"Excellent level, that is, eighty points? He is going to take the exam with the first graders?"

"second grade."

Professor Gulen pointed to the back of the report.

"second grade?"

Professor Plan was stunned for a moment, then sneered:


"Oh, so sure?"

Professor Grant said with a smile: "What if he is lucky and succeeds."

"This is not a goal that can be achieved by luck."

Professor Plann threw the newspaper away and lost interest.

“I have been a teacher for so many years, and I still know very clearly what can be done and what cannot be done.

If Moon Campbell's goal is 60 points, then he can still achieve it if he is focused on this subject for a month and has a good teacher.

But an eighty percentile level of excellence... that's absolutely impossible. "

Teacher Plann is very aware of the gap between sixty and eighty for the course Introduction to Basics of Magic.

That cannot be filled by hard work alone.

"What if? Everything is possible. What if he created that miracle?" Professor Grant came over and asked reluctantly.

"just in case?"

Professor Plann sneered disdainfully, and then patted his beloved antique desk:

"Again, if he really can do it, I will eat my table!"

"Has it spread throughout the school again?"

In the classroom of the Ancient Potions Club, Mu En was dumbfounded as she looked at the newspaper handed over by Senior Sister Anna.

In the most conspicuous position of the newspaper, with conspicuous red fonts, it exaggeratedly reported Mu En's previous heroic words in the forest, and even added a secondary title such as "The Counterattack of the Duke's Son".

It is conceivable that with the release of these newspapers, it will cause quite a stir in the college that has regained its calm.

"How come the news agency knows everything? I remember I didn't tell anyone else this time?" Mu En said with some confusion.

"Junior, don't underestimate that senior Mingote from the news agency."

Anna handed over a cup of coffee, and Mu En reached out to take it, and was shocked to find that the coffee was brewed with a measuring cup.

Do all the intellectual big sisters who do experiments like to play like this?

"For him to become the president of the news agency, his strength is only one aspect. The most important thing is that he knows the magic of manipulating birds. It can be said that many birds in the academy are his eyes and ears. There are few in the academy who can hide it. His business."

"Manipulating birds? I see."

With this kind of convenient magic, it’s no wonder that the news agency always has first-hand information on everything.

"What, junior fellow student is scared?"

Senior Anna stirred the coffee in the measuring cup with a glass rod. After the sugar cube inside melted, she gently licked the transparent glass rod with her pink tongue, looking extremely charming.

"It's not a good thing to be stared at by so many people."


Mu En calmed down and said with a wry smile:

"I've already risked my life, what else am I afraid of?"

Mu En continued to flip through the newspaper. When he turned to the last page and saw the betting information on whether he could pass the excellent test, he couldn't help but twitched his lips.

"No, this can also be opened? How boring are those people?"

"Studying is boring, you have to have some fun, right?" Anna sipped her coffee and smiled softly.

"Oh? According to senior sister, is senior sister also in charge?" Mu En blinked and asked curiously:

"Which side is it pressed on?"

"Which way?"

Ana held her cheek and asked:

"Which side do you want me to press, junior?"


Mu En rolled her eyes and said:

"I hope senior sister will press the 'can't' side."

"Oh why?"

Anna asked:

"Junior, don't you want me to believe you?"

"Of course I want senior sister to believe me."

Mu En crossed his hands and held his chin, and said seriously:

"But I don't want senior sister to lose the bet."

"...Gee, junior fellow student doesn't forget to flirt with me at this time, he is really a scumbag."

Anna pretended to be angry and patted Mu En on the head with the book in her hand, and chuckled:

"Have more confidence in yourself, young man."

"I want it too."

Mu En sighed, "But the cowhide was blowing loudly at the time, and it is indeed difficult to calm down now."

"So, do you want to give up like this?"

Anna tilted her head:

"Actually, the sixty points you mentioned at the beginning is also a great goal."

"give up?"

Mu En lowered his head and stared at the table.

The tabletop used as an experimental bench is made of metal and has been cleaned spotlessly by the senior sister.

Like a bronze mirror, it vaguely reflects my own shadow.

The blond man in the mirror was clearly well-dressed and handsome, but Mu En felt that he was so embarrassed.

Nothing can be done.

Nothing can be changed.

Whether it's yourself or others.

Compared with Eamon, he is more like a dog.

"Who wants to give up?"

Mu En clenched her fists, as if she wanted to embed these words into her heart one by one.

"I won't give up, never!"


As if she had anticipated Mu En's answer, Anna snapped her fingers.

Then a thick stack of books appeared in front of Mu En.

"This is……"

"exercise book."

Anna said:

"Since the junior's goal has changed, our learning methods must also change. We cannot just memorize and review the basic knowledge. You must also practice a lot according to the questions and question types that may appear in various exams.

After all, the exam will not test all the content in the textbook."

"Is that so."

Mu En reacted:

"Question sea tactics? It's really nostalgic."


Anna raised her eyebrows in confusion:

"Have you ever done this?"

"Haha, maybe I did it in my dreams..."

Faced with Anna's doubts, Mu En could only laugh dryly and perfunctorily.

After all, he couldn't say that he had already experienced the so-called "question sea tactics" in his previous life because of the most important "college entrance examination" in his life.

However, it is very similar.

This exam, like the college entrance examination in his previous life, will be an exam that determines his future.

"In that case, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Anyway, it has been experienced once, right?

For anything, as long as you have experienced it for the first time, you will not be so flustered the second time.

You just need to follow the steps and move forward step by step.


"Come on, senior sister, don't pity this delicate flower of mine, please come and ravage me hard!" Mu En said with a desperate expression.

"Really? Then junior brother, don't cry later."

Anna held the pointer she got from nowhere, waved it gently, and said with a sly smile:

"Teacher Anna is very strict."



At night.

In the dormitory.

The pyroxene that Mu En bought at a high price emits a bright light, illuminating the entire dormitory.

On the dormitory building opposite him, except for a few dormitories of senior students, there is still a dim light, and the others have already fallen into darkness.

It was late at night, and Mu En was still studying hard under the lamp.

Finally, he couldn't stand the pain in his eyes, so he stopped and applied a hot towel to his eyes.

From the hot water that had been prepared on the side, this scene has been repeated many times.

"It seems that the human body really has its limits."

Mu En rubbed his temples, felt the warmth on his face, and couldn't help sighing.

Even the body of a second-level warrior couldn't bear his study for a whole day. Fragile parts like eyes had already begun to protest.

"If there was a way to make me not care about the physical fatigue, that would be great."

Mu En thought, and then suddenly woke up.

"Hey, wait, I think I really have that method!"

As he said that, Mu En didn't care about the wet towel that fell on the ground, and his mind quickly sank into the depths.

Black Book Space.

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