"You have to come if you want to make a strong statement, otherwise it will be even more despised if you run away at the last minute."

"That's true, but he still looks quite confident."

"Hehe, he must be pretending. With his level, how could he possibly get 80 points? 8 points is about right..."

"Wow, that's too much. I heard that he has been working hard recently..."

"What's the point of working hard? I worked so hard, but I still failed."

"Haha, that's true."


Mu En walked silently without refutation, because he knew that it was meaningless to refute at this moment.

Facts are the best counterattack against those prejudices and rumors.

All he has to do now is to try his best to pass this exam.


"I'm still a little unhappy."

Mu En lowered his eyes and clenched his fist unconsciously.

But at this moment——

"Student Mu En!"

He heard a shout.

It was like the shouting of a young girl, trying her best, and even a little broken.

It was so clear in this noisy crowd.

Mu En looked up in astonishment and looked in the direction of the voice.

"Come on! Mu En! We believe in you!"

"You will definitely get 80 points!"

"Fuck those guys who look down on you!"

"Come on, I'll bet all my pocket money this month on you, you can do it!"

There, in the most conspicuous position, three cute little girls who were obviously first graders shouted loudly, their faces flushed red, they waved flags with the words "Come on" written on them, wearing white forehead bands with the red font of "Mu En" on their heads, like bandits, they rushed into Mu En's sight arrogantly, making his eyes unconsciously sore.


Mu En's mind was still a little confused, and he didn't understand what these three magical creatures that almost made him want to cry were.

Why did the world seem to be brighter when they appeared?

Next to the three little ones, Fanny, a senior from the Magic Painting Society who had met Mu En once, smiled helplessly:

"Mu En Campbell, I also bet a lot of money on you under the 'coercion' of these three guys, you must do what you say."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously:

"I will!"

As he said that, he looked at the three girls who were about to faint with excitement just by making eye contact with him:

"I will definitely do it."


There is nothing to be angry about.

No matter how others look at him, no matter how others don't believe him.

But he did put in all his efforts in this month.

So no matter what others say, what he has to do now is to show this result to everyone.

Only hard work will not deceive people.

Study hard, constantly practice questions, sleep only two hours a day...

These will not deceive people.

So Mu En raised his head and chest, like a future duke who truly carried the glory of Campbell, and walked into the classroom with firm steps,

walking into...his battlefield.

After Mu En left.

The crowd, which had been silent for a short time, became noisy again.

"Wow, he seems to be really confident. What should I do? I bet a lot of money on him not to be able to do it!"

"Don't panic, he must be pretending. Don't forget that he is a noble. Aren't nobles good at pretending?"

"Speaking of which, he is the son of the duke. What if he finds a way to cheat? For example, bribe the invigilator or something?"

"That being said, it seems to be possible. Otherwise, how could he be so confident this time when he was a poor student who scored three points last semester?"

"What should we do? Our money..."


The dry cough sounded, and once again overwhelmed the noise here.

All the students who were watching the excitement here suddenly felt as if they were covered by a huge shadow.

It was like a rolling dark cloud, spreading over.

"The exam is about to start, what are you all doing here?!"

Then there was thunder.

The dignified old man stood at the entrance of the corridor, holding a bundle of test papers in his arm, and quickly scanned everyone with angry eyes.

"Do you want me to deduct all your credits?"

"It's Professor Plan!"

"Why is he here?"

"Is he the invigilator? But as a professor, will he do such a thing in person?"

"Go, go, he seems to be angry!"

After a brief confusion, the crowd immediately scattered.

Even Senior Sister Fanny dragged the three little ones who wanted to wait for Mu En to finish the exam and ran away quickly.

Professor Plan's severity and terror are deeply rooted in the hearts of the whole college.



In the classroom.

Mu En sat quietly in his seat.

It was meaningless to flip through the book at this time, so he emptied his mind, adjusted his state, and silently waited for the exam to begin.

Other students also entered the venue one after another. When they passed by Muen, they couldn't help but look at him. Compared with the exam itself, whether Muen Campbell could fulfill his boast a month ago might be what concerned more people.

"Due to the illness of Teacher Fran, I will be the invigilator of this exam myself." Professor Plan appeared on the podium and announced this unfortunate news for many people.


There was a wailing sound from below. If the invigilator was Teacher Fran, some people might have some special ideas.

But if it was Professor Plan, who was known for his seriousness and old-fashionedness...

Cheating in front of a powerful crowned person, kid, have you lived enough?

Even Mu En was a little shocked. It was obvious that with Professor Plan's identity, it was impossible for him to come to invigilate the second-grade exam in person under normal circumstances.

"Is Teacher Fran really sick?"

Mu En scratched his head and didn't think much about it.

"What? As long as you take the exam seriously, what difference does it make to you to change the invigilator?"

Professor Plan's majestic eyes swept across the crowd and sneered:

"I hope some people can abandon their dirty ideas, otherwise if I catch them... hum."

As he said that, he glanced at Mu En meaningfully.


Mu En's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, am I the kind of person who would cheat in your eyes?

But this unhappy thought was quickly restrained by him.

Just as Professor Plan said, as long as you take the exam seriously, it doesn't matter who the invigilator is.

So, the bell rang on time.

The exam began.

Mu En picked up the pen and started answering questions.

His eyes quickly scanned the questions, as if instinctively, the knowledge engraved deep in his mind turned into answers, leaking out from the tip of the pen.

Time was stretched very long, or very short.

The classroom was very quiet, and only the rustling sound of the pen tip could be heard.

Then, even those sounds disappeared, and Mu En could only feel the white test paper gradually filled with ink.

The bell rang again, and Mu En suddenly woke up.

A skinny hand pressed on the test paper.

"Mu En Campbell, you can go."

Professor Plan's eyes were filled with horror and pity that others could hardly detect, and he said softly:

"The exam is over."

48. Result

"It's over?"

In the classroom illuminated by the sun, Mu En looked at Professor Plan in front of him, still a little dazed.

It was like a big dream. The content of the exam just now flashed by like the end credits of a movie. It was already blurred, but I always felt that something was put down in my heart, and I felt relieved.

"Well, it's over, Mu En Campbell, you did very well, better than I thought."

Professor Plan glanced at the test paper in front of Mu En, and there was no change in his expression, but his words seemed to be much gentler.

He patted Mu En on the shoulder and urged:

"Let's go quickly, don't be in a daze."


Mu En nodded blankly and stood up blankly.

Mu En didn't know how he walked out of the classroom, how he crossed the crowd of onlookers, and how he returned to the dormitory.

When he came to his senses, he was already sitting at his desk, staring at himself in the mirror for a long time.

"Next, what should I do?"

When a goal that he tried his best to pursue was briefly completed, Mu En fell into a great emptiness.

It seemed that something was missing in his heart, empty.

But he quickly came to his senses.

"Do you still need to think about this kind of question?"

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