“The first thing any enemy who wants to invade the Well of Mercury has to do is hide it from the gatekeeper.

If you can't hide it...

Those who couldn't hide it were all dead. "

He glanced at the ground near the elevator, where there was a huge dark red stain, like dried blood.

For decades, the ground where many strong men were turned into pulp still cannot be wiped clean.

Mu En was shocked by Professor Pu Lang's words, and her back shivered. She shrank her neck, glanced at the steel giant, and quickly quickened her pace to keep up with Professor Pu Lang's pace.

The sound of footsteps was crisp and echoed in the empty and quiet corridor, like countless people beating time in the dark, which was a bit scary.

Mu En rubbed her arms, trying to stir up some topic to dispel the chill in her heart, but because the person in front of her was the old-fashioned and serious Professor Pu Lang, she didn't know what to say.

"Your father is also my student." Professor Plann suddenly said first.


Mu En paused for a moment, then quickly came back to his senses:

"Father, he also studied at St. Mary's College?"

"Since the establishment of the college, all generations of heirs of your Campbell family have studied at the college."

Professor Plann paused and said:

"After all, the Campbell family is one of the founders of the college. They are still one of the major shareholders of the college and hold the right to decide some major issues of the college."

"I didn't even know that the Campbell family was still a shareholder of the college." Mu En exclaimed.

"Don't think too much."

Professor Plann said coldly:

"According to the agreement made at the beginning, the only one who can interfere with some affairs of the college is Duke Campbell. Therefore, whether it was your father at the time or you now, you were just a student when you entered the college and did not have any say in the college. s right."

"I don't think so."

Mu En scratched her head harmlessly.

There seems to be no benefit at all from dictating the college, except for being easily slapped by Professor Plan until the buckle cannot be buckled off the wall.

He is not the kind of uninhibited nobleman who would take advantage of his privileges to fill the entire swimming pool with champagne and take advantage of the party to peek at the smooth thighs of girls under their white skirts.

He prefers black stockings.

"Then what was my father like when he was studying in the academy?" Mu En asked.

"Your father."

Professor Plann paused for a moment, seeming to be lost in long memories.

Then, there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

"At that time, Ron Campbell was just like his current title."


Mu En thought for a while: "Lion King?"

"That's right, the Lion King, the leader of the pride."

Professor Plann's old eyes flashed with a glimmer of light and he said:

“From the moment he entered the academy, he was like a lion king standing above all beasts, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

Humility, bravery, studiousness, and dedication, these qualities that an outstanding noble should possess, shine like badges on his chest. Many students were impressed by his character and followed him sincerely, and he always kept moving forward surrounded by everyone.

And those things accumulated during his student days became an important cornerstone for him to quickly carry the banner of Campbell during the turmoil, that is, the incident in which your grandfather unfortunately passed away.

He is a man who will make everyone admire him at first sight and live up to the name of Campbell.


Professor Pu Lang turned to look at Mu En with a complicated expression:

"I was so disappointed when I first saw you in the academy a year ago."

53. Road

The old man can still recall the scene a year ago.

At that time, he was just like at the beginning of this semester, standing in the office of the big bell tower, looking at the energetic students walking in from the door.

He had a trace of expectation, because he knew that the heir of the Campbell family would enter the academy from there. What he hoped to see was a young man who shined like the lion king and once again showed his brilliance in this academy.


When the blond boy, surrounded by a group of maids and getting off the carriage pulled by the gryphon, appeared in sight, he felt sincere disappointment.

Because with just one glance, he could tell what kind of person that young man was.

Just like the aristocratic young masters who have never been in short supply in this college, they are conceited, arrogant, high-minded, full of the smell of money, and have the unique pretentiousness of aristocrats.

Only in my mind, there is nothing.

What Mr. Campbell did later also confirmed his vision.

If we use four words to describe it, it would be that mud cannot hold up a wall and cannot be built up.

After trying to correct it to no avail, he had already given up.

I just didn’t expect that…

Professor Plann glanced at the current Mu En,

In the end, it was me who made the mistake.

"Is it true that my father was so powerful when he was in college?"

After listening to Professor Pu Lang's description of his father, Mu En exclaimed in surprise.

I thought it was true, as the rumors said, that Campbells throughout the ages were the ultimate reckless men.

"Recklessness with power is called bravery and courage, and recklessness without strength is called recklessness. It just so happens that all the Dukes of Campbell have never lacked the word strength."

