Mu En whispered to herself.

In the blue, jewel-like eyes, the old fire has just gone, and a new fire is reborn.

"My goal is still far from being achieved, isn't it?"

Then, consciousness sank into darkness.

In the darkness, an assassin in a maid uniform and a naked man appeared together.

"I haven't seen you for a month, and I even miss you."

Mu En snapped her fingers, "How about changing this scene of reunion after a long separation to something more festive?"

Then, the darkness dissipated and the sun shone brightly.

Mu En was bathed in infinite light, holding two blades in his hands.

He grinned and smiled:

"Come, look at how much I have regressed in this month!"

"Have you finished the exam? Let me know when you're done!"

After the exam, Professor Plann returned to the office with the test papers, only to find that his office was already crowded with a lot of teachers watching the fun.

Even Teacher Cade, who had always scorned magic, stayed in the corner, waiting for the results with a curious look on his face.

Gossip and fondness for food are not just the exclusive preserve of students in this college.

As soon as Professor Grant saw Professor Plan, he immediately came up to grab the test paper from his hand.

"Can you look like a teacher?"

Professor Plann slapped Professor Grant's hand away and said angrily:

"Forget about those students, you are still gossiping like this. What does it mean?"

"You have already gone to invigilate the exam in person, do you still have the nerve to criticize us?"

"I just want to ensure the fairness of the exam!"

"Hey, how about you personally invigilate every exam in the future?"

Professor Grant whistled and didn't care about Professor Plan's anger. Instead, he grabbed the test paper when he wasn't paying attention.

"Let me see, Moon Campbell, Campbell..."

Grant quickly counted the test papers, and then accurately took out Mu En's test paper and handed it to Teacher Fulan who looked in great shape.

"Teacher Fran, hurry up, correct it quickly, I want to see the results!"

" a little bad."

Teacher Fran hesitated a little and glanced at Professor Plang aside.

Although grading in advance does not affect the results, it is still somewhat inconsistent with the rules...

And Professor Plan has always been old-fashioned, and this kind of unruly thing...

"Change it."

Professor Plann was unexpectedly relieved.

"It's nothing to worry about such a small thing."


Only then did Professor Grant feel a little surprised. He stared at Professor Plan suspiciously for a long time:

"Why are you acting weird and in a bad mood after proctoring the exam? Did that boy Mu En provoke you again?"

"Have it?"

Professor Plank glanced at him expressionlessly.

"Of course. Were you so easy to talk to before?"

"You will listen to me if I don't want to talk?"

"Hehe, that's true."

Professor Glenn did not ask too many questions because his attention was quickly attracted by Mu En's test paper.

"Hurry, Teacher Fran, correct it quickly, Pu Lang has agreed."

"Oh well!"

Seeing Professor Pu Lang relenting, Teacher Fran had no reason to hesitate and immediately picked up Mu En's paper and started correcting it.

Other teachers also came over curiously.

Professor Gulen kept yelling and screaming as the correction progressed.

"Hey, the first five questions are all correct? That guy has a lot of skills."

"Oh, the sixth question is so simple, how could I be wrong..."

"Question 13 seems a bit difficult for that kid. It must have taken a lot of time."

"Hey, I didn't do the last big question, so smart."

The 100% test paper didn't have much content, so the corrections ended quickly.

That score naturally appeared in front of all the teachers very quickly.

There was silence in the office.

Because everyone was silent.

Looking at the results, I fell silent.

It wasn't until a long time later that the teacher sighed and shook his head.

"It turned out to be...seventy-nine points. What a pity."

That's right.


This is the number printed on the top of the test paper at this moment.

Bright red and clear, so eye-catching, yet so real.

It was only a short distance away from that line, but it could not be crossed in the end.

A slight difference is always more depressing than a long distance.

Even Professor Grant couldn't help but suppress his smile when looking at that number.

"I can only say... is it bad luck?"

Because the score of seventy-nine points cannot be said to be insufficient ability.

From three, to seventy-nine.

Just from the huge difference between these two numbers, all the teachers here can clearly feel the hardship and effort that young man put in in just one month.

With hard work and sweat, he created this miracle that almost everyone thought was impossible.

But the more so, the more regrettable it becomes.

The difference of one point was like a little joke played by the god of fate on that boy.

"Give me the test paper."

Just when everyone was feeling pity for the boy, Professor Plann suddenly reached out and took the test paper.

His eyes quickly swept over the test paper, and then he seemed to confirm something.

Pointing to somewhere on the test paper, he said:

"Here, the judgment was wrong."


Teacher Fran blinked and glanced at Professor Plan's finger.

Her beautiful eyes opened, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Ah, really, no... I'm sorry, I really made a mistake. Maybe it's the first time that so many people are watching me mark the papers, so I'm a little nervous..."

"Change it."

Professor Plan still had a blank expression on his face, and he didn't seem to blame her.

He just watched Teacher Fran mark the question again, and then recalculated the score.

In fact, there was no need to calculate.

Seventy-nine plus one, even a homeless person on the street can calculate the result.


Excellent level.

The office fell silent again.

I was still regretting it just now, but when the number really appeared in front of me, I couldn't help but feel shocked.

As teachers of St. Mary's, they are all elites in the education field. What kind of students have they not seen?

Shine like light, but suddenly have an accident, or indulge in depravity, and their grades plummet.

Or a playboy with a good background, who suddenly wakes up, turns back, and finally successfully climbs to the top step by step.

However, just like that blond boy, in just one month, he jumped from three points to an excellent level of 80 points...

To be honest, it's unheard of.

"It can be called a miracle in the education field."

A teacher couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really worthy of that Moon Campbell. Whether good or bad, it will make people amazed."

"So, Moon Campbell did it, what he said a month ago." Some teachers also reacted and exclaimed:

"I heard that the odds are 20 to 1, tut tut, there will probably be a lot of students standing on the rooftop now, do we need to install wire mesh on the railings in time?"


Some teachers even wailed in grief:

"My bonus, how can I live without you!"


Professor Plan glanced at the wailing teacher Cade and said expressionlessly:

"Submit a 100,000-word review to me tomorrow, and you will lose your bonus for this semester."

So the wailing became even more tragic.

However, after a brief noise, everyone quieted down again.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes glanced at Professor Plan quietly.

Professor Plan hated Moon Campbell so much, so he must not be angry at this time.

No, he might be angry now, seeing how miserable Teacher Cade was when he ran into his gun!

If he continued to stay here...

"Well... I feel a little unwell, so I'll leave first."

Teacher Fran took the lead in leaving.

"Yes, I feel a little unwell too..."

"I forgot to turn off the gas at home..."

"My wife is about to give birth..."

A bunch of teachers, as if their memories had suddenly improved, suddenly remembered that something happened at home, and ran away quickly.

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