He also wants to try, try with all his strength,

- Fight against fate.

"It seems that you have made up your mind."

Looking at Mu En, watching the hot blood and flames flowing like lava in Mu En's eyes, Professor Plan retracted his gaze.

"In this case, I will not ask any more questions. Even as a teacher, it is you who makes the final choice."

Professor Plan raised his hand and pressed it on the precision instrument.

So, accompanied by the roar of steel, a huge door that seemed to lead directly to the sky slowly opened in front of Mu En.

The dazzling light poured into the darkness where Mu En was from the door, making him squint his eyes and unable to see the road in front of him.


Professor Plan said:

"Teacher Meladomir is waiting for you, Mu En Campbell."

54. Meeting Gift

"Hey, boy, you are here."

In the gorgeous sea of ​​flowers, the white-haired and red-eyed loli girl seemed to have just woken up, still dressed in the pink pajamas that Mu En first saw.

She was holding a cute pink watering can in her hand, watering the flowers. When she saw Mu En coming in, her red eyes, as clear as amber, showed a hint of satisfaction.

"You did a great job."

She said, "You did much better than I thought. This achievement is rare in my long years."

"Teacher Mela..."

Looking at her, Mu En didn't know what to say for a moment, and even his hands and feet were a little at a loss. He could only say dryly:

"Long time no see."

So, Mela smiled:

"Don't be nervous. Now you are my disciple Mela Domiel. At any time, facing anyone, you have the qualifications to hold your head high."


The tension faded a little, and Mu En scratched his head again and asked:

"That's it I am your disciple? Do I need to prepare anything? Gifts for apprenticeship? Or are there any special etiquettes? Should I change my name? "

"Let's forget about the formalities."

Meira thought for a while, "As for the name, you should call me Teacher Meila, I like it more."


Mu En still bowed seriously, "Please give me more guidance in the future, Teacher Meila."

"Yes, please give me more guidance."

Meira accepted Mu En's gift calmly, then snapped her fingers casually, and a silver-white box appeared in front of Mu En with a flash of light.

"Take it, this is a gift from me to you, as a gift for the first meeting."


Mu En couldn't help but widen his eyes. He didn't expect Teacher Meila to be so good to him. He actually got a gift just after he became her apprentice?

But since it was given to him, there was no reason not to accept it.

Mu En happily picked up the box, looked left and right, and even reached out to knock on it, asking curiously:

"What's inside?"

"You'll know when you open it."

Meira smiled:

"I think you'll like it."

After Teacher Meila said that, Mu En was even more excited.

He quickly found the switch of the box, pressed it hard, and with the sound of the hinge running, the silver-white box suddenly popped open with a creak.

The sharp breath and holy light suddenly rushed in, causing Mu En's breathing to stagnate for a moment.



Two pure white daggers engraved with golden patterns lay quietly in the box, as if they had life, and they hummed softly the moment the box was opened.

Mu En also heard a heartbeat.

His own heartbeat.

Because the moment he saw the two daggers, his heartbeat accelerated.

It seemed that he felt a resonance with the daggers.

"This is..."

Mu En felt a little dry in the mouth and looked at Teacher Meila.

"I haven't had time to come up with a name yet, I think it would be better to let you come up with one."

Teacher Meila said softly:

"I saw your battle scene before, and found that you seemed to lack a weapon that was convenient for you, so I made it for you."

"Teacher Meila..."

More than liking it, Mu En was almost in tears.

Although Teacher Meila said verbally that it was made casually, looking at the exquisite appearance of these two short swords and the mysterious aura that was inadvertently revealed, no matter how you think about it, it must be at least a golden legendary weapon.

He is really worthy of being a big shot, and he can knock himself out with a thing he throws out casually.


Mu En blinked and asked curiously:

"After all, it's such an unpopular weapon. Teacher Meila is not afraid that I will fail the exam, so it's in vain?"

"Unlike that kid Plan, I have no doubt about my vision."

Meila glanced at Mu En casually:

"If I think you can't do it, I won't waste this time looking for you."

"Is that so..."

Mu En said with some realization:

"I always feel that I have been expected a lot without knowing it."

"Since you know it, why don't you work hard?"

Meila said:

"Try the knife?"


Mu En stretched out his hand and grasped the handles of the two daggers.

Instantly, he felt a sharp pain in his palm, as if something sharp had cut his palm.

Warm blood instantly spread along the lines on the dagger.

Gold turned into dark red, and the holy breath that escaped also seemed a little weird.

But it only lasted for a short time.

The next moment, the short knife made a sharp buzzing sound, and the golden light suddenly bloomed.

Mu En felt that the short knife, which was originally as light as paper, suddenly had a sense of reality, and the weight was very suitable, just like an extension of his arm.

In a trance, he seemed to hear the joy emanating from the knife.

"It seems that she likes you very much."

Meila touched her smooth chin and said:

"There is a living spirit in the knife. Now she recognizes you, which means that before you die, no one else can use this weapon."

"So powerful..."

Mu En admired sincerely.

Having read the original book, he naturally knew how rare it was to have a weapon with a living spirit in this world.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Meila threw one to him casually.

Mu En was overjoyed and swung the blade violently.

In an instant, it seemed as if a lightning flashed, and a very faint, blackened afterimage like an ink mark appeared in the void.

"According to your fighting style, the greatest feature I gave these two swords is sharpness."

Meira said: "Extremely sharp, there are few defenses in the world that can resist it. For a guy like you who relies on flexibility to win, I think it should be more helpful than those fancy functions.

In addition, when these two blades collide, they can also stimulate a powerful alchemical field."

"Alchemical field?"

Mu En's eyes lit up, and without any hesitation, he directly collided the blades.


The blades rang.

The silver-white arc spread along the golden lines, forming a special area like smelted metal in the area several meters around Mu En.

"The effect of the alchemical field is... to reject all foreign objects."

Meira picked up a flower and threw it towards the field around Mu En. The white flower, at the moment of contact with the edge of the field, was burned by a fire and turned into ashes.

"But in fact, this effect is not strong."

Meira put her fair and slender little hand into the field, and the silver arc was like a water wave, stirring with the hand.

"Anyone with a slightly stronger body can force his way into this field, and weapons are no exception, but this field itself is not for defense. After all, if the short sword is specifically used for defense, why don't I just give you a shield?

So compared to tangible things such as enemies or weapons, this field targets invisible and intangible things.

Curses, poisonous gas, negative effects, mental attacks, and so on.

And most importantly, it can isolate the inside and the outside.

That is to say..."

Meira looked into Mu En's eyes and said word by word:

"When the field is activated, you can use the flame of the King of Withering without any scruples."

55. Creation

"The...flame of the King of Withering."

Mu En subconsciously looked at his wrist.

Although under normal circumstances, there is no clue, but when there is a trace of fire in his pupils, you can clearly see the traces extending from the cuffs, like fingerprints.

That is the mark left on him by the King of Withering.

Although that power is no longer simply given, but the "divine favor" obtained by the Black Book through the exchange of important information, Mu En still has a grudge about it.

After all, it is an evil god.

But I have to admit that the power of the divine favor is very strong.

From An and Cecilia, you can see that power. If he wants to gain power as quickly as possible, this is undoubtedly the shortest shortcut.

"In fact, the reason why I started learning magic is to separate this power."

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