But this is the imperial capital of Belland after all. If you do something like this that disturbs the sky here, you might be arrested for endangering the imperial capital.

Even if he is the son of a duke, he cannot act arbitrarily in a place like this.

"Forget it, just take it one step at a time."

Mu En quickly felt relieved and walked towards the dormitory.

Time is tight for dating, so you need to plan in advance.

"Classmate Mu En?"

Just before taking two steps, Mu En was stopped by a familiar voice again.

"It's Sally-san."

Mu En turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then the familiar double braid and the slightly oversized black-rimmed glasses came into view.

Sally Friend, the girl with whom he had a little misunderstanding.

"Is it such a coincidence? You are coming too..."

Mu En was just about to say it smoothly, but he immediately reacted and swallowed the word "hospital" at the end.

You also come to the hospital, no matter what you think, you will be beaten if you go out.

"Are you looking for me for anything?" Mu En blinked and asked with a smile.

"No...no, it's nothing. It's just a coincidence."

Sally held her big black-framed eyes on her face, her cheeks slightly red:

"Actually, I just want to ask Classmate Mu En, was the cake I made last time delicious?"

"Cake, what cake..."

Mu En asked subconsciously, and then her expression immediately froze.


The cake that Sally’s classmate gave me before!

I threw them all away during the fight with Eamon, and I didn’t get any of them!

"Huh? Is it the cake I gave to classmate Mu En before?"

Sally tilted her head and said doubtfully:

"Didn't classmate Mu En eat?"

"Eat, I ate!"

Mu En trembled.

"I ate them all! No one was left alive!"

Just kidding, if I say that I threw away the cake at this time, I'm afraid the next day there will be crazy rumors in the academy that I'm playing with the girl's heart!

But he couldn't refute it yet.


Sally smiled sheepishly:

"So, how do you like the cake, Mr. Mu En?"

"Very tasty!"

"Huh? Answer in seconds?"

Sally scratched her cheek and said distressedly:

"Actually, I hope Mu En can think carefully and give me a more accurate answer, such as taste and sweetness..."

"This is the result of my careful thinking!"

Mu En stared into Sally's eyes and said seriously:

"I can't fault your cake!"

This is the truth.

Because Mu En really can't tell any flaws.


Faced with Mu En's sincere praise, Sally's face suddenly turned red, and Mu En could even see traces of water vapor floating above her head in a trance.

"Classmate Mu En is like this...no matter how you say it...it's too much..."

"No, classmate Sally is too unsure of herself. You have to believe in your own cake! Believe that it is the best!"

"Yes, really?"

After being praised by Mu En, Sally suddenly became dizzy and felt a little awkward when speaking.

When Mu En saw this, she was ready to run away. If she continued to chat, it would be bad if the little girl found out about it.

"Is there anything else going on, Sally? If nothing happens..."

"I have one more thing!"



It seemed that it was something that was difficult to say. Sally lowered her head, clutched the corners of her skirt tightly with both hands, hesitated for a long time, and then said hesitantly:

"Actually...actually, I thought about it carefully after I went back. Using something as cheap as a cake to apologize seems to be a bit too rude for someone of Mu En's status.

You still have to use other more important things to show your sincerity.

So... So, I wonder if Mu En is free during the open day? "

52. Past

"Huh? Are you...inviting me?"

Facing the girl's question, Mu En's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Such a shy look.

Such hesitant words.

Could it be that……

That's not right, haven't I just met Sally twice?

"Mu... don't get it wrong, classmate Mu En. In fact, it's just my dad... yes, it's my dad who asked me to invite you to my home."

Mu En's eyes made Sally's face turn redder, as if she was burning up. She hurriedly explained:

"I wrote to my father before and told him all these things, but recently he wrote back and scolded me, saying how could I send away classmate Mu En with just a few cakes?

So he asked me to invite Mu En to his home. He is a well-known chef. He wanted to cook a big meal and treat Mu En to a meal to express his apology. "

"That's it..."

Mu En realized that it was not classmate Sally, but classmate Sally’s father.

That makes sense. After all, the more social experience you have, the more you will care about status, interpersonal communication and the like.

He must be afraid that his daughter will neglect him, the son of a duke.

"I understand your and your father's wishes, but I'm sorry, I already have an appointment on the open day." Mu En said apologetically.

“But there are three days of open days.”

"I'm not sure if I can spare the time. If I accidentally let you and your father go, it would be even worse, wouldn't it?"

"Is that so?"

Sally looked visibly disappointed.

"That can't be helped. After all, someone like Mu En will be very busy on the open day."

Why do you say that as if I were a scumbag who was going to have several dates at the same time?

Mu En's mouth twitched, and he continued to comfort her:

"I'm sorry, Sally, I failed your kindness, but you don't have to do this. Didn't I say that I never took the little misunderstanding to heart? You can go back and tell your father what I said, so that he can rest assured."

"It's not for this reason..." Lisa muttered in a low voice.

"Huh? What?"


Sally shook her head in panic, and then suddenly stuffed a note that seemed to have been written a long time ago into Mu En's hand:

"In that case, Mu En, come visit when you are free."

"Huh? Wait."

"I will be waiting for you for the next three days!"

After saying that, before Mu En had any other reaction, Sally ran away.

"Downtown, No. 15 Dulank Street."

At the spot, Mu En looked at the note in his hand that seemed to have the address written on it, and smiled bitterly:

"This... is a bit difficult to deal with."

"You look quite young, Mu En Campbell."

A stern and old-fashioned voice suddenly sounded.

An old man in formal clothes and holding a silver cane stood not far away, like a silent old pine, looking at Mu En quietly.

"Professor Plan? Why are you here?" Mu En was frightened and stuffed the note into his pocket and asked.

You also came to the hospital by chance?

Professor Plan did not answer, but turned around and said:

"Come with me."

"Huh? You need to find me for something?"

Mu En was confused and wanted to ask.

But Professor Plan walked away directly, so he could not care so much, and Mu En hurriedly ran to catch up.

The big clock tower.


The silver well.

With a beep, the magic-driven elevator opened its door, and a strange underground world appeared before Mu En's eyes.

The soles of his feet were made of metal, reflecting the ground like a mirror, spreading to the end of his vision. Pipes flashing with blue or reddish light were like giant pythons, interweaving and clustering in the corners, and then pouring into the depths of darkness.

In the shadows on both sides, huge precision mechanical creations, like giants, stood on both sides of the road. The moment he stepped on the ground, Mu En felt two terrifying sights sweeping over him.

Under the huge pressure, Mu En couldn't help but stagnate his breath, as if he was in the deep sea.

"Don't be afraid."

Professor Plan stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder:

"That's the gatekeeper of the Mercury Well. As long as you have the authority, there is no danger."

The pressure on his body suddenly disappeared. While taking a deep breath, Mu En couldn't help but ask:

"What if there is no authority?"


Professor Plan raised his tone for a moment, as if he was sneering.

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