
Mu En looked gloomy and murmured:

"Then what do you want me to do, how can I make it up to you?"

"Compensate me?"

Eamonn suddenly froze.

It was like hearing an unexpected answer.

After a brief silence, Mu En suddenly saw the corners of Emon's mouth twitching.

Not a sneer.

But a flattering smile.

It was so natural, as if it had been laughed at countless times.

He held Mu En's hand tightly, and at this moment, Mu En seemed to be able to see the tail wagging behind him.

"Then... Master Mu En, please let me go back to being your dog, just like before. Let me be your dog again. I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I will bite whoever you ask me to bite. Okay?

Let's go back to how we were before! OK! "

"Let you... be my dog ​​again?"

Mu En looked at Eamon with a flattering smile and suddenly felt a little sick.

How could he let someone treat him as his dog?

He is not the same Moon Campbell as before!

"This is wrong."


"This is wrong, Eamon, you are a human being, not a dog."

"But, but, the meaning of my existence is to be your dog, young master!" Eamon's eyes widened.

"Without the meaning of human existence, it would be such a ridiculous thing!"

Mu En shook off Eamon's tight grip on his hand, and then stretched out his hand again:

"Stop saying disgusting things like becoming someone's dog. Eamon, become friends with me. As long as we become friends, no one will dare to do anything to you. Those who have bullied you, I will make them pay the price." ”


Eamon stared blankly at Mu En's outstretched palm.

"That's right, friend."


Eamon's eyes flickered for a moment, as if he was moved, but the next moment, his expression became angry and ferocious again:

"I won't believe it!"


"I don't believe in empty words like friends!"

"This is not an empty word, this is my sincere words, Eamon, I want to be friends with you!" Mu En said seriously.

He didn't know how to define the word friend, but in his memory, Eamon was such an important person to the former Moon Campbell.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so angry just now.

"But I know you, Moon Campbell!"

Eamon yelled angrily:

"As your former dog, I know exactly what kind of person you are! You have no friends at all, and you don't need friends at all. You just need a dog that can drive you and toys for you to play with!"


Mu En opened her mouth blankly.

To this he had nothing to say.

Because the original Moon Campbell was indeed such a scumbag.

In other words, in the eyes of others, he is such a scumbag.


"That was before."

Mu En said firmly:

"Didn't you just say that? I have washed my hands in a golden basin. I am no longer the person I used to be. I am no longer a scumbag!"

"But what you change is behavior. Behavior is easy to change, but what about nature? Nature is what determines everything, isn't it?"

"My nature has changed too!"

"What proof do you have!"


What proof?

What can be used to prove a change in a person's nature?

If you want to prove something, you have to use a more powerful deed.

"Eamonn, you know, I only scored three points in the Basic Introduction to Magic exam last semester."


Eamonn was stunned.

Of course he knew, the whole college knew about it, but he didn't know why Mu En suddenly said this.

"Do you still know? In fact, our Campbell family is a truly reckless family. From top to bottom, there is not even one person who is good at magic. Even in the library, in addition to books related to martial arts, there are some inexplicable miscellaneous books. My Those ancestors would rather stuff a book on postpartum care for sows than stuff a magic book inside.”


"It can be said that the bloodline of our Campbell family has the imprint of not being good at magic." Mu En said:

"But, a few days ago, someone suddenly asked me to pass the next Basic Introduction to Magic exam."

"First grade?"

"second grade!"

Mu En said in a shocked voice:

"Second grade exam!"

"How is that possible?" Eamon said subconsciously.

No matter how you think about it, the span from three points to passing is a bit big.

"Yeah, how is that possible?"

Mu En smiled, a little self-deprecating, and then his expression suddenly became serious:

“But I just want to do it.

I want to get 60 points in that exam, pass the exam, and get a score that will surprise everyone!

In the name of Moon Campbell! Shock everyone who thinks I can’t do it! "

Mu En reached out to Eamon again:

"Eamonn, let's make a bet, shall we? If I can successfully pass the exam in a month and successfully break the 'curse' of the Campbell family, will that prove to you that I have the determination and the ability to change things?" What about your own nature?

So when that time comes, just agree to be friends with me, okay? "

Eamon looked at Mu En blankly, and he seemed to be able to see the unshakable determination in the blond man's eyes.

"...But, with a mere sixty points, I can do it..."

"Sixty is not enough, then eighty!"

Mu En gritted his teeth and roared.

"If you feel that just passing the exam is not enough, then I will attack towards a higher level of excellence!"


Eamon's eyes suddenly widened:

"Are you crazy?"

For any exam, if passing with 60 points is a watershed, then excellence with 80 points is another watershed.

One represents entry, and is a result that can be achieved by studying hard, while the other represents thoroughly understanding this subject, which requires not only hard work, but also methods and a bit of luck.

Especially for the subject Introduction to Basics of Magic, the complicated knowledge points make many people who have studied seriously all the way hover around the edge of 70 or above.

In the entire second grade, the excellence rate in this subject was only about 20%.

If Mu En went from scratch to pass in one month, it was as difficult as occupying Paris before France surrendered, then being excellent in one month was equivalent to leading the Gambian army, angrily beating the five permanent members, and still winning the ultimate hell difficulty.

Even a not-so-smart person like Eamon realized in an instant that this was impossible.

"I'm crazy, and I know it's impossible, but didn't you say it's impossible for me to change my nature?"

Mu En stared into Eamon's eyes, and the hot flames burning deep in the pupils seemed to ignite everything.

"In this case, I will complete another impossible thing to prove that this impossible thing is possible!"

Mu En's words echoed in the silent forest, like thunder falling from the sky, so deafening.

For some reason, all the hatred and anger accumulated in Eamon's heart disappeared when he looked at the completely unfamiliar Moon Campbell in front of him.

Like ice and snow gradually melting under the sunlight.

Subconsciously, Eamon stretched out his hand and held it towards the hand that looked so warm and reassuring.

Mu En couldn't help but smile.

Very good.

this matter.

Finally you can...


Mu En's expression suddenly froze.

Because the hands were intertwined, Mu En did not feel the expected peace of mind.

But I felt...pain.

The terrifying force came from the opponent's palm, almost crushing his palm.

"Eamonn you?"


Mu En was about to question, but he found that Eamon also looked confused.

Then a look of pain appeared on his face.

The veins on his forehead were throbbing, as if he was suffering some unbearable torture.

"Eamon? Eamon what's wrong with you?"

Sensing something was wrong, Mu En asked worriedly, regardless of the pain in her hands.

Eamon held his chest, and the black meridians like poisonous snakes were twisting under the skin.


"What medicine?"

"That woman...gave me the magic potion...my magic power was actually exhausted before...I only had some magic power saved up because of that potion, but..."

"Woman, what woman?"

"I don't know...ah!"

Eamon suddenly screamed in pain. His originally thin body swelled up like a balloon, and his body suddenly grew taller, bursting the original student uniform, and on the surface of his skin, each strand was like fine steel. Normal black hair grows out!

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