a nightmare.

Like darkness. I thought it would never end.

I thought I had gotten used to it.


"Why don't you resist."

Golden hair is bright.

Eyes are defiant.

Like the sun.

"They all bullied you like this, why don't you fight back?"

"Because... I'm just the second son of the Viscount."

"Viscount? Oh, so, I understand. Then... if I give you a higher status, would you dare to fight back?"

Higher status?

Of course I dare.

It's not that I can't beat them, I just...

"Well, that's how it is, I understand, in that case..."

The blond man stretched out his hand, "Would you like to be my dog?"


"Yes, dog.

I'm not very smart, and I don't have a good temper. There are always people who do things against me and point fingers at me behind my back.

Therefore, I need a dog, a dog that can bite wherever I point and will not question my orders."

"What's the benefit?"


The blond man seemed to smile.

"The advantage is that from now on, you have to look at the owner when beating a dog."

"So, are you willing? Eamon Biandi."



"Did you have that dream again?"

In the dim and dilapidated wooden house, Eamon woke up from the wooden bed with several big holes.

From the cracks in the wooden house wall, a few rays of light covered with flying dust shone in, and his unshaven face was vaguely visible, revealing the embarrassment and haggardness.

"Am I... still holding out hope for that kind of thing?"

He stood up and walked to the wall.

Looking at the portrait of the blond man on the wall, his eyes were confused for a moment, and then instantly turned into anger that seemed to burn everything.


"I have long abandoned that idea!"

"Now I only hate!"

"I hate you, Moon Campbell!"

He punched the tattered portrait that was already covered with knife marks and marks, and with a bang, the whole cabin shook.

Countless dust fell, like rain, drowning him.

He withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

"Knock, knock."

There was a knock on the door outside the house.

Eamon became alert instantly, walked carefully along the wall to the door, and listened carefully:


"Me." The voice was familiar.

Eamon breathed a sigh of relief.

He opened the door and saw a thin monkey face.

"I've done everything you asked me to do!"

As soon as he saw Eamon, Monkey Face said impatiently.


Emon's eyes lit up, "Quick, let me see the results!"


Monkey Face took out a square magic instrument.

With a slight press, a screen like a projection unfolded in front of Eamon.

Although the picture is a bit blurry and bumpy due to the angle and light, it can still be seen that it is a scene from a martial arts class.

Eamon put his face together and eagerly watched everything happening in the picture.

When he saw Mu En being accused and besieged by many people, he clapped his hands excitedly.

"Yes, that's it, expose his mask and bring him back to his original shape. No matter what the change, he is still the same arrogant and domineering good-for-nothing young master!

Haha, look at his face, he looks as ugly as a little kid who had his candy taken away! "

But as he spoke, his expression became sad, and his eyebrows drooped feebly, like a wild dog soaked by the rain.

"No, no, this is not Master Mu En, this is not Master Mu En. If it were Master Mu En, he would definitely, definitely, definitely ask me to break the legs of those who dare to say that! There is no way he would tolerate it like this.

This is not Master Mu En! "

He became angry again and smashed the magic instrument to pieces.

"Ah, my magic shadow device!"

The monkey face looked at the pile of debris on the ground with distress.

This thing is not cheap, it cost him 8,000 Emiles.

Monkey Face gritted his teeth and looked at Eamon:

"Okay, I've done everything I need to do, please give me the money!"

"What's done, isn't there nothing wrong with Moon Campbell?"

"I've tried my best. Do you know how much risk I took by secretly inciting those people's emotions? Once I'm discovered, I'll be finished! Even the student council president came in the end, and I suspect she saw me!"

"That's your business!"

"What's my business? Your request was unreasonable from the beginning, okay?

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