"No more, disappear from my eyes."

Mu En waved her hands impatiently.

Gu Enru was granted amnesty, and he led a group of men, escorting the patrolman and the old man, and fled quickly.

Calm soon returned to the streets.

Mu En looked at the senior sister who was waiting aside, and the gloom on her face instantly disappeared, turning into a helpless smile:

"I always feel like my good mood has been disturbed."


Anna tilted her head and said with a smile:

"But I thought my junior was very handsome just now."

"Have it?"

"Of course, especially the sentence 'your eyes are too dirty', does it feel like the prince in the story?"

"too exaggerated."

"But it is true."


At this moment, looking at Senior Anna's crescent-shaped eyes, Mu En's heart couldn't help but throb again.

"Then shall we continue?"

"Yeah, okay."

So the date continued.

Mu En flipped through the "Bellander Dating Guide" again and determined the new route.

Just when she was still hesitating whether to go left to the food street with good ratings or go right to the riverside where she heard there would be a fireworks show at night, Anna was distracted by other things.

"Junior, look, it's a cat."

On a stone bench by the roadside, a milk-white kitten was curled up there, meowing.

"Senior, do you like cats?"

Mu En asked subconsciously.

But there was no need to answer, because Anna had already stepped forward lightly.


"Meow meow……"

"Meow meow~"

"Meow meow meow meow..."

Anna imitated the cat's meow while carefully approaching the kitten.

She learned the same thing, so the kitten's wariness was quickly broken.

In a trance, in Mu En's eyes, senior Anna seemed to have turned into a cat, meowing lazily under the sun.

"So cute..." Mu En said subconsciously.

"Yes, this cat is so cute."

Anna had successfully put the cute kitten into her arms, and was gently scratching the kitten's chin, and the kitten purred comfortably.

"It seemed injured."

Anna looked at the kitten's hind legs with pity. There was a hideous wound there, almost as deep as the bone. That's why the kitten kept curling up here and refused to run away when a stranger approached.

Anna thought for a while, took out scissors and a knife, and scraped off the cat hair and carrion on the kitten's hind legs.

The kitten was in pain, and immediately scratched a few bloody marks on the back of Anna's hand.


"I'm fine."

Anna didn't care, and while gently holding the kitten down, she took out the magic potion and poured it on the kitten's wound.

The wound was visibly healed, and Anna carefully used a bandage to bandage the kitten.

By the time this was done, the kitten had regained its ability to move. It seemed to be shocked by the pain just now. It kicked on Anna's legs, jumped up to the big tree nearby, and left quickly.

"Oh, what a shame."

Looking at the missing kitten, Anna seemed a little reluctant to let go.

"I want to masturbate a little longer."

"Senior, are you okay?"

Mu En came over and looked at the scars on her hands.

"It's okay, just a little scratch."

Anna poured the remaining potion in the bottle on the back of her hand, and the small scars quickly healed without leaving even a trace.

"Look, the potion is powerful."

Anna seemed to be showing off.

"Awesome, senior sister is the best."

Mu En was a little bit dumbfounded. She didn't expect that senior Anna would have such a childish side.

"Nothing but junior."

Anna suddenly lifted her chin, looked at Mu En, and said with a half-smile:

"After waiting for so long, you should have figured out where to go next."


The corners of Mu En's mouth suddenly froze.

It's over, he was so absorbed in watching his senior sister that he forgot about it.

Finally, we decided to find a restaurant for lunch.

Mu En suddenly remembered that he had not eaten for more than thirty hours because of the sudden loud sound in his stomach.

His stomach was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back, but the anticipation of dating his senior sister made him temporarily suppress his body's instinctive desire.

Although this date, which he was looking forward to very much, had not gone well so far.

"But there will be no problem this time!"

Mu En clenched her fists and said confidently.

There is a saying that if you want to capture a woman's heart, you have to capture her stomach. So along the way, what he saw the most in the guide was about the various famous restaurants on this street.

So after many comparisons, Mu En finally settled on a private restaurant that he couldn't fault from the ratings to the decoration in the pictures.

The only drawback is that it is a bit remote, and the location has even left this commercial street and is on another street called Dulanque, which is mostly residential.

However, for a date, isn’t that quiet environment, paired with pleasant music and candlelight, the most perfect scene?

As long as you are a woman, it is impossible not to be attracted by a perfect candlelight evening...candlelight lunch!

"It seems I have to look forward to it." Looking at the confident Mu En, Anna couldn't help but smile.

"why is it like this."

Half an hour later, after finally finding this small restaurant that was indeed in a very remote location, Mu En couldn't help but start to doubt his life.

"Why... is it closed?"

Looking at the two big words "temporarily closed" on the closed door of the restaurant, and then looking at the strange look on the face of the senior sister, Mu En once again fell into the fear of being dominated by an extremely unlucky person

What's going on?

Am I really so unlucky?

Forget about the blackmail first, why is it that I finally found a suitable restaurant, but it's not open?

Isn't today Sunday?

Generally speaking, will there be restaurants that choose to close on Sundays?

I just want to have a date, is it so difficult?

"I don't believe this evil, thief God, you have the ability to make me more unlucky!"

Mu En couldn't help but have red eyes and roared to the sky.

Then, as if it was natural because he forgot something, Mu En heard another familiar voice at this moment.

"Mu... Mu En classmate?"

61. Each with his own thoughts

"Mu En classmate!"

In the quiet and remote street, the girl's surprised voice, coupled with the shaking wind chimes in front of the door, finally made Mu En feel the chill of this late autumn season.

"Sha...Sha Li classmate?"

Mu En turned his head stiffly. Even if he silently said countless times in his heart that this was an auditory hallucination, the familiar pretty face wearing huge black-framed glasses could not be avoided.

"You... why are you here?"

"Why am I here?"

Sha Li showed a strange look on her face: "This is my home."



Mu En's mind was confused for a moment, and then he turned his head quickly at a speed that he could almost hear his cervical spine wailing, and looked at the restaurant's house number.

Dulank Street-No. 15!


I am the reason why this address is so familiar, and I can choose it at a glance in the vast information.

It is the address that classmate Sha Li gave me!

In other words, this is her family's restaurant!

"Strange, did my brain go crazy after soaking in the well of mercury for thirty hours? I actually forgot something so important?"

"Student Mu En, what are you mumbling about?"

Sally came over, her slightly red cheeks revealing a full surprise:

"Okay, it's cold outside, don't stay here, come in with me, I knew that Student Mu En would come, so I asked Dad to temporarily close the restaurant and wait inside."

So this is why your restaurant is closed on weekends!

"No, forget it, I have other things to do, so I won't go in..."

"Eh? Student Mu En, didn't you come here because of my invitation?"

The excitement in Sally's eyes suddenly disappeared. Although she was unarmed, Mu En suddenly had the illusion that she was standing in front of him with a hatchet.

Mu En couldn't help but shudder.

Is this little girl so scary?

And haven't we only met two or three times? Is she really so obsessed with me?

Could it be that...

She covets my beauty?

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