Seeing the changes taking place in Mu En, who was drowned in endless mercury, Meira's bright red eyes couldn't help but shine with excitement.

"The Flame of the King of Blight only speeds up the process and increases your probability of survival by 10%."

"The only one you can truly rely on is yourself, Moon Campbell!"

"Only with such a strong will can it be possible to truly grasp this supreme authority one day in the future!"

"This will help me achieve my ultimate goal."

58. Precise positioning

"how do you feel?"


Mu En woke up from her coma, and after briefly adapting to the dazzling light, she moved her body amidst Teacher Meira's urging.

"My body is very relaxed, like a new life, and..."

Mu En looked at his arm and said in surprise:

"Why do I feel like I've turned a lot whiter?"

"It's either Wanru, or it's new."

Meera said:

"Due to the erosion of mercury and the recovery of red flames, almost all the flesh and blood in your body has been replaced. Naturally, the skin has grown new, and it is normal to be white."

"However, I feel that the pretty face does not suit my temperament."

Mu En touched his chin and said seriously:

“I should be more suited to a masculine, bronzed complexion.”

"Come on."

Meera rolled her eyes: "Don't say this, the pampered son of a duke. Come on, get up and jump around."

Mu En stood up obediently and jumped a few times obediently.

But during the jump, he almost lost his balance and fell because he failed to control his strength.

"This is……"

Feeling the unprecedented surging power in her body, Mu En couldn't help but shine with excitement.

"My level seems to have improved."

After entering the academy, the warrior realm, which had not moved much due to being addicted to studying and unable to extricate itself, seemed to have experienced explosive growth again.

Now it is actually at the late second level level.

"After being tempered by the Well of Mercury for so long, it is normal to have such an improvement. After all, your previous physique was too weak, and you can easily pull it up."

Meera was writing and drawing to record something, and said: "But there will be no such effect later. The purpose of tempering in the Well of Mercury is still to improve the toughness and resistance of your body, not strength, such as becoming stronger. You still have to do it one step at a time."

"That's it..."

Mu En looked at his hands and couldn't help but clenched his fists again.

Although I don’t know what the so-called toughness and resistance are used for, I can still feel the real improvement.

For Mu En, this is a good thing to be happy about.

"Hey, wait, did you just say... the back?" Mu En finally reacted and said in horror:

"Isn't it enough to do this once?"

"Once? How is it possible? You woke up without any children. Do you think that with your physique, you can carry the Eternal Clock after just one dip in the Well of Silver?"

Teacher Meira continued to write and draw, as if calculating something, and then said:

"With your physique, you probably need to soak a hundred times before you can meet the minimum standard."

"A hundred times?"

Mu En's face suddenly turned pale.

It almost killed him just once, if it happened a hundred times...

No matter how powerful a man is, his legs must be weak.

"Okay, okay, everything is difficult at the beginning. Now that you got through it the first time, it won't be as exaggerated as you think."

Teacher Meira comforted:

"As the saying goes, you must learn to find happiness in pain. Maybe if you find it, you will really feel that this pain is very happy?"

"I'm not shaking my m!"

Mu En roared, and then suddenly felt that the life that had just become better was once again full of darkness.

When she thought about such a dangerous and painful thing, which she would have to experience at least a hundred times in the future, Mu En felt that she might as well write her suicide note first.

Well, one for parents, one for An, one for Celcia, and one for senior sister. As for this hateful old loli teacher who likes to pretend to be young, just give her a candy wrapper and let her lick it while crying. never mind!

Hey, wait.

Speaking of seniors...

Mu En suddenly woke up and looked at Teacher Meira aside:

"what time is it now?"

"About nine o'clock."

"What's the date today?"

"What's the date? Do you think I'll remember this?"

Teacher Meera spread her hands and said she didn't know.

After all, if you live too long, you have become less sensitive to the passage of time.

Not to mention the date, Meira didn't even know what year it was, and she didn't bother to understand it.

"Then how long have I been soaking in the Well of Silver?"


