Mu En smiled bitterly:

"But I didn't expect that I would still take the step of accepting it?"

"Didn't I say that? Power itself is not good or evil. What's important is the person who uses the power, even if it's the power of the evil god."

Meira said, gently hooked her finger, and a delicate flower floated up and fell into her hand.

She gently stroked the flower, making it bloom more beautifully, and then crushed it.

"So, if one day, you are not satisfied with this power, and turn to the King of Withering for more..."

At this moment, a chill emerged.

Mu En's sight was suddenly stained red with blood, and countless flowers that bloomed seemed to turn into sharp blades flowing with blood.

Teacher Meila stared at him quietly, her face calm, but Mu En felt his premonition of death buzzing wildly.

"I will kill you myself."

The blood disappeared, and the sea of ​​flowers swayed, beautiful beyond words.

It seemed that everything was an illusion.

But only the back soaked with sweat made Mu En understand that once he really threw himself into the arms of the King of Withering, Teacher Meila would definitely kill him, the new disciple, without hesitation.


Mu En wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and said seriously:

"Don't I already have Teacher Meila now?"


Meila was slightly stunned and laughed softly: "It seems that the rumors are not false?"


"Nothing, do you have any questions about weapons now? Time is running out, ask quickly."


Mu En waved the daggers, feeling that with the blessing of the two daggers, his dagger fighting skills, which had not been used for a long time, also showed signs of moving to a higher level.

"There are no more questions, but Teacher Meila, are there any precautions for my daily use? For example, how often do I need to maintain them?"

"Generally, weapons with spirits have the ability to self-repair and clean, so you don't have to worry, but the precautions..."

Meira thought about it casually and said:

"Except that it's best not to wave it around in front of the people of the Life Church, there should be no problem."

"Oh, so, then I will definitely Wait."

Mu En reacted and asked with wide eyes:

"What do you mean you can't wave it around in front of the Life Church? Is there anything about these two weapons that they can't see?"

Mu En was a little panicked. After all, it was that church. Once provoked, it would be a big trouble.


Meira shrugged indifferently:

"It's just that the material used to make these two swords is the Holy Sword of the Church of Life. It's not good for those petty believers to see it."

"Oh, so that's it. It turns out that the Holy Sword was just melted down to make a short sword. It doesn't sound like anything... it would be strange if it's nothing!"

Mu En roared with horror:

"Which Holy Sword? Teacher Meila, you can't tell me that it's one of the five Holy Swords of the Church of Life."

"Five? Aren't there seven?"

Meira was a little confused:

"During the time I was sleeping, they lost two more? Well, it doesn't matter, there are only four left now, right?"

"Is it really that Holy Sword?"

Mu En's hand holding the knife was shaking a little, "Why... why do you do this? Can't you just use it directly?"

As long as he is a man, he will have a dream of a brave man holding a Holy Sword to kill evil spirits. Mu En thinks that if he can use the Holy Sword, it is not impossible for him to practice swordsmanship again.

But I didn't expect that Teacher Mela would play such a big game and directly refine the holy sword?

This let the Life Church know that Teacher Mela, as a top boss, might not be in trouble, but he, Mu En, would definitely be tied to the cross and burned to death!

"There is no way, who let the holy sword have the mark of the church? It is very troublesome to crack it, so I just melted it together."

Mera looked relaxed, as if the lock of this vault was too difficult to pry, so she just smashed the vault together.


"Don't worry, it's not as scary as you think."

Seeing that Mu En was still stupid and dazed, Mela continued to comfort him:

"After all, I have melted it into this way. Unless you are unlucky enough to run into a strong man at the level of the archbishop, it is not so easy to find clues."

"...What if I am really that unlucky?"

Other things can be ignored, but when it comes to bad luck, Mu En has never been afraid of anyone.

Maybe he was just about to go out with two knives and show off, and just happened to run into the archbishops of the Life Church gathering for team building.

"In that case..."

Meira thought for a moment:

"You can try to fight back to the death."

"Oh? Does Teacher Meila have a backup plan?" Mu En's eyes lit up.


Meira said seriously:

"It's just that this way you will die with more dignity."




"Okay, the pleasant chat time is over, shall we get to the point?"

Meira stretched her body, her face became more serious, she looked at Mu En and asked:

"Do you know the essence of the gods?"

"The essence of the gods?"

Mu En was stunned. He didn't expect Teacher Meila to ask such a profound question right away.


"Gods... aren't they just gods?"

Mu En recalled the original book and found that the description of the gods in the original book was quite vague.

This made Mu En a little annoyed.

Sure enough, you can't read a novel halfway, you have to finish it, otherwise you will travel to the world in the book one day and not even know such an important setting.

"The so-called gods are..."

Mera was about to explain, but suddenly froze, knocked her head, and stuck out her tongue:

"Oh, I almost forgot, I am one of the seven people who signed the original silence contract, this kind of thing can't be said."


Mu En was stunned, then looked at the malicious white-haired old loli and said angrily:

"Teacher Meila! Do you know which two types of people I hate the most?"


"One is the person who speaks halfway, and the other is..."

"The other?" Meila tilted her head and waited for the next part.




"Okay, let's get back to the point."

Meira expressionlessly retracted her petite fist, looked at Mu En, who was crawling on the ground like a maggot, holding his abdomen, and asked:

"You have been here for so long, have you found anything different from before?"


Mu En, who was trembling because of Teacher Meila's lolita gauze fist, raised his head with difficulty and looked around.

The sky, which was not sure whether it was true or false, was still blue, and the breeze blowing from afar was still fresh and pleasant. If there was a difference...


Mu En said:

"It's flowers. The flowers now are different from when I came in before."

When Mu En first came in, the flowers in the sea of ​​flowers were colorful, but now, all the flowers in sight are pure white.

"Yes, the flowers are different."

Meira nodded to express her appreciation for Mu En's sharpness, and then asked:

"Then do you know why they are different?"


Mu En thought for a while: "Will this flower change color?"

"Good idea, but this is not the reason. The flowers are different because they are really different."

"What do you mean?" Mu En was confused by Teacher Meila.

Meira did not answer, but in Mu En's puzzled eyes, she picked up the watering can in her hand again and watered.

The flowers were moistened by the water, and they became more and more fresh and green, and even the branches and leaves seemed to stand taller.

No, not seem.

In Mu En's horrified sight, all the flowers centered on Teacher Meila have bloomed and stretched at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then withered quickly after a moment of prosperity.

The sea of ​​flowers disappeared and turned into desolate land.

Then in the bare black soil, new buds grew quickly.

Buds, branches, leaves, and flowers bloomed.

The blooming red filled Mu En's entire sight.

Then, it withered again.

"It's a pity that I still can't grow the pink color I want."

Mela sighed softly, then looked at Mu En:

"Did you find anything?"

"This is..."

Mu En was still in a daze, but after all, he had confronted the evil god head-on, so he quickly came to his senses:


"You have a good understanding, this is the power of time."

Mela said:

"Although I can't tell you what the gods are, there is one thing you can know, among the many powers possessed by the gods, only time and space do not exist.

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