To tell you the truth, if I hadn’t owed a large sum of gambling money recently, I wouldn’t have been able to take on such a dangerous job!

Let Moon Campbell be ruined? Let him reveal his true form? If it were him before, I wouldn't need to spend all this time trying to provoke him. His reputation would already be in tatters.

But now, everyone knows that he seems to be a different person. It's okay to spread rumors, but it's impossible to go further!

do you know? After that, he used the power of the Duke's only son to make those people submissive. I thought those people would have their skin peeled off no matter what, but in the end he just asked them to apologize!

Just really apologize!

Those people were as frightened as quails, but in the end, Moon Campbell just told them to bow their heads and gave them a lot of rationale before letting them go.

Afterwards, those people cried bitterly and wished to sacrifice Moon Campbell to thank him for his kindness!

How do you want me to continue like this? "

"Nonsense... nonsense!"

Eamon's face turned red and he roared:

"The person you are talking about is not Master Mu En at all!"

"Are you really schizophrenic? One moment is Moon Campbell, and the other is Master Moon?"

Monkey Face also roared:

"Anyway, pay me quickly, or I will announce your whereabouts! Those people and the student union are all looking for you!"


Eamon's expression suddenly became depressed. He stretched out his hand and touched in his arms for a long time, and finally took out a stack of banknotes.

Monkey Face took the banknotes and counted them, and his expression changed instantly.

"Only 30,000? Didn't you agree on 200,000?"

"I...that's all I have."

"You are the son of a noble after all, and you can't even afford two hundred thousand?"

"My family thought I was abandoned by Moon Campbell because I offended him, so..."

Eamon murmured on his lips:

"It broke my finances."


Monkey Face grabbed Eamonn by the collar.

"If you don't have money, go ahead and do it, aren't you..."

But mid-sentence, he suddenly froze.

That's why he noticed at this moment how embarrassed this man who was once famous in the academy was.

"Depend on."

Monkey Face pushed Eamon to the ground hard and spat at him.

"What about Campbell's Wolf? Without Campbell, you are just a dog."

After saying that, he put the money in his arms and left without looking back.

Eamon lowered his head dejectedly, letting the saliva flow on his face.

As time passed by, Eamonn seemed to have turned into a statue.

At this moment, the light was suddenly blocked, and the figure hidden in the black robe appeared in front of him.

"Eamonn Biondi."

"Who are you?"

Eamon raised his eyes and could only barely make out that there was a woman under the loose black robe.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I know that you have always wanted to take revenge on Moon Campbell for abandoning you, but you don't have the courage."

The man in black robe took out a bottle of magic potion and placed it in front of Eamon, with a bewitching tone:

"And I can help you."

42. Could it be...


After coming out of the martial arts arena, Mu En suddenly stopped on the path covered with sycamore leaves.

His eyes glanced around with a hint of doubt.

It's class time now, so there are no other students on the road.

It was quiet all around, except for the rustle of the wind blowing through the leaves.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary.

"But why do I always feel like someone is staring at me?"

Mu En couldn't help but frown.

That vague sense of spying was like a poisonous snake in the shadow, spitting out snake messages at him.

"Is there a pervert following me?"

Mu En shuddered.

"But wasn't that guy Column arrested?"

Thinking like this, Mu En didn't dare to stay any longer. She shook her head and left the place quickly.

There are not many people in the library during class time.

"Eh? Junior?"

Senior Anna is wearing a librarian's black uniform and long skirt. Her long, silky hair is braided and falls sideways along her shoulders. She looks like the gentle big sister next door.

Only when she saw Mu En, her slightly crescent-shaped eyes revealed a hint of the little devil's nature.

"Why are you here? Don't you have classes at this time?

Could it be that……"

Anna put her hands on the table, leaned over half of her body, breathed out the fragrance, and said with a delicate smile:

"Did you even skip class just to come here to see me?"


Mu En was oppressed by Anna's "aura" and leaned back slightly, but she still couldn't help but glance down.

so big.

So high.

So majestic.

This posture of looking down from above not only allows one to completely see the majesty of the two peaks, but also seems to be able to vaguely glimpse the bottomless ravine through the tight gap in the shirt.


Anna seemed to notice Mu En's gaze at this time, and there was a hint of anger in Anna's tone.

She stretched out a finger and pushed up Mu En's head, forcing him to look away.

"It's not okay to be astringent."

"Nonsense, I didn't."

Mu En's cheeks were slightly red and she retorted in a trembling voice.


Anna straightened up, crossed her arms and sighed softly:

"This librarian's uniform is the most conservative uniform in the academy. You can still stare at me with a bitter look. How hopeless are you, junior brother?"

"Who said that senior sister is beautiful and has a perfect figure?" Mu En laughed foolishly.

"Just think of it as a compliment to me."

Anna smiled charmingly, then lowered her head and began to continue Mu En's work before she came here, sorting out some books in front of her.



"The question just now."


Mu En reacted, and then immediately posed in a handsome pose, leaning against the wall next to him and flirting with his bangs:

"As senior sister said, I came here specifically to see you."


Anna raised her eyes and glanced at Mu En's other hand meaningfully.

"You came to see me and brought a gift? Well, let me see what you brought? Introduction to the Basics of Magic? Hmm, Junior Mu En is really amazing. How did you know that I like this book the most? I like it so much that I, who don't need to study this subject, have read it dozens of times recently."


Mu En hid the textbook behind him awkwardly and said with a wry smile: "Senior sister, you have read it wrong. How could I be so shameless to disturb you during working hours?"

"Oh, is that so?"

Senior sister Anna raised her eyebrows:

"Since I have read it wrong, then please do as you please, Mu En. It's class time now, there's not many people in the library, you can do whatever you want.

Anyway, don't disturb my work. "

Senior Anna patted the neatly packed books in front of her and said with a sly smile:

"After all, it's working time."

"I was wrong, Lady Anna."

Mu En immediately put his hands together and begged for mercy:

"I am a shameless scumbag, please forget what you said just now and teach me a lesson!"

"That's right, my lovely scumbag junior."

Anna giggled softly, her body trembling with the laughter, making Mu En's heart shake.

"Then let's go."

Anna put away the books and pushed open the small door of the counter.


Looking at Senior Sister Anna who just walked out, Mu En was stunned and blinked:

"Is it really okay to leave the post like this?"

"Don't worry, it's not like you're leaving the library. Just find a place where you can see the counter, and..."

Anna stared at Mu En with a smile:

"In a class like this, who else would come to the library except for the bad student who is suspected of skipping class?"

"...That's right."

Mu En's eyes swept across the library. Except for a few senior students who were quietly looking up information, there was no one else.


After sitting down with Senior Sister Anna near the counter, for Mu En, the painful and happy study time began again.

The complicated knowledge was broken down by Anna, who was good at teaching, into small pieces of knowledge that could be easily absorbed by Mu En, and constantly instilled into Mu En's mind.

Mu En could clearly feel his own progress.

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