"Is that so?"

Mu En recalled in his mind that at that time, Eamon transformed from a skinny appearance that looked like he could be blown down by the wind directly into such a terrifying werewolf. If the magic potion did not replenish his energy, the drain on his body would indeed be difficult. Imagine.

But magic potion is just an introduction after all, and the reason is...

A trace of anger flashed in Mu En's eyes:

"Celicia, those people..."

"A few days ago, three senior students in the college dropped out."

Celcia said:

"The reason is that he used unfair means to harm his classmates. The message has been posted on the college's bulletin board. Didn't you see it?"

"Ah... thank you." Mu En was stunned for a moment. During this period, his mind was all on the exam, and he had no time to look at the bulletin board.

"You don't need to thank me for this. Didn't I say it before? It is the duty of the student union to teach bad students a lesson."

Celcia was still flipping through the documents, seemingly not paying attention to such trivial matters.

"And those guys are really bad. After all, using violence against people who have no resistance is something that you, the scumbag, couldn't do before."

"Are you praising me too?" Mu En's mouth twitched again.

"Just think I am."


"Speaking of which, have you found the person who gave Eamon the potion?"

Mu En remembered this.

Because Eamonn also said at that time that he was bewitched by a mysterious woman and drank the magic potion.

Although I don't know what kind of thoughts that woman had, at that time, I did almost die because of the effect of that potion.

So it’s impossible not to ask.

"About that..."

Celecia raised her head, her cold eyes were like two deep ancient wells, staring at Mu En with chills all over her body:

"Sorry, I can't reveal it yet."

"Can't reveal it?"

Mu En couldn't help but frown.

If this matter only involved a fight between students, no matter what, Celicia would not be allowed to say the four words "not to be disclosed".

I'm afraid there's something inside.

But Mu En also gave up questioning.

After all, with Celicia's temperament, she said so, so I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to find out the reason no matter how much she asked.

I just have to believe her.

After Mu En left, Celcia finally stopped writing.

Looking at the documents and information in front of her that were continuously outlined with red circles and marked with key points, she couldn't help but rub her temples, and a rare trace of fatigue appeared on her cold face.

"The evolution potion... really makes people think of bad things."

She turned to look out the window. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and her heart became gloomy.

"I hope there won't be any surprises during this open day."

In the warm ward, Eamon was deeply shocked when he heard the news that the nurse had just brought back from outside.


"Master Mu En, he actually succeeded?"



Success is a given.

Because of the look in Young Master Mu En's eyes at that time, as hot as a burning flame, no matter who saw it, they would believe that he had the power to turn the impossible into possible.


"How am I going to face him?"

"I... almost killed the young master..."

The memory of transforming into a werewolf is no longer clear, but Eamon still vaguely remembers it.

At that time, it seemed that I really... wanted to kill Master Mu En.

Looking at his still skinny hand, the image of his own hand squeezing Master Mu En's neck seemed to reappear in front of his eyes. Eamon suddenly fell into great self-blame and disgust.

Master, he must hate me.

You will definitely abandon me like before.

after all……


At this moment, the door opened.

The mellow voice that was familiar to Eamon flowed into the room like a gentle breeze.

"Good lunch, Eamon, have you eaten?"

51. Invitation

Looking at the blond boy who shone into the room like sunshine, Eamon was stunned for a moment:

"Mu En...young master?"

"What's wrong? Are you surprised to see me? Or..."

Mu En thought for a while and joked:

"Do you blame me for not coming to see you for so long?"


"Forgive me. I can't spare any time this month. Besides, I think it would be inappropriate to come over to see you before the results come out."

Mu En approached and placed the purchased fruits on the table next to her.

"Although I really want to help you peel an apple, I always feel that it's too gay to be gay, so you'd better do it yourself and have enough food and clothing."


"Huh? Why do you keep your head down and don't speak?"

Mu En sat on the chair, looked at Eamon who lowered his head in silence, and said with a smile:

"You must be so moved that you cry. Although I am handsome and handsome, please don't fall in love with me. We are only friends."

"Master Mu En..." Eamon suddenly spoke, his voice low and crying.


"Why did you come to see me?"

"Why? Isn't it normal to come to visit friends?"

"But I..." Eamon looked up suddenly, regret and self-blame pouring out of his eyes.

"But I..."


As if he knew what he was going to say, Mu En reached out his hand, patted his shoulder, and interrupted him.

"I don't care about this kind of thing. That's not what you meant, right?"

As he said that, Mu En smiled again:

"I don't have much time to visit you, so let's not talk about such heavy topics."


Emon stared blankly at the blond boy in front of him who was exactly the same as in his impression, but completely different. He suddenly felt that the negative emotions accumulated from the regret and self-blame in his eyes for a month, under the gaze of those gentle blue eyes like gemstones, like ice and snow in the sun, gradually melted away.



"How's the food?"

"Not bad."

"How's the accommodation?"

"Not bad."

"Is the nurse pretty?"


"What about home?"

"She wrote a letter saying that she misunderstood me and has restored the relationship with me. She even listed me as the first heir to compensate me."

"Family interests come first. You can't trust too much. You have to rely on yourself for everything."

"I know."

In the warm afternoon, the two chatted casually.

Until the doctor walked into the room with a bad face and pointed at the time to Mu En.

"Haha, then I'll go first."

Mu En, who had forgotten the time unconsciously, smiled awkwardly and said goodbye.

"Then goodbye, Eamon."


Eamon nodded, looking a little uneasy.

Until Mu En was about to leave the room, he seemed to have mustered up the courage and said:

"Goodbye, Mu En."

Mu En didn't look back, but just paused slightly, and then walked more briskly.

“What should I do next?”

After walking out of the ward, Mu En, who was in a good mood, stretched and looked at the gloomy sky.

“It seems to be raining.”

It’s a bit bad.

Tomorrow is the open day.

The day after tomorrow is a date with the senior sister, oh no, it’s time to repay the senior sister. If it rains for too long, it won’t be beautiful.

“How about spending money to hire a great magician to dispel the rain?”

Mu En touched his chin and thought seriously.

From the conditions, this is feasible. It’s just dispelling the rain. Magicians above the secret level can do it.

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