In the end, only Professor Grant was left, staring at the expressionless Professor Plan for a long time in the quiet office, and finally couldn't help but said:

"I think, as a professor, there is no need to be angry with a child."

"I'm not angry."

"Nonsense, like this."

"I'm not angry."

Professor Plan emphasized, then suddenly raised his hand, and in the eyes of Professor Grant's shocked gaze, he smashed his beloved antique desk into pieces.

When Grant saw this, he was stunned. After staying for a long time, he realized what he was doing and said tremblingly:

"Actually... at that time, I was just kidding you."

"But I'm not kidding."

Professor Plan picked up a piece of sawdust, hesitated for a moment, and then put it in his mouth.


Then swallow.

"I never joke."

Then, pick up another piece and put it in your mouth.

With his crown-wearing physique, he can't even eat some wood.

However, although this expensive mahogany has a natural fragrance, it tastes very bitter.

And, it hurts.

"I'm not angry."

Professor Plann once again emphasized the general saying:

"How could I be angry?

As an educator, as a teacher, isn't it the happiest thing to see your students return from the lost path and turn back? "

"I'm just a little ashamed. I'm ashamed of my lack of ability and my lack of vision. I obviously claim to be a senior educator, but I didn't see clearly what was hidden in that boy's eyes during the previous exam."

"——What a hot flame it is, like a roaring lion in the sunset!"

Professor Plann suddenly clenched his hand, crushed the corner of the desk, and continued to stuff it into his mouth.

He gritted his teeth and chewed the mahogany wood vigorously, as if he wanted to squeeze out tears and cleanse his turbid eyes that could not see people:

"That young man, Moon Campbell, is not the playboy we think of. He is the son of a duke who can truly inherit the name of Campbell!"

"No, I have a hunch that his future achievements will even surpass his father's!"

"More than Duke Campbell? That Lion King?"

Professor Grant couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this. He didn't expect that Professor Plan would suddenly have such a high opinion of Moon Campbell.

You must know that Ron Campbell is also among the best among the Dukes of Campbell in the past.

"Some are too difficult."


Professor Plann did not refute, but asked:

"Do you know who it was last time I saw that look?"

"Who?" Professor Grant was stunned.

"You've seen it before."

Professor Plann lowered his eyelids and his tone became deeper:

"My...another stupid student controlled by the God of Love."

The Holy Lady of Purity.

The great saint who has been missing for twenty years, but still has many statues standing and is still followed by many believers.

The strong girl who never succumbed to the God of Love until her death.


Professor Grant fell into silence, even more shocked.

After a moment, he asked with a serious expression:

"You mean... Moon Campbell will also become a saint in the future?"


Professor Pu Lang's expression froze and he almost choked.

Professor Grant patted him on the shoulder with a playful smile:

"Okay, okay, stop blaming yourself, no matter how good a teacher is, it's impossible to see all students clearly.

At least you didn't delay him, right? "

"But he is a genius who can test 80% in one month, but he still only learned one lighting technique in my hands last semester." Professor Pu Lang replied faintly.


Professor Grant's expression also froze, and then he said in embarrassment:

"Okay, you still said you weren't angry!"

"I don't."

Professor Plan continued to chew on the corner of the table and said:

"And even if Moon Campbell doesn't get 80 this time, I will still fulfill my promise."


"You have forgotten that when school first started, I said the same thing. As long as Moon Campbell really changes, I will eat the desk."

Professor Plann sighed:

"So, I knew from the end of the exam that no matter what the score was, I had to eat this table."

After actually eating the entire table, Professor Plann left in a hurry, not knowing what he was going for.

Professor Gulen was left alone in the office.

As if he thought of something, he picked up Mu En's test paper again and looked at it carefully.

Finally, on the incorrect question that Professor Plank just pointed out, a faint breath of magic was faintly detected.

"Hey, let me tell you, Teacher Fran is at a high level at least. No matter how nervous you are, you won't make such a stupid mistake, but still with so many eyes staring at you."

Professor Grant touched his chin, squinted his eyes happily and said with a smile:

"That old-fashioned guy Pu Lang actually does tricks like this occasionally."

49. People’s joys and sorrows are not the same.

The next day, the last basic introduction to magic class before the open day.

Since the teachers marked the papers very quickly, this class was actually the time when the results were released.

Mu En came to the classroom early and sat down at the window seat.

Holding her cheek, she looked at the flowing clouds outside the window, trying to calm her mood.

The waiting before the results came out was the most difficult, but Mu En didn't think so.

Because he was very sure that he had tried his best, so no matter what the result was, he could have a clear conscience.

Then, he could only wait quietly for God's arrangement.

As time passed, students gradually walked into the classroom.

Some talked or laughed, in groups of three or five. Although they looked calm on the surface, many eyes could not help but look at the blond boy by the window.

Mu En didn't care about it, because he had already gotten used to it.

Ariel, who came in on time, glared at the guy who took her seat again, and pulled Liya to sit by the window on the other side.

"That Mu En Campbell doesn't seem to be nervous at all."

After sitting down, Liya blinked and looked at Mu En curiously.

"Humph, what's the use of him being nervous? It's still not possible."

Ariel crossed her arms and snorted coldly.

"Don't be so dead, what if he really got 80 points?"

"That's impossible."

Ariel looked determined.

In yesterday's exam, she was not too far from Mu En.

So, just in case, she asked her master in the soul state to secretly take a look at Mu En's test paper while Professor Prang was not paying attention.

As expected, it was only 79 points!

Haha, 79, not 80!

This time I won!

Although the final winnings may only be an extra chicken leg, but I won after all!

When the time comes, I will definitely laugh at Mu En Campbell while chewing on the delicious chicken leg!

Ariel thought happily in her heart.

At this time, Teacher Fran walked into the classroom and announced to everyone:

"Next, the results of yesterday's exam will be announced."

As her voice fell, the noisy classroom suddenly quieted down.

Everyone stared at Teacher Fran, looking forward to the next moment.

In fact, it was just a monthly test, which had little impact on the credits, and so many people should not care.

But this time was different. Compared to their own results, they were more curious about whether the son of the Duke who had boasted a month ago could do it.

"Tek Rhodes, fifty-three points..."

"Gucci Sloane, sixty-one points..."


"Ariel Bugard, one hundred points!"



"One hundred!"

As Ariel's score was read out, the crowd was boiling.

One hundred!

Can a subject like the Basics of Magic get one hundred points?

Or, has anyone ever gotten one hundred points?

Everyone stared at Ariel in shock, gasping in surprise, thinking that this boy was so terrifying.

And Ariel, in the sight of everyone, couldn't help but twist her mouth, revealing her signature unruly smile, walked to the podium with her head held high, and took her test paper.

Turning around, she threw a provocative look at Mu En.

You're not the only one working hard!

However, Mu En did not notice Ariel's gaze, but just stared at Teacher Fran, waiting for that moment to come.

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