At this time, the panic in his heart flowed out like an overturned water glass.

According to his original idea, he would have spent yesterday reading the guide, making plans, and even visiting the sites in person.

However, because he was suddenly summoned by Teacher Meira and stayed in the Well of Silver for thirty hours, let alone plans, he was now a little unsure of his next destination. He even didn't follow him when he got on the carriage. The driver told him the specific location and just asked him to drive into the city first and stopped only when he was told to stop.

"Ah, has this place turned out to be like this? We haven't seen each other for only two years." Senior Anna suddenly exclaimed.

Following her exclamation, Mu En looked out the window and saw a street that seemed to have been renovated and rebuilt. It looked very bright, clean, and prosperous, but was incompatible with the temperament of the entire lower city.

"This is……"

Mu En felt something looked familiar and quickly flipped through the guide.

"Yes, this is the newly built commercial street in Xiacheng District."

"It seems to be to revitalize the economy of Xiacheng District or something. Many merchants and interesting shops have been introduced to the streets, and the flow of people is pretty good."

"There have been special events recently, and the recommendation four stars, which is already very good.

"The most important thing is that senior seems to like it here!"

Mu En's eyes lit up and she decided, this is it!

"Ah, head maid, I'm so tired."

The little maid Noel was holding a large pile of ingredients as she staggered down the crowded street.

"Speaking of which, why do we have to go all the way across half of the city to go to a place like this to buy things."

Noel, who was exhausted, looked at the figure in front of him who was wearing a black and white maid uniform and was still being looked at by passers-by, but still dignified and elegant, his eyes full of confusion.

The Duke's Palace is in the western suburbs of the city, but the head maid didn't know what happened. Today she wanted to take her to the east of the city to buy supplies. She didn't even bring a guard with her. The lower city was a mixed bag. What if she met a bad guy?

"Occasionally, you need to know about the products of other places, don't you?"

An Zai was picking at the fruit stall in front of him, but it could be seen that he was a little absent-minded.

Suddenly, she raised her head and looked in a certain direction.

The tip of his nose twitched, as if he was confirming something.

After a few breaths, the corners of her mouth slowly curved up, revealing a strange smile that made Noel shiver.

"Wha...what? What happened? Head maid?"



"I feel the young master's breath."

An's eyes revealed a fascinating light:

"The young master is within a ten-mile radius!"

59. Gem

"This place... is really strange and nostalgic."

After getting off the carriage, Anna looked at the streets and buildings around her that were completely different from what she remembered, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Senior, have you ever stayed here before?" Mu En asked.

"I lived there for a while, but at that time, this street was still a relatively chaotic place in the entire downtown area. I didn't expect that it has only been two years, and it has already become like new.

I remember there were several dark alleys there. I often took shortcuts to save trouble, but now they are all gone. "Anna looked ahead and sighed.

The alleys that only contained darkness and filth had long been bulldozed and removed, and then beautiful two-story buildings were built on top of the ruins.

"That's it..."

Looks like you made the right choice!

Mu En let out an excited cry in her heart.

After two years, revisiting the old place will definitely make the senior feel at ease.

For a pleasant date, a sense of peace of mind is essential!

"Seeing how senior I miss you so much, I must have had a very deep impression of this place." Mu En continued.

"It's quite profound."

Anna stroked her cheek and smiled:

"After all, I killed several gangsters here who coveted my body and wanted to do something to me. The bodies were buried in the alley I just mentioned. I wonder if they were dug out when these buildings were renovated. ?

Alas, it would be troublesome if I were dug out. After all, it cost a few lives. Maybe I would be arrested by the terrible police uncle.

When the time comes, Junior Mu En, you must use the power of the Duke to rescue me. "


Mu En's expression suddenly froze.

Although there was a little devil in his mind that kept telling him that at this time he should pat his chest and say proudly, Senior Sister, don’t be afraid. The police won’t be able to lay a finger on you...

But I didn’t expect that, Senior Sister, this is what you mean by missing me!

Is this where you killed people and buried their bodies?

Then wouldn’t it be completely wrong for me to choose here? !


Just when Mu En had a pained face and was thinking about whether to change places while it was still early, Anna burst into laughter:

"I lied to you, junior."


"No matter how chaotic the place is, it's still an urban area. No matter how hard you say it, you can't just kill the people and hide the bodies on the spot. How stupid do you have to be to do that?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and said angrily:

"Senior is teasing me again!"


The senior's expression became serious and she lowered her voice and said:

"So I actually cut those people into pieces and hid them under the house."


"Giggle... Junior, you look so stupid, so funny..."

Anna laughed so hard again:

"How is that possible? In your eyes, am I the kind of bad woman who kills people at will and cuts them into pieces? If you think so, my senior will be sad."

"Of course I know that senior is a very gentle person."

Mu En, who had no control over Senior Anna's little devilish temperament, smiled bitterly and scratched her head:

"But I thought, since those people want to do something to senior sister, don't they deserve to die?"


Anna's smile stopped suddenly and she stared at Mu En quietly.

"Huh? Is there something on my face?"



"Forget it, it's nothing."

Anna suddenly changed her voice and smiled sweetly again:

"Just think of it as my punishment for my junior."

"Huh? Punishment?"

Mu En was confused: "Did I do something wrong?"


Anna smiled and stretched out her finger, tapping the tip of Mu En's nose:

"You asked me out, but you didn't even plan ahead, and you had to read the guide at the last minute. Any other girl would have felt that she wasn't taken seriously, and would have been angry. I am the only senior girl with a good temper, so I just teased the junior classmate. ”

"Have you been discovered?" Mu En smiled bitterly and scratched his head:

"I've obviously been hiding so secretly."

"A woman's senses are very sharp at this time."

Her tone seemed somewhat meaningful:

"So junior brother, if you have some thoughts, it's better to put them away."

Now that he had been discovered, Mu En shamelessly took out the book "Belle Rand Dating Guide" and started reading it in front of Anna.

Finally, we quickly decided on a route that looked interesting.

Wandering along.

The season is already late autumn, so even at noon when the sun is shining, there is still a hint of chill.

But for pedestrians on the road, it's just right.

In the vigorously developed commercial street, the vendors on both sides are selling vigorously, with a dazzling array of products, and an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going.

Anna stopped from time to time, showing interest in one or two gadgets, and would also buy some things that Mu En found strange.

However, every time Mu En expresses her willingness to help pay, she is rejected by senior Anna.

Therefore, Mu En seemed a little depressed: "Senior sister, how can I repay you if you do this?"

"Giggle... I don't want my junior to still be grateful for such a meaningless thing." The senior sister put away the black root-like thing she just bought and said with a smile.

"Oh? Then senior sister wants to..."

Mu En was about to ask, but was interrupted by an extremely sharp shout:

"Gem, the gem of true love, the legendary tears of true love, you will pay ten if you give it a false one."

Tears of true love?

Mu En frowned slightly. In his memory, Tears of True Love should be the one that was hyped up by jewelers a few years ago. It was said to symbolize pure and flawless love. However, it was stolen before it could be sold for a good price. Go for the gem.

How could such a precious gem appear in a place like this.

Mu En was just about to skip it, but suddenly he saw Senior Anna's eyes light up, as if she was very interested in it.

So the conversation immediately changed: "How about we go take a look?"

Ana nodded slightly, "Okay."

The two came to the stall selling food.

The owner of the stall was an extremely ugly old man with a leopard head. When he saw Mu En and the two of them, he immediately stopped shouting and grinned, showing his big yellow teeth.

"You two, don't you take a look? These are the legendary Tears of True Love, a magical gem that can help find true love!"

On the ground in front of the old man, there was a pink crystal gem the size of a pigeon egg, shining with a charming color in the sunlight.

"Is it genuine?" Mu En asked.

"If you give a false one, you'll pay ten!"

The old man assured him by patting his chest.

But Mu En didn't ask her, but asked senior Anna.

Anna leaned down, picked up the gem and looked at it carefully, then shook her head in disappointment:

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