
Ana stroked her cheek, feeling a little troubled:

"Junior, you scared me before when you said you would pass the 60 mark test. No matter how you put it, 80 marks is too difficult."

"But I just want to take the exam."

"……Oh well."

Ana lowered her head and smiled softly.

Her eyebrows are curved, and the moles at the corners of her eyes are quite charming.

"Who made you my lovely junior?"

45. Effort

"Hey, I won't poke you. I really won't poke you."

The dean's office was filled with smoke.

Pink Bear was lying on his newly purchased genuine leather sofa with a touch of beautiful legs, smoking a top-quality cigar produced in the Nanluoke area, flipping through the Saintess Photo 2.0 that he had just acquired from a special channel, and making lewd laughter from time to time.

This time for the saint's photoshoot, not only did we find actors who look more like the saint, but we also added the content of recreating famous scenes.

For example, there is a scene in which the previous generation of the Church of Life, the Immaculate Saint, purifies the undead demons in the cemetery. The Immaculate Saint holds a solemn staff and solemnly releases immeasurable holy light, purifying the ferocious and disgusting demons, making everyone look at it. Anyone who sees this scene can't help but feel the highest reverence in their hearts.

However, the "saint" in the photo is wearing a sexy bikini that makes people's blood flow and is voluptuous.

"Tsk tsk, this intertwining of solemnity and enchantment, the combination of angels and devils, wonderful, so wonderful. Just looking at this photo, my soul seems to have been sublimated. It's a pity that I don't know what kind of people can be like this. Genius idea, I really want to meet the author of this photo. ”

While sighing, the pink bear's furry hand protruded from the bear's mouth flicked the butt of the cigar and scratched its butt.

It would be great, this kind of leisurely fishing time, if only I could...

"Pink Bear!"

A deafening roar came, and the office door was kicked open.

"Damn it, you're back so soon."

Pink Bear got excited, quickly sat up, hid the photo behind his back, looked at Professor Plann who looked furious at the door, and shook his head in shock:

"I'm not fishing, I'm not!"

"It's a trivial matter like fishing, no matter what." Professor Pu Lang's eyes were red and he gritted his teeth.


Pink Bear was stunned.


Little things?

Is this what you, Professor Plan, would say?

During the last question-and-answer meeting, I just took a nap for half an hour. Didn’t you almost kick the threads off my leather holster?

Why are you so tolerant this time?

Before the pink bear came back to his senses, he saw Professor Plann showing a ferocious sneer:

"Catch him!"



Teacher Cade and Professor Grant appeared out of nowhere, each holding one arm of the pink bear tightly.

"What? What are you doing?"

Sensing something bad, the pink bear began to struggle in horror.

But Teacher Cade and Professor Grant are both strong men. With their combined strength, even he can't escape.

Not to mention, there is a crowned Professor Plan in front of him, staring at him with eager eyes.

Surrounded by three people, Pink Bear has no way to escape.

But why do they do this?

The pink bear's eyes widened in horror.

Could it be that……

Did they find that they had secretly embezzled funds to buy sofas, cigars and photos?

"Pink Bear! Look what a good thing you've done!"

Pink Bear was thinking about how to fool him about the funding when Professor Plan suddenly threw a stack of documents in his face.

"This is……"

Pink Bear looked along the file and found that the file contained information about a man with a huge scar on his face.

"Eh? Isn't this that person?"

Pink Bear thought about it:

"The guy who has deep admiration for classmate Mu En."

"Oh? Do you remember the good things you did?"

"A good thing? Oh, that's indeed a good thing. I helped him find his true love.

Huh? etc. "

Seeing Professor Prang in front of him looking like he wanted to chop himself with a knife, Pink Bear suddenly had a bad idea.

"Could it be...

He succeeded! "

If the Duke's son also had this hobby, and met the man with the scar and pursued him, the two would hit it off and fall in love...

——No, Duke Campbell will chop himself to death.

He will directly bring hundreds of thousands of troops to hack him to death!

Damn it, I just want to have some fun. Are the habits of these aristocratic teenagers so perverted?

Even if you are good at this one, at least find something good-looking!

"Although I don't know what you are thinking, I guess you must be thinking wrongly."

Professor Plan picked up the document and pointed to one of the columns:

"That's what I'm asking about."

"this matter?"

Pink Bear looked at the position pointed by Professor Plan and found that the word "bandit" was written in the column of the scarred man's identity.


Pink Bear's eyes widened: "This guy is actually a bandit?"


Professor Plan was silent for a moment:

"you do not know?"

"How do I know? Although this guy does look like a bandit, do you think I'm still a superficial guy who judges people by their appearance? Besides, this guy doesn't even have the smell of blood on his body. Can you believe a bandit who has never killed anyone? ?”

"Then you won't use the college's intelligence system to check? Do you know how much reputation loss a bandit will bring to our college if he becomes a teacher in our college?" Professor Plang roared.

Pink Bear was shocked: "Intelligence system? You, a college that teaches and educates people, actually have an intelligence system? What do you want to do?"

"Hmph, it's not just the intelligence system, there's actually an arsenal hidden under the college." Professor Plann sneered.


The pink bear was stunned for a moment, and then roared angrily:

"Do you think you want to rebel? Let me tell you, as long as I, Pink Bear, am still in office, I will never allow such disrespectful things like yours to happen. Let me go and buy me a new Saintess figurine. Apologize, or I will go to His Majesty to report your treachery!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you here."

Knowing that if he continued to talk to Pink Bear like this, he would definitely get rid of the important points like this, Professor Plann went straight to the topic.

"Even if you are now the acting dean of the college, if such negligence occurs, you will definitely not be able to let it go so easily. You must accept punishment."


The pink bear's eyes widened in horror:

"How are you going to punish me? Are you going to make me work overtime until I die from overwork?"

"This is indeed a good idea, but I have a better idea."

Professor Plann smiled coldly, and suddenly leaned down and pulled out the portrait of the saint from behind the pink bear.

"Are you ready for hell, Dean Pink Bear."

Professor Plank's face was cold, and under the horrified gaze of the pink bear, he opened the first page of the photo, grabbed the page with his strong palm, and then...

Tear off slowly.


Along with the clear sound of paper being torn, watching the enchanting "saint" on the page gradually split into two halves, Pink Bear felt as if his soul was being torn apart along with it.


"Just let him go?"

In Professor Plan's office, Professor Grant made tea skillfully and then handed Plan a cup.

"Isn't it like you to be so kind?"

"How can it be."

Professor Plann sneered:

"There are still more than a dozen questionings waiting for that guy. Do you really think you can get away with this kind of mistake? As far as I'm concerned, those nobles are keeping a close eye on the academy. How could they? Are you allowing this to happen in the academy?”

"Oh, yes."

Professor Grant whistled happily, and then unceremoniously enjoyed the top-quality black tea from Professor Plan.

"Speaking of which, nothing happened in the academy recently."

Professor Prang has been busy recently, otherwise it would be impossible for Pink Bear to accept a bandit as his teacher without any review.

"No, very peaceful."

Professor Grant said with a smile of unknown meaning:

"There is no big thing, but there is one interesting little thing."


Professor Plan became interested:

"What a trivial matter."


Professor Gulen handed Professor Plan a newspaper:

"Although it's just a small matter, it has caused quite a stir in the academy in recent days."

"That's kind of interesting."

Professor Plann took the newspaper and scanned it quickly.

"Moon Campbell made a bold statement and will achieve an excellent level in the next Basic Introduction to Magic exam."

Professor Plann raised his eyebrows slightly:

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