In other words, the two laws of time and space are, in a sense, ownerless. "


Mu En couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Because from Teacher Mela's tone, it seemed that these two laws that even the gods could not control were controllable.


Next, just watch with your eyes wide open, my lovely disciple.

Look at me, your teacher, this life-long effort! "

Meira opened her arms as if to hug something, her hair was covered with white silk, and she moved without any wind.

The ground suddenly trembled, as if it had experienced vicissitudes of life. The black earth under the feet quickly disappeared, revealing the huge mechanical structure hidden under the earth that exuded a ferocious beauty.

Tens of thousands of huge gears mesh with each other and collide with each other to create bright sparks.

Millions of mechanical structures, driven by huge magic power, operate precisely.

It was as if a planet composed purely of machinery and gears appeared under his feet. At this moment, Mu En couldn't help but tremble at his own insignificance, and even couldn't help but forget to breathe.

It seems that before this ferocious and beautiful ultimate creation, everything in the world, even the rules... can be rewritten by it!


Standing in the center of everything, a white-haired Loli girl shouted with a fanatical look on her face.

Behind her, the outline of a huge clock appeared vaguely, and the hands shifted, counting the passage of long time.

“This is the pinnacle of alchemy and magic.

The combination of idealism and materialism.

Thousands of years of hard work.

The true core of the Great Mystery.

A supreme creation that makes even the gods tremble.

Man-made authority.

——The clock of eternity. "

56. Rainy night

Amidst the roar of countless machines and gears.

In the enthusiastic chanting of Teacher Meira.

Mu En fell into a daze.

Who created what, what authority, what authority?

Can things like authority be man-made?

And what on earth is going on with this horrible thing that is filled with the finale, where the protagonist is forced to fight against the final villain?

According to the plot development of the original book, we haven’t even finished the academy chapter yet!

"According to my original calculation, I should have woken up five years later and implemented this plan again."

A hint of sadness suddenly appeared in Meira's amber eyes:

"But since I woke up early, and the direction of fate has been so chaotic that even I can't predict it, I can only take this step in advance."

So is this thing really something that should only be taken out in the later stages? !

"Then...why did Teacher Meira come to me?"

Mu En couldn't help but feel a little weak in her legs, and it was difficult to speak.

"I don't think I can be of much help."

Originally, Mu En thought that Teacher Meira was going to use him to study some terrible forbidden magic, so she was mentally prepared to succeed or die before coming.

But I didn't expect that she would directly take out such a thing?

How can I help? I don't even understand the principle of why those gears can hang in the air and move by themselves. What else can I do besides hiding and waving a small flag and calling the boss 666?

"About this..."

Teacher Meira suddenly turned around and smiled meaningfully at Mu En.

Mu En was immediately startled by that sight, and slowly backed away while covering her collar:

"Think, what do you want to do?"

"Well, although I just shouted very loudly, in fact this is just a prototype of authority, and it is far from being called real authority."

Teacher Mela said with a harmless expression:

"After all, how can a dead object made with alchemy and magic become a real authority on the same level as a god?"

"Yes...really? So?"


Meera waved her little hand, as if encompassing everything around her.

"They need a carrier, a... living carrier."


Mu En was confused for a moment.

Then, as if a big Ivan had been dropped in his mind, he was shocked by the news and his scalp was numb.

"Carrier? Who?"

"Who else could it be?"

Teacher Meira said strangely:

"Do we have a third person here?"


Mu En looked at the mechanical creation that he couldn't see the whole picture yet and had no idea how big it was. Then he lowered his head and looked at his little arms and legs, shook his head crazily and said:

"No, no, it's so big, you can't get in."


"Absolutely not, I will be exhausted!"

"I said I can, I can!"

Meera was categorical:

"And, of course, it's impossible to put such a big thing directly into your body. I will definitely make some improvements."


Mu En gestured, "Is this thing improved so small that it can be put in your pocket?"

"No, just put everything you improved into it." Meira said seriously.


After a short period of contemplation, Mu En seemed to have finally figured it out. He raised his head and said solemnly:

"So, is it too late for me to get out of the car now?"

"Want to leave?"

Meera sneered.

Then he snapped his fingers.

Accompanied by the sound of the machine's movement, the huge door slammed shut.

Immediately afterwards, an unknown number of continuous lock cylinder closing sounds came from the door.

"You took my knife and you still want to leave? The door has been welded shut by me."

From behind Meira, various drills, chainsaws, axes, screwdrivers, and mechanical arms appeared, like a peacock spreading its tail, and the cold light shone on it, making Mu En's face turn pale.

"Are you ready to accept the teacher's love? Good disciple." Meera said with a kind smile.

That night.

Lower town of Belland.

The rain washed away the muddy ground, leaving twisted patterns like the masterpieces of abstract painters.

Under the dim sky, the girl with a steamed bun held up a big umbrella to protect the silver figure in front of her from the rain.

But the silver figure seemed to be an eyesore. He pushed open the big umbrella and walked into the pouring rain. He ignored his uniform and was soaked by the rain in an instant.

In front of him, the area separated by bright yellow warning lines was brightly lit.

Many men in black clothes wearing raincoats were busy on the flat land near the river, carefully collecting something, and from time to time, they would insert a small logo with a number on the ground.

At the center point around which they circled, white lines could be faintly seen, outlining the outline of a deceased person.

It was clear at a glance that this was a murder scene.

Celecia opened the cordon and walked into the center. She looked at the corpse wearing a familiar uniform on the ground. There was still no emotion on the cold face, but her hands had been clenched unconsciously and her joints were white.

"Your Highness."

The bald middle-aged man came to Celcia at some point and kept wiping his face with a handkerchief. He didn't know whether he was wiping sweat or rain.

"The identity of the deceased has been found out."


"Tek Rhodes is indeed a student of Santa Maria College, second year."


"He is the fourth son of Earl Rhodes. Although he has three older brothers, he is highly anticipated by Earl Rhodes because of his good talent."

The words have not yet finished.

There was a sudden uproar at the edge of the cordon.

The horse neighs.

The man with a stern expression stepped out of the carriage engraved with the Rhodes family crest and shouted at the guard blocking him:

"Let me go over, do you know who I am? I am Earl Rhodes! I want to see my son!"

The scene became chaotic.

The guards brought by Earl Rhodes clashed with the guards. It was a mess for a while, and even the sound of rain could not be heard clearly.

"Let him get out of here first!"

Celecia suddenly said coldly.


The bald middle-aged man was stunned for a moment: "Exact words?"

"Exact words."

Celcia paused.

"Also, tell him and I will give him an explanation."

So, with Celecia's guarantee, Earl Rhodes was angry, but he had no choice but to leave. The place became quiet again. The guards in black continued to collect information silently, and they could only hear the sound of rain filling the world.

Celecia lowered her head and looked at the corpse.

The blood around the corpse has been washed away by the heavy rain, but you can see that the chest of the corpse is still stained red with blood.

Through the tattered uniform on the left chest, you could vaguely see that the body seemed to be missing some important parts.

"What's the cause of death?"

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