An illusory clock appeared in front of Meira. She moved the hands randomly and said:

"About thirty hours."

"Thirty hours?"

That is to say...

It’s already nine o’clock in the morning on the second day of the open day!

And the time he made an appointment with his senior sister was ten o'clock!

Only one hour left!

"It's over, we're going to be late!"

If you are late for the first date, your senior will tease you to death!

Mu En stood up in a hurry, grabbed Teacher Meira's shoulders and shook her hard:

"No matter how many times you torture me in the future, Teacher Meira, please let me out first!"

"Huh? Are you going out?"

"Yes, I have to go out to school. It's a very important thing."

"That's just right. Prepare your materials for the second stage."

"Materials for the second stage? What materials?"

"Gu Long's hard work."

Teacher Mela said:

"The academy's inventory is gone. You have to collect it yourself. Only with this thing can I proceed to the next step. Otherwise, you will have to stay in the Well of Silver for the time being."

"Okay, okay, I know, Gu Long's hard work, right? I will definitely get it." Mu En looked very impatient.

"That's good, let's go."

Teacher Meira suddenly waved her hand, and accompanied by a severe dizziness, Mu En felt that the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

The sun was shining brightly, and there was still water vapor from last night in the air. Everything in the world seemed to have been washed away and sparkled in the sun.


In a daze, Mu En was sent directly to the downstairs of her dormitory by Teacher Meira.

"Damn it, there's no time to sigh about this."

Mu En gritted her teeth and rushed back to her dormitory while there was still some time.


Change clothes.

Get your hair done.

She even sprayed some expensive men's perfume coquettishly.

After taking a look in front of the floor-length mirror to make sure that she was perfect, Mu En hurriedly ran all the way to the meeting place agreed with her senior sister, the gate of the college.

On the open day, 90% of the students had gone out to hang out, and the college seemed quite empty. He didn't even meet anyone else along the way, so Mu En saw at a glance the huge stone waiting for her with the words "Santa Maria College" engraved on it. Senior sister.


Anna was wearing a goose-yellow dress, white leather boots on her feet, and a simple woven cloth bag in her arms. It didn't look like an expensive material, but it was very eye-catching.

Her long hair was tied at the end with a simple hair rope and flowed down to her chest habitually. Her pretty face was painted with elegant light makeup. After seeing Mu En, her eyebrows and eyes smiled crookedly, and the prominent tear mole at the corner of her eye was extremely charming. moving.

"Junior Mu En, you are late."

"Well, is there any?"

Mu En panicked and quickly took out her gold-plated pocket watch and took a look.

The slender pointer still reaches the top position after a few short distances.

"Huh? I'm not late."


Anna stroked her cheek and pretended to be serious:

"But when a boy wants a girl to come out to play, isn't it normal practice to arrive half an hour early? Fortunately for me, I arrived half an hour early in order to prevent my juniors from waiting in vain.

Alas, as a girl, I stood alone in the cold wind for half an hour, thinking about what to do if I caught a cold, what to do if I was accosted, what to do if I was kidnapped by a passing thug, and what to do. , if someone lets you off the hook..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop! Senior sister, stop!"

Mu En quickly stopped Senior Anna, and if she continued to talk like this, she would be labeled a heinous scumbag before the date even started.

I take it back, even if I am not late, I will still be teased.

"I was wrong, senior sister, I was wrong."

Mu En begged for mercy and said:

"Please spare me."

"Well, for the sake of such sincerity, I will forgive you. Who makes you a lovely junior?"

Anna chuckled, and the amorous look in her eyes made Mu En stunned for a moment.

"But next time, junior brother, please make me happy."

"Of course, I will definitely make this appointment... this repayment of gratitude to senior sister 10,000% satisfied."

Mu En straightened her chest and raised her head, as if she was making a solemn oath.

On the carriage, while the senior sister was holding her cheek and looking at the scenery outside, Mu En secretly opened the "Belland Dating Guide" that she had prepared for a long time.

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