For any exam, status is also an extremely critical part.

"Then senior sister, are you staying here all the time?"

Looking at senior Anna who was still sitting in that position and seemed to have never left, Mu En couldn't help but ask.

"How can it be?"

Anna rolled her eyes at Mu En, full of charm.

"Senior, I have my own things to do, okay, it's just that you slept for too long, junior.


Anna suddenly crossed her arms, leaned forward with her waist, and a slightly provocative smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"Junior said this because you really want me to sleep with you?"

"This...since the senior sister has said it."

Mu En straightened her back instantly and said righteously:

"Then it's not impossible for my junior fellow student to sacrifice himself."

"Geez, saying this with a blushing face is not very convincing, junior~"

Anna smiled coquettishly, overjoyed, and then her voice changed:

"While junior brother was sleeping, I helped you make some small changes. Junior brother shouldn't blame me."

"Small change?"

Mu En was confused, but she saw Anna hand over a cute makeup mirror.

Mu En took the makeup mirror and took a look, and was stunned.

The person in the mirror has neat and fine short golden hair spread out, which is even more conspicuous than the rising sun outside the window. The stubble on his chin has also been shaved clean, highlighting his original whiteness and handsomeness.

"Is this...done by senior sister?"

"Is there anyone else here besides me?"

Anna sighed softly:

"When I saw my junior's appearance yesterday, I couldn't help but take a rest. I wonder if my junior will blame me."

"No, it won't."

Mu En twirled a strand of short hair, gently twirled it, and said with some shock:

"I just didn't expect that the senior sister could actually cut hair, and... her skills were so good, I almost thought it was done by a professional master."

"Gee, junior fellow student is still so sweet-tongued."

Anna covered her mouth and chuckled:

"But actually I haven't cut anyone's hair for a long time. I used to do it a lot when I was in the orphanage."


Mu En caught this word keenly.

"It's not a good habit to randomly explore a woman's return, junior."

Anna stretched out her finger and flicked Moon En's forehead.

"The exam is coming soon, aren't you going to prepare?"

"Ah, right!"

Mu En suddenly woke up and quickly looked at the time and found that there was only about an hour left before the exam.

"Did I sleep for almost fifteen hours?"

Mu En calculated the time briefly and realized why the senior sister said that he had been sleeping for a long time.

Even a pig can't sleep for fifteen hours at a time.

"Obviously I want to go through the knowledge points again before the exam, but I don't have time now."

Mu En gave a bitter smile and quickly looked at her senior sister to say goodbye:

"Then, senior sister, I'll leave first."

"Be careful on the road, and come on."

"Yeah, I will."

Mu En was about to leave, but walked to the door and glanced subconsciously for the last time.

In the empty Potions classroom, the senior sister was leaning against the wall alone, turning to look out the even more empty window. The blue curtains cast a cold shadow on her, making her look... so lonely.

Mu En's heart palpitated inexplicably:



"About what you said before."

Mu En turned around and said seriously:

"The Ancient Potions Club, I want to join."

"Oh? Are you saying this suddenly?"

Anna raised her eyebrows in surprise, and then smiled softly:

"Is my junior finally interested in ancient potions?"

"Well, that's right."

Mu En said seriously.

But this is actually a lie.

In fact, he was not that interested in potions at all.

Even for Mu En, who strongly pursues strength, potions are a subject that is very applicable but has little help for strength. Time should not be wasted on it at all.


Mu En suddenly remembered that his senior sister had given him the last lesson yesterday.

In other words, the bond between teachers and students has ended.

But Mu En didn't want the bond between him and his senior to disappear so easily. He needed something new that could connect him and his senior.

Therefore, whether it is potions, magic, or magic paintings, no matter what kind of club it is, Mu En will join it.


Anna looked at Mu En, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and smiled softly:

"Welcome to join, junior."

So Mu En also laughed:

"Are there any joining procedures?"

"In a small club like mine, there aren't so many red tapes. Just remember to come over every once in a while. I'm basically there in the afternoon."

"That's it."

Mu En nodded:

"Then I'm going to take the exam first. See you later, senior."

"Well, see you later."

"Ah, right."

Mu En thought of another thing, but this time, she was a little shy to speak.

"Um...Senior, do you have time on the open day?"

Although Santa Maria College is under closed management, there will be a three-day free holiday after the exam every month, which is called an open day.

This is not only a time for students to go home to replenish their ammunition, but also a carnival day for some students who have been exhausted in the college.

It is said that the commercial street outside the college is actually only open for three days every month, but it also makes a lot of money. Even the hotels on the street need to be booked a month in advance.

"Open day?"

Anna thought for a while, "I have something to do on the first day, and I am free the rest of the time."


Mu En took a deep breath and asked:

"Then senior sister, do you want to go out with me on the second day?"


Anna was also stunned when she heard it, and then she reacted immediately and said with a mischievous smile:

"Junior brother means... to invite me on a date?"

"Date? That's a good thing to say."

Mu En said with a thick blushing face:

"But in fact, I just want to repay you a little bit."

"Repay? "

Anna rolled her hair with her fingers and said with averted eyes:

"But, I haven't thought about the reward I want yet."

"This is not a reward."

Mu En said seriously:

"This is just a little thought from me."


Anna was stunned for a moment, then smiled, her eyebrows curved like a crescent moon, "Okay, since it is an invitation from my junior, I will go."

47. Exam

After coming out of the ancient potion classroom, Mu En returned to the dormitory, took a quick shower and changed clothes, and then had a hasty breakfast in the cafeteria, and trotted all the way to the classroom of the Basic Introduction to Magic course.

Then he was scared.

Outside the door of the classroom, a large group of people crowded together, almost surrounding the entire corridor.

After seeing Mu En, those people suddenly became chaotic.

"Here he comes, here he comes!"

"Mu En Campbell is here!"


"These guys, don't they go to the exam?"

Mu En glanced at these people, and then looked at the time. There were only about fifteen minutes left before the exam.

According to common sense, everyone should be entering the classroom to wait for the exam, or taking the time to flip through the books to read more, how could it be like chasing stars.

"Could it be that they are all here to watch me?"

Mu En reacted and couldn't help twitching his mouth.

Recalling the news that the senior sister said before that spread throughout the school...

These guys, compared to the exam, are watching the excitement more important?

"This feeling of being watched by thousands of people, why does it feel like a star walking on the red carpet."

In the sight of a large group of people, Mu En crossed the crowd and walked towards the classroom with his head held high.

Due to the aristocratic cultivation that the son of the Duke has cultivated for a long time, he was not afraid of being stared at by so many eyes, but when he passed by those people, he still heard the whispering voices.

"Wow, Mu En Campbell actually dared to come to take the exam. He said so harshly before, isn't he afraid of being embarrassed?"

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