Looking at Lisa's leaving figure, Mu En couldn't help but smile.

He looked at the cake in the bamboo basket in his hand and said, "It seems there's no need to go to the canteen."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to go directly back to the dormitory.

Holding a bamboo basket in his hand, he walked briskly.

"It always feels like Little Red Riding Hood in the forest?"

Mu En talked to himself and made a joke that only he knew.

I don't know when the wind started blowing again, making the whole forest begin to rustle.

With the breeze in the forest, the chill of late autumn penetrated along Mu En's cuffs and trousers, licking the skin greedily.

Mu En shuddered.

At first, he was thinking about going back to the dormitory and adding some clothes, but the next moment, he suddenly stopped.

His expression was solemn.

Because he felt it again, the spy hidden in the autumn wind.

"Not Lisa?"

Mu En frowned and then reacted.

Lisa only followed him to apologize, so how could her gaze be so cold and so chilling that it made one's hair stand on end.

"Now it feels like... maybe he's not a pervert."

Just as he was thinking this, Mu En suddenly noticed that the shrubs and leaves beside him were rustling and swaying.

Something is approaching.


Mu En shouted softly and silently put his hands behind his back.

Then, the bushes parted, and the first thing that caught Mu En's eyes... was a pair of green glow, revealing cold and cruel eyes.

This is……


Mu En was stunned for a moment, even thinking that he had seen it wrong, and blinked hard.

But it was indeed a wolf, a wolf that was as tall as half a man and covered in blood.

The blood-red fur was so conspicuous, but Mu En didn't even notice the wolf until it walked out of the bushes.

"What the hell?"

Mu En glanced at the bamboo basket covered with red cloth in her hand, and couldn't help but twitching the corner of her mouth:

"Is Little Red Riding Hood bound to meet the Big Bad Wolf?"

Complaints are nothing but complaints. Facing the blood-red wolf in front of him, Mu En did not dare to relax.

This is Santa Maria, and who knows what kind of strange thing this wolf with an unusual color might be.

The teacher's pet?

Or is it that the Warcraft raised by the infamous Warcraft Club has escaped again?

But no matter what, his intuition told Mu En that the current situation was not good.

The bloody giant wolf was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but was pacing back and forth not far from Mu En.

It seemed that he was looking for Mu En's weakness and waiting for the opportunity to attack.

And Mu En did not dare to relax, his eyes were fixed on the blood wolf, and he slowly moved his position.

No matter what the origin of this wolf is, the wise choice is not to get entangled with it, but to run away quickly.

This is an academy. As long as you don't meet a cutie like that in the first grade, even if you meet an old man who sweeps the streets, you can help Mu En Tusha, a wolf that appears out of nowhere.

Moreover, the road I am on is not too remote. I just need to wait for a while for the students to finish class, and then...

At this moment, the chill came over.

He experienced countless deaths in the black book, and the premonition of death that he had honed was like a naughty child in a relative's house, tightly grabbing his hair.

Turn back!

Turn back!

Danger is behind you!

Without much hesitation, Mu En turned around suddenly and saw a blood-red shadow rushing towards him in the lush green.

The second one!

The former wolf pretends to be asleep to lure the enemy?

Gan! So smart?

Without any time to think, Mu En slammed the bamboo basket in his hand towards the blood wolf.

Of course the bamboo basket could not cause any harm, but the red cloth covering it spread out, blocking the blood wolf's sight for an instant.

The fragrant cakes flew in all directions.

It was a pity that it was too late. Mu En used his free hand to hold down the blood wolf's head. Then, he stretched out the hand that had been hidden behind him and inserted the clenched short knife into the vital part of the blood wolf's neck.

Blood spurted out, and the blood wolf whined a few times before convulsing and losing movement.

But Mu En didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Because he could already feel the stench coming from the other side.

The first blood wolf was not idle either. The moment Mu En turned around to fight the second one, it pounced over without hesitation.

Stretching out his sharp claws and exposing his fangs, he aimed at Mu En's vitals as if he were hunting prey.

Mu En did not look back because he knew it was too late to turn around. He just followed his hunch and intuition and twisted his body.

Click, click, click.

There was a crisp sound like fried beans coming from Mu En's body, like hundreds of bones rubbing against each other and many joints shifting against common sense.

