
After Mu En left, Anna looked at the bird that was resting on the branch outside the window and shouted softly:


The bird was startled and left quickly.

She also sighed softly: "The green-haired guy from the news agency really likes to peek."

In the empty library, Anna rolled up her sleeves.

On her fair skin, a trace of scales could be vaguely seen.

"After the moon was driven away, it became more obedient."

Staring at her wrist, Anna whispered softly, comforting herself:

"Don't worry, Anna, don't worry, there is still time."

"Even if it really comes to that step..."

Anna glanced at the door of the library, as if chasing someone's back.

"I feel a little closer to the goal of 60 points."

After walking out of the library, Mu En couldn't help stretching and felt happy.

It was another fulfilling morning.

"Then next..."

Mu En thought about it and decided to take advantage of this time to solve the lunch first.

When there are more people in the cafeteria, a lot of time will be wasted.


But after taking two steps, Mu En frowned again.

The vague sight, like a sharp blade, gently scraped his back, bringing a slight chill.

It was like a maggot attached to the bone, difficult to get rid of.

"It seems that ignoring it won't work."

Mu En's expression turned cold.

He didn't want to have a pervert following him all the time.

Relying on the keen perception trained by countless deaths in the black book, Mu En moved slowly and determined the position bit by bit.

Outside the library, there was a dense forest.

As a hiding place, it was more than enough.

As long as you know a little bit about hiding, it is easy to hide in such a place.

But, there was no wind at the moment.

So the slightest movement would cause a clear rustling sound in the forest.

Unable to move, no matter how well you hide, there will be a moment when you are found.

Besides, the other party's hiding skills do not seem to be very good.

Mu En's hawk-like sight swept over and quickly determined a bush in the shadow.

In the gap of the bushes, a small piece of clothing can be vaguely seen swaying.

"If you like to be a pervert, you have to hone your tracking skills before you come."

Mu En laughed angrily, his face grim, gradually approached the bushes, and thrust his hand in.

"Come out, you dead pervert!"

"Woo! Don't catch me, I didn't mean it!"


Unexpectedly, the person who was caught from the bushes was not a muscular man with a scar on his face, but...

a little girl?

Mu En looked at her in confusion.

The little girl was wearing the uniform of the academy, and judging from the style of the uniform, she should be a sophomore like him. Her thick and smooth black hair was tied into two thick braids, and she wore a pair of huge black-framed glasses on her face, and a few freckles could be vaguely seen on her face.

Overall, she should be the kind of little girl who can't be found in the crowd, and is extremely inconspicuous.

But Mu En looked at her and always felt that she was very familiar.

It seems... I've seen her somewhere before?

PS: There will be more later

44, 80

"Who are you?"

Mu En frowned and asked.

He should not have provoked any little girls in the academy for so long.

Is it the original owner's fault?

No, with the original owner's eyes, it is impossible to be interested in such little girls.

"Mu... Mu En classmate, don't you remember me?"

The little girl got up from the bushes, with dead leaves on her head. She pushed her black-framed glasses that were a little crooked due to excessive excitement, and said weakly:

"I am Sally Flanders, like you, a second-year student. I was also in the martial arts class before."

"Sally Flanders?"

Mu En touched his chin and thought, but he still had no impression of this name.

And the martial arts class...At that time, in order to find the source of the inexplicable malice, he scanned the students below so many times, and even so, it seemed that there was no such a little girl off the field.

She is so inconspicuous?

"My name may not be familiar to Mu En, but... but there is one thing that Mu En should know once I say it."

Sally lowered her head, not daring to meet Mu En's gaze, and said hesitantly:

"Library, after... after school?"

Mu En was stunned when he heard this.

What a bad keyword, it will make people have strange associations!

And you, girl, dressed like an excellent student, said such words to a yellow-haired me, are you really not afraid of problems?

Mu En couldn't help but complain secretly.

But randomly, he seemed to catch a little inspiration.



These words...

Mu En suddenly remembered:

"Oh, are you the little girl who misunderstood me in the library before?"

"No, that's right." Sally nodded vigorously.

"It turned out to be you."

Mu En touched his chin.

When he first entered the college, he found this girl in the library in order to find a classmate who could teach him. However, because he had a very bad image at that time, he was a playboy, had more than a dozen girlfriends at the same time, and was simply a female killer. As a result, this naive and innocent girl thought he had some bad intentions, so she misunderstood him and kicked him.

"So... why did you follow me?" Mu En asked in confusion.

"Because... because I want to apologize to classmate Mu En." Lisa whispered.

"Apologize?" Mu En was stunned.

"I'm very sorry, classmate Mu En, I misunderstood you at that time."

Lisa clasped her hands tightly and bowed her head very respectfully to apologize:

"At that time, I was misled by those rumors and thought that classmate Mu En was a scumbag who would deceive girls, so...

Later, after some recent events, I gradually realized that classmate Mu En was not as bad as I imagined. Thinking back to that time, I realized that maybe classmate Mu En really just wanted me to help with the class."

"That's right."

Mu En smiled helplessly.

But now thinking about it, he was somewhat grateful for Lisa's misunderstanding.

Because that way, he could meet the senior sister.

"Usually, I don't have the opportunity to meet classmate Mu En, so I took this opportunity to quickly..."

"In other words, you skipped the martial arts class?" Mu En said in surprise.

"Against... Teacher Cade is gone, right?" Lisa's cheeks were slightly red.

As she spoke, she suddenly took out a bamboo basket covered with red cloth from behind her, and handed it to Mu En with both hands.

"What is this?"

"This is a little gift from me."

Lisa seemed to be shy, and her toes kept drawing circles on the ground, saying:

"I can't come to apologize empty-handed, so I prepared a gift."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be like this."

Mu En smiled and said:

"I have forgotten that thing a long time ago, and it's okay if I don't apologize."

"But... but I would be very uneasy."

Lisa said loudly: "Please accept it, classmate Mu En."

"Is that so? What's in it?"

"Some... some cakes I made by myself."

Lisa said a little embarrassedly:

"My family is not good, and I don't have much money, so I can only apologize like this."

"Handmade cakes..."

Mu En lifted the cloth on the bamboo basket, and immediately a scent of cake filled the air, making people salivate.

It can be seen that classmate Lisa's cooking skills are very good.

"In that case, I'll take it."

If it was something precious, he certainly couldn't take it, but since the other person was so thoughtful, Mu En felt it would be bad to refuse.

"Thank...thank you!"

"I should be the one to thank you, the cake looks delicious."

"Then...then I won't bother classmate Mu En from his busy schedule, bye!" Sally bowed vigorously: "I will bring new cakes to classmate Mu En in the future."

"Eh? In the future?"

Before Mu En could react, he saw Lisa turn around and run away, leaving quickly.

Just from her slightly stiff steps, even almost stumbling, it can be seen that she was actually very nervous when facing Mu En.

"Lisa Flanders? A pretty good girl."

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