In Mu En's dull gaze, in just a few breaths, Eamon suddenly transformed into a ferocious... werewolf!

"What the hell, what kind of dark fairy tale?"

Can Little Red Riding Hood not only meet the Big Bad Wolf, but also the werewolf?

Where is Lao Fan? Come and save me!

It's a pity that there is no Lao Fan here, not even a third person.

So Eamon's red eyes, which seemed to have lost all reason, immediately locked onto the only living person here besides him.

With a ferocious aura that makes one's breath stop.

Mu En's face was stiff, and she subconsciously wanted to distance herself from this guy who didn't seem to be easy to mess with.

But this action, which should have been extremely simple for him, failed.

Because Eamonn is still holding his palm!

Mu En's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to break free, but Eamon's hands were like iron pliers at the moment, preventing him from moving.

Damn it, what should I do? Should I just give up this arm?

Just a brief hesitation seems to have created this destined ending.

Mu En's eyes blurred, and before she could react, she felt her breathing suddenly stagnant.

Eamon's other hand, no, it should be another sharp claw, suddenly grabbed his neck!

The sharp claw gradually tightened, compressing the flesh and blood with huge force, and Mu En could even feel the whine of her cervical spine.

Due to the difference in body size, Mu En's feet were dangling in the air at this moment, and she couldn't use her strength at all.

And when he raised his only moving hand and slashed the other short knife towards Emon's arm, the blade made contact with those black hairs, and there was a direct sound of gold and iron intersecting.

What the hell?

Is that hair really made of steel?

Wasn't that an adjective just now?

In an instant, Mu En felt real despair.

Because he is well aware of his strengths and strengths, and also understands that this is simply the worst situation for him.

Eamon looked at him ferociously, his red eyes showing bloodthirsty joy, as if he had seen the scene where Mu En was splattered with blood in front of him.

what to do?

What should we do now?

Feeling the feeling of suffocation getting stronger and stronger, and her brain instantly becoming dizzy, Mu En quickly thought about ways to escape.

Black book?

But the black book seems to have no way to directly increase power.

Then there is only...

The red flame of the Blight King?


This is in the academy, and if the kind of flame that will burn everything is used, Eamon-san will definitely...

What other ways...

There is no other way.


Is there still nothing I can do?

Am I still so powerless?

Could it be that I...


On the verge of losing consciousness, Mu En suddenly heard a sigh.

Not a black book.



The cold words spread in the forest.

And spreading together, there is also a terrifying chill.

Like a blizzard that could drown the world, the green forest was quickly dyed with a layer of pure white.

Mu En saw a hint of fear on the werewolf's expression in front of him, and then he could no longer move.

He was sealed in a layer of blue ice. He was still so ferocious and scary just now, but looking at him now, Mu En felt that he was as funny as the frozen cavemen in the glass display cabinets in the museum.

A hand suddenly grabbed Mu En's neck and pulled him down.


Mu En covered her neck and coughed, breathing heavily, then raised her head and looked at the familiar silver figure beside her.

"Celcia, why are you here?"

As he said this, Mu En suddenly laughed.

It feels like he's always asking this question.

Celcia stared at the werewolf in the ice, seeming to be thinking about something.

Hearing Mu En's question, she turned her head and said coldly:

"If I said that I was there from the beginning and watched you stupidly follow that idiot and say stupid things from beginning to end, would you be angry?"


I don't know if it was due to lack of oxygen, but Mu En's mind was a little unresponsive for a while.

Celecia ignored him and turned around, seeming to be talking to herself:

"I originally thought about whether I could catch the big fish hiding behind the scenes, but the other party seemed to be more cautious than I thought. It's a pity."

As her words fell, the student union elites in red uniforms quickly entered the room and quickly began to impose various restrictions on Eamonn in the ice.


Mu En suddenly stopped those people:

"What do they want to do?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm just sealing up Eamonn for the moment, treating him, and asking some questions along the way."

Wei'er, Buntou's student union secretary, appeared out of nowhere, puffed out her cheeks and said:

"Student Eamon is probably just bewitched by someone. We will not impose any severe punishment on her. Of course, she still needs a small lesson."

"That's it."

Mu En nodded, and then suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked hesitantly to Celecia:

"Um, Celcia, can you..."

"Do you want to make a list of those who bullied Emon?" Celecia said directly, as if she had seen through Mu En.



Celecia glanced at Mu En silently, suddenly approached, and then raised her feet wrapped in black stockings.

He kicked Mu En hard on the calf.

"It hurts! Celcia, what are you doing?"

"Since you have chosen this way, don't look back, or I will really want to beat you."


"No buts."

Celecia leaned down and stared at Mu En seriously with her cold eyes:

"It is the responsibility of the student union to teach bad students, you don't need to worry about it."


Mu En was silent.

"You already understand after seeing it."

The elites of the student union had almost taken care of it, so Celcia stood up and prepared to leave.

"By the way, do you need me to take you to the hospital?" Celcia asked.


Mu En glanced at his shoulders and palms. His recovery speed seemed to be faster than that of ordinary people, and those wounds had already scabbed over.

So he nodded:

"No, thanks."

"That's it. Goodbye then."


"Ah, right."

Celecia suddenly turned around, looked at Mu En, and said seriously:

"Although with your brain and your level, it is almost impossible to get 80% in next month's exam, but... come on."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, then forced out a smile that was uglier than crying:

"I will, thank you."

After Celcia left.

There was silence.

Mu En lay in the pure white that had not receded, staring blankly at the distant sun through the gaps in the leaves.

Suddenly, he seemed to be blinded by the sun. He covered his eyes with his arms and cursed in a low voice:

"What the hell-"

Footsteps sounded in the forest, as light as a cat.

The girl, who was wearing a strict uniform but could not hide her voluptuous figure, approached and slowly knelt down beside Mu En.

"It seems I'm still late."

Anna looked at the messy forest and said with a sigh.

After thinking about it, she suddenly moved her body, gently raised Mu En's head, and placed it on her knees.

Knee Pillow.

Mu En's arm covering her eyes trembled slightly.

"Okay, okay, junior, don't cry anymore." Anna gently stroked Mu En's head, like stroking a kitten.

"I didn't cry." Mu En said.

"Well, junior didn't cry. Junior is very strong."

The leaves are swaying, the sun is shining, and it's a little cold.



"I want to take the eighty test."

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