As if he had seen through Mu En's thoughts, Professor Pu Lang explained leisurely.

"That's it." Mu En scratched his head.


How could a man who could secure the position of duke, let the emperor sign a marriage contract between his daughter and his son, and even now command the army on the border, be just a simple fool?


Could such an outstanding man be blinded by excessive love and end up raising his own son?

So the word parents is...

Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

"So, Professor Plan, you hate me so much, isn't it because I only learned one lighting technique last semester?"

Mu En then asked.


As soon as Mu En finished speaking, Professor Pu Lang suddenly stiffened.

"Of course, how could I hate you for such a trivial matter? After all, the Campbell family has already prepared for your magical attainments and talents."

Professor Plan's tone was still very calm, and he seemed unfazed.

"Your excellent father only had magic as a subject, and he never passed. The only magic he learned seriously was the magic that he learned to make flowers bloom at any time in order to pursue your mother."

"Really, it seems that my father is also a magic idiot, hahaha..."

"But even for him, it only took him two weeks to learn the lighting technique."

Professor Plann turned around, his face expressionless and his tone deep.

As long as he moved his fingers holding the cane slightly, he could see clear fingerprints on it.

"By the way, it only took me three days to teach my cat this magic."


He also said that he didn’t hate me, but I feel like you’re going to beat me to death with a cane at any moment now, okay?

Mu En felt that a big word "danger" would appear above his head at any time, and he began to think that if Professor Plank really wanted to beat him to death in this place, what kind of gesture should he use to beg for mercy, which would be more suitable for his status as the son of a duke.

"But...I admit that you have indeed changed, Moon Campbell."

In the end, Professor Plann did nothing. He just sighed, turned around, and continued walking deeper into the passage.

"Since you were able to improve your Basic Introduction to Magic score to this level within a month, I believe that for you, the curse of the Campbell family not being good at magic can be easily broken.

You might actually surpass your father and become the best Duke Campbell of all time. "

"This is too much to praise." Unexpectedly, Professor Pu Lang would suddenly praise himself like this, and Mu En was a little shy.

"Really? I used to be sure, but since I witnessed your changes, I don't believe in my presbyopic eyes anymore.


Professor Plann suddenly changed his tone:

"I didn't expect, Moon Campbell, that you would make such a decision."


A question mark appeared above Mu En's head, and she looked at Professor Pu Lang's back in confusion.

Then he realized, could Professor Plann be talking about...Mr. Meira?

“Although I don’t know the details of the path that Master Meladomir is pursuing, I know that it is not a bright and smooth path.

At least for you, Moon Campbell, the son of a Duke with a bright future, that is not a path worth choosing. "

Professor Plan continued:

"You should have had a better, more stable choice. If you want to gain strength, the inheritance of the Campbell family is not weak. You just need to go step by step steadily. Even if you still only take three points in the basic introduction to magic, In the future, his attainments as a warrior, breaking through to the coronation level, and becoming a crowned one are a sure thing.

Even if you don't like the reputation of the Campbell family as reckless men, as the son of a duke, your resources and starting point are far beyond ordinary people. As long as you use the tenacity and hard work you have to reach an excellent level in one month and take other paths, your future will be bright. The achievement will certainly not be too low.

But you seem to be very anxious, so anxious that it makes people curious..."

Professor Plann looked back again, with a hint of exploration in his old but still sharp eyes:

"As the heir to the Campbell family, the absolute pillar of the future empire, and even the companion of Her Royal Highness the Princess, Moon Campbell, what are you afraid of?"


Facing Professor Pu Lang's question, Mu En opened her mouth silently.

afraid of what?

Of course it's just the word fate.

If possible, he doesn't want to work so hard. He also wants to move towards a bright future step by step, and marry the person he likes amidst the sound of church bells and scattered rose petals.

He also wants to be an ordinary son of a duke. When his father is old or ready to retire, he will succeed him, gain the inheritance of the Campbell family, and live out his life with the legendary surname Campbell.

He wants to live.

He wants to be happy.

So Easy.

However, fate does not allow it.

Fate did not allow him, a yellow-haired villain, to exist in the original direction of the story.

He should have died, should have died more than once.

And what he faced could not be solved by the word "Campbell".

That premonition dream was like a knife hanging on his neck, urging him to move forward quickly.

Therefore, he can only take the wrong path.

Even that road leads to a future shrouded in fog.

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