Mu En's body twisted into a strange arc, and she actually managed to avoid the blood wolf's attack at such a close distance.

But the blood wolf's sharp claws still grazed his shoulder fiercely, leaving several hideous blood marks!

Feeling the sting and heat on his shoulder, Mu En looked fierce and reached out to grab the blood wolf's mouth.

The barbed tongue scratched the skin, the sharp canines pierced the flesh, and the severe pain in the palms and shoulders stimulated the nerves.

But Mu En still grasped the blood wolf's jaw tightly, as if grasping the handle of a wooden stick.

So, use your wrists to twist, swing, and smash!

The blood wolf's body drew a perfect semicircle in the air. After flipping 180 degrees, his back hit the ground hard, exposing his fragile abdomen.

Without any hesitation, Mu En pressed forward and stabbed the dagger in his hand into the heart of the blood wolf.

The blood wolf struggled for a while, but soon stopped moving.

Mu En pulled out the dagger, leaned against the tree next to him, and breathed heavily.

At this moment, it was only a few breaths before the second blood wolf attacked him.

But the thrill of it still made him a little scared.

After all, he didn't expect that there would be a second blood wolf that could silently approach his back and launch a sneak attack on him.

"No, I have to leave quickly."

The blood wolf didn't seem to meet by chance. That attack method was more like an attack specifically aimed at him.

Not to mention, that sight...

Sweeping the injuries on his shoulders and hands, Mu En's eyes were gloomy. He just calmed his breath and prepared to leave without any hesitation.

But he heard the sound of water.

The sound of gurgling water.

But there was no water here, so where did the sound of water come from?

Mu En lowered his head and looked at the ground.

The bodies of the two blood wolves melted like honey at high temperature.

It turned into two pools of blood.

Soon, the pool of blood surged and bubbled, as if it was boiled by an invisible furnace fire.

Then, from the boiling pool of blood, a new blood wolf, shaking its head, claws and teeth ferocious, stepped out.

Two divided into four.

Four new blood wolves exhaled a fishy breath from their noses, and their dark green eyes revealed coldness and cruelty, slowly surrounding Mu En.

Mu En, the whole body was cold.

But it was not because of the blood wolves' encirclement.

In fact, the defeat just now was just because he was not sure about the origin of these blood wolves, so he chose to be cautious and wait and see, and was ambushed.

Now it is roughly understood that the individual strength of these blood wolves is only at the level of low-level magic beasts. Even if they are surrounded, Mu En is absolutely sure to escape.

After all, running away has always been his strong point.

But the problem is that at this moment, he recognized the origin of these blood wolves.

This is not a magic beast, nor a pet.

Born from a pool of blood, they have no substance, but they have the ferocity and brutality of real monsters.

And as long as there is sufficient magic power supply, they can continue to revive from the pool of blood, and their number is larger and more powerful than the last time.

This is a special summoning magic, and in Mu En's impression, there is only one person who uses this magic.

A person he, no, it should be said that the original owner, is very familiar with.


Mu En looked into the depths of the woods:

"Is it you?"


No one answered.

However, footsteps sounded.

A thin shadow, stepping on the fallen leaves in the forest, came to Mu En.

"Long time no see, Mu En Campbell."

The face was hidden in the shadows and could not be seen clearly, but the half-open mouth corners seemed to be smiling sarcastically:

"I didn't expect you to still remember me. It's an honor."


Looking at Eamon, after a brief stagnation, Mu En suddenly felt angry:

"Why did you do this?"

In Mu En's memory, Eamon Biandi had a very good relationship with himself, or with the original owner. After all, he could be said to be the most loyal lackey of the original owner. He helped the original owner do a lot of bad things and was called the Wolf of Campbell. He was his most capable assistant. Even many times, he was the one who persecuted Ariel.

For example, when school just started, he challenged Ariel, but was stopped by Mu En.

So Mu En never thought that he would suddenly attack him, and judging from this posture, it was probably not just for fun, but really aimed at his life.

Therefore, Mu En couldn't help but feel angry as if he was betrayed by someone close to him.

"Answer me, Eamon, why did you do this? Are you controlled by someone? Or..."

"Ha, why would I do this?"

Eamon interrupted Mu En, his voice hoarse, revealing great sarcasm:

"Isn't Master Mu En most clear about this?"

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