But this time there was neither the maid assassin nor the naked adventurer.

It was not even pitch black anymore.

Under Mu En's intentional control, the scene here turned into... an ancient potion classroom.

The blue curtains that the senior liked swayed gently, but it was a pity that it was dark outside the window and nothing could be seen.

Touching the cold metal table, Mu En couldn't help but smile:

"It's still here, it can make people feel at ease."

After a slight sigh, Mu En's mind moved, and the exercise book he was doing just now appeared in front of him.

"Practice makes perfect, try it."

Mu En fell into learning again.

Then, I don't know how long it took.

Mu En came back to his senses from his wholehearted study, glanced at the time, and then felt the state of his body, and couldn't help showing joy.

"I have been studying for three hours in a row. Sure enough, in the black book space, the body will not be tired."

In fact, if you think about it, you can know that it is Mu En's consciousness that is active in the black book space, and what is consumed is naturally the spirit, so the body will naturally not have fatigue accumulation.

It can even be said that during the time of studying in the black book, Mu En's body can get enough rest.

And the spirit... Thanks to Mu En's long-term training in the black book space, Mu En's mental strength has long been far beyond that of ordinary people.

After all, how can a person who has died countless times not be mentally tough?

"In other words, I can even shorten my sleep time to the shortest!" Mu En's eyes lit up.

No need to rely on sleep to eliminate physical fatigue, he can make his spirit full again with about two hours of deep sleep every day.

And this is equivalent to giving him four more hours of study time every day!

Mu En couldn't help but clench his fists excitedly.

Sure enough, only hard work will not deceive a person.

The previous struggles seemed to be useless, but in the end, they rewarded him in an unexpected way.

It also made his goal, which seemed to be out of reach, finally shine a little light in the darkness.


"However, it doesn't know whether it is right or wrong to do the questions directly, and it feels that the efficiency is not very high."

As he did the questions, Mu En still felt something was wrong.

After all, for this world, the subject of magic is only for nobles and some geniuses. Although a certain system has been formed, it is not as universal as those subjects in the previous life.

For example, the exercise books collected by the senior sisters in Mu En's hands are not like any formally bound versions. They are more like a collection of exams and teacher assignments from previous generations, and some parts are even handwritten.

Therefore, there is no such thing as reference answers.

The significance of the sea of ​​questions tactics is not to do a lot of exercises without considering its quality and efficiency, but to find out your own easy mistakes or even unmastered points in the continuous practice of questions, and quickly improve and consolidate your knowledge points.

But if you don't even know whether you are wrong or not, there is no way to talk about the latter role. It is just to increase your speed and proficiency in doing questions.

For Mu En at this time, speed and proficiency are useless.

"But if I let the senior sister correct it tomorrow..."

Let's not talk about whether the senior sister has so much time and energy. In terms of efficiency, it is completely contrary to Mu En's philosophy.

I have to think about whether there are other solutions.

Mu En touched his chin and thought.

The first solution that Mu En thought of was to hire a few more "teachers" to correct his exercises.

After all, he was not short of money.

But for him, recruiting teachers itself takes a lot of time, and it is not certain that he can recruit them.

So this solution can only be a last resort.

Mu En continued to think.

While thinking, his eyes subconsciously wandered around, and then he inadvertently glimpsed the deep darkness outside the window when the blue curtains swayed.



Mu En's mind flashed.

"Hei Shu!"

With Mu En's call, Hei Shu slowly appeared.

But this time, this slow look, why does it look... a little reluctant?

Mu En didn't think much, and pulled Hei Shu over with excitement.

"You can do it, Hei Shu."

He patted the exercise book:

"Help me correct it!"


Hei Shu was silent.

"You can do it."

Seeing that the black book did not move, Mu En's eyes suddenly became sharp:

"Your ability is actually recording, you even know the weaknesses of the evil god, I don't believe you don't know the knowledge of the first grade of the basic introduction to magic!"


"You changed my fate without informing me in advance last time, and I haven't settled the score with you yet."

[Alas. ]

It was still a familiar heavy sigh.

The exercise books in front of Mu En turned quickly.

Then, behind each question, a small ? or a small × appeared.

"Thank you!"

Mu En was overjoyed and quickly turned to the exercises he did at the beginning and began to find out the mistakes.

But while doing it, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the black book with a serious expression:

"What is the basic content of the magic syllogism?"


The black book turned helplessly, and the explanation that was exactly the same as the textbook appeared in front of Mu En.

"Thank you, love you!"

Mu En wanted to hug the black book and give it a kiss.

It could never be called a good teacher, but it could definitely be called a good textbook.

Just click on the part you don't understand, and to some extent, you don't even need to click, the knowledge points will appear by yourself, saving the process of searching. Who wouldn't love such a textbook?

Mu En studied with full concentration during the long night.

The black book floated beside Mu En, flipping from time to time, revealing the knowledge points in the textbook, or the records of the senior's lectures.

Mu En made rapid progress.

But at this point, he didn't seem to realize that he could actually use the black book to cheat and pass the exam very easily.

Or in other words, the option of cheating never appeared in his thinking scope.

“You’re late.”

In the student union room, Cecilia looked at Wei’er who hurried in with dew on her hair, and said expressionlessly:

“I’m fifteen minutes late.”

“Hehe…President, please forgive me…”

Wei’er stuck out her tongue and begged for mercy:

“I stayed up too late to question Eamon last night, so I overslept.”

“Really? But why did Eamon say that you ran away at eight o’clock last night when I went to see him just now?”


Wei’er’s pretty face suddenly froze, and she began to wonder whether she should kneel down and beg for mercy, or hug the president’s thigh and beg for mercy, in order to keep her beloved novel.

“Forget it.”

But this time, Cecilia didn’t pursue it.

“Go make me a cup of coffee.”


Wei’er was as if she had been pardoned, and her hands and feet were swift.

In a short while, the aroma of coffee wafted through the room.

Cecilia put her hands behind her back and turned her head to look out the window.

As autumn approaches, the leaves of the sycamore trees fall one after another, forming a golden river on the quiet path.

If you step on it, it will definitely make a crisp sound.

It's beautiful, but unfortunately, no one passes by in the quiet morning.

"What day is it?" Cecilia suddenly asked.

"It's the fifth day."

Wei thought Cecilia was asking about Eamon before, and she kept talking while making coffee:

"That Eamon is so stupid. He dared to drink the potion given by a stranger. Alas, he didn't even see the other person's appearance clearly. It's really infuriating. If he was smarter, we wouldn't be so busy. Don't you think so, President..."

"It's a bit stupid."

Cecilia retracted her gaze, but didn't know who she was talking about:

"But I haven't seen him jogging in the morning these few days, and I'm still a little uncomfortable."




On the way to class, Leah stared at Ariel who was in a daze beside her, and a hint of doubt appeared in her big watery eyes:

"You seem to be very abnormal recently!"

"Huh? Is that true?"

Ariel came back to her senses and blinked:

"It's an illusion."

"Yes! I was distracted in class, walked in a daze, and often smiled foolishly at a sound transmission stone!"

Liya's expression became serious:

"You are not still thinking about that woman before, are you? Didn't the professor say she was fake?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Ariel said firmly, took Leah's hand, and said affectionately:

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