
"Is it true?"

Mu En also took the gem and weighed it gently in his hand. This feeling, let alone gem, is probably not even a stone.

And if it is the tear of true love worth a million, how could it be sold on the street so carelessly.

The senior sister probably knew it, so she just wanted to give it a try.

"Let's go."

Mu En shook his head, put the gem back casually, and then stopped wasting time and prepared to continue to the next place.

Just as he took a step, he felt his ankle sink, and even his steps were difficult to take.

Looking back, the bald old man was holding his feet with an angry face, shouting at the top of his lungs:

"You guy, you broke my gem, and you want to leave like this?"

PS: I'll post this much first, and there will be more in the evening.

60. Imperfect Date

"You broke my gem, and you want to leave like this?"


Mu En was stunned for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly:

"Uncle, what do you mean by this?"


The bald-headed old man still held Mu En's ankle with one hand, and lifted the gem with the other hand.

Under the sunlight, it was obvious that there was a clear crack on the gem.

But when Mu En just took it, it was intact.

"This must have been broken by you just weighing it!"

The bald-headed old man looked angry:

"You have to pay for it!"

"It broke just by weighing it?"

Mu En was a little stunned and looked at the old man:

"How much do you want me to pay?"


The bald-headed old man glanced at Mu En's expensive clothes, and a greedy look appeared in his eyes:

"One hundred thousand, I want one hundred thousand!"

"One hundred thousand?"

Mu En raised his eyebrows.

This is an interesting number.

If the gem was really the tear of true love, 100,000 Emils couldn't even buy the box to hold it, but the gem was obviously fake, and judging from the shoddy workmanship, ten Emils could buy a lot of it in the wholesale market.

In other words...


Mu En suddenly found it funny.

"What blackmail!"

The bald-headed old man said angrily:

"You broke my gem, so you must pay for it."

"What if I don't pay?" Mu En said with a half-smile.

"No compensation..."

The old man's cunning eyes turned, and he immediately lay on the ground and rolled over:

"Oh, everyone, come and see, someone broke my things and didn't pay for it, is this fair? Is this lawful? Isn't this bullying an honest person?"

It was originally a busy street, and when the old man made such a fuss, the crowd gathered immediately, pointing at the old man and Mu En.

At this time, someone in uniform suddenly squeezed in from the crowd.

"What are you doing? What are you doing here?"

It's a security patrolman.

The patrolman holding a baton glanced at the scene and when he looked at Mu En, his eyes were obviously brightened, and then he asked the old man:

"What happened?"

"Officer, you have to make the decision for me!"

Seeing the appearance of the patrolman, the bald old man suddenly became more confident, stood up and pointed at Mu En and said.

"He broke my things! He didn't pay for it! He bullied me because I'm an old man with no one to rely on."


The patrolman approached, slapped the baton in his hand, looked at Mu En and said:

"Boy, if you damage other people's property, you have to pay according to the price. This is a matter of course. You should know it."

"Of course I know."

"In that case, just pay it back quickly, don't block the road here and delay everyone's business." The patrolman said impatiently.

"Look at the clothes you're wearing. It shouldn't be a big deal to take out 100,000 Emiles."

"That's right. Compensating according to the price is only natural."

"Boy, you're not going to default on your debt, are you?"

As the patrolman said, many onlookers immediately accused Mu En.

For a moment, Mu En seemed to have really become a scum who had damaged the precious gems of an elderly widow and refused to compensate.

But when Mu En turned around, he found that the people who spoke were actually a few fixed people hiding in the crowd.

"Oh, junior, you seem to have encountered the specialty of the lower city of Belrand." Senior sister Anna watched from the side, and her face didn't seem to be worried at all, but instead had a smile like watching a good show.


"It's this kind of blackmail by officials, thieves and the people. They usually target people like my junior who look rich. Many people fall into this trap every year. I thought this street would be better, but it seems that it's the same everywhere in the downtown area?"

"So arrogant? Aren't you afraid of getting hurt by a tough guy?"

"This is the downtown area. The downtown area is full of dirt and stench that the big men above don't even bother to look at. There are no tough guys there. And people like this usually have a gang background. They have already memorized the local people who can't be provoked, so they will target a young boy like my junior who is obviously an outsider."

"Do I look so easy to bully?"

Mu En scratched his head.

After all, he has a yellow-haired face, so why do he always encounter this kind of exclusive plot for the protagonist.

"What are you talking about?"

The patrolman's face turned pale when he heard Anna's words. When he looked at Anna, he glanced at her pretty face and the enchanting figure that could not be covered by the dress. His eyes suddenly became hot and he sneered:

"You don't look like a good person. I suspect you stole someone else's things and hid them on your body. You have to come back to the police station with me later and investigate it carefully."

Mu En's expression suddenly became gloomy when he heard this.

He stepped forward, blocking the patrolman's sight, and said in a deep voice:

"This is interesting. Can a mere public security patrolman arrest people without evidence?"

"What do you mean by not talking about evidence? Now there are evidences and evidences!" The patrolman looked arrogant, as if he had done this countless times, so he seemed to be familiar with it.

Anyway, as long as you intimidate them, most people will be obedient.

"Ha, it seems that talking nonsense with you is just a waste of time."

Mu En sighed and took out a family emblem with a sword pattern carved on it.

"Do you know this?"

"What is this?"

"You don't know it? Then go find someone who knows it."

"Who do you think you are? Why should I listen to you?"

The patrolman sneered again.

You don't even have a pass for the Red Fire Gang, why are you pretending to be so arrogant?

But the next moment, he saw a powerful fist as big as a casserole, which quickly enlarged in his eyes.

"Why? Just because of this!"

Mu En rarely burst out of his eyes with undisguised anger, and punched hard.

"I didn't want to do it at first, after all, that would show my rudeness in front of the senior sister, but it seems that it's faster to deal with it this way!"

The patrolman's face, which was still arrogant, was instantly twisted under Mu En's fist, and then the whole person flew backwards.

While he was wailing on the ground and had not completely lost consciousness, Mu En added coldly:

"Of course, the most important thing is that your eyes are too dirty."


"It's over, it seems that I have hit a hard spot."

On the other side, the old man with a bald head turned pale instantly when he saw the patrolman being punched away by Mu En.

He took advantage of the chaos of the crowd and crawled on the ground to sneak away, but his palm was suddenly stepped on by a white leather boot.

Anna pressed her long skirt to prevent the sanctuary from being peeped, looked down at the terrified old man and smiled: "What's wrong, old man, don't you want compensation?"


Just as Mu En said, when he directly "attacked the police", the development of the matter accelerated.

First, a fat man with a big belly came cursing in a crowd of people. After seeing the family emblem in Mu En's hand, the anger on his face instantly turned into fear, and the fat on his body was almost scared off by dozens of pounds.

Then, a black carriage came so fast that the wheels almost ran away. A middle-aged bald man with dark circles under his eyes like a giant panda jumped off the carriage and almost rolled to Mu En.

"Master... Campbell."

The bald middle-aged man kept wiping the sweat from his forehead:

"How come you have time to come to the lower city?"

"Why? Can't I come to the lower city?"

Mu En glanced at the middle-aged man who had met him once before, so he still remembered him:

"Viscount Gu En, right? It seems that you don't manage the lower city very well."

"My fault, my fault, I will definitely change it, I will definitely change it!"

Viscount Gu En smiled humbly.

My heart has been broken into pieces.

Has he accidentally stepped on someone's ancestral grave recently?

First, the son of an earl died, attracting the princess.

Now even the son of the duke came to hang out, and happened to run into this kind of thing.

What's going on? When did the Lower Town become a tourist attraction for you high-ranking people?

You are putting my already limited hair in even greater danger!

"I know everything. I will handle it properly and give Master Campbell a satisfactory answer.

So, does the Master have any other requests?" Viscount Gu En asked cautiously, wiping his cold sweat